The Taqiyya Factor

Taqiyya is an Islamic doctrine that allows Muslims to deceive non-Muslims. As in lie to them. Dr. Sami Mukaram, author of Taqiyya in Islam, writes: “Taqiyya is of fundamental importance in Islam. Practically every Islamic sect agrees to it and practices it… Taqiyya is very prevalent in Islamic politics, especially in the modern era.” (Specific references to taqiyya in the Quran, the Hadith, and in Islamic law, can be found here.)

Blinken describes IEA as ‘implacable enemy’ of Daesh

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Thursday that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) is an “implacable” enemy of Daesh and it continues to act against the group.

Speaking in a press conference with his Saudi counterpart in Riyadh, Blinken said that the US will prevent a resurgence of terrorism emanating from Afghanistan.

Guantanamo Prison: American Gulag Of 21st Century – OpEd

The Guantanamo Bay military prison or detention center is an integral part of the US naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The USA has had a naval base on the modern communist island since 1903, and it is the oldest American naval base abroad. Cuban authorities consider the Guantanamo base a classic relic of colonial history, and the socialist government in Havana has never recognized the agreements that led to the establishment of the naval-military base. The Cubans are right because the military base and prison (camp) there are relics of colonialism that remain in operation to this day like Guam, American Samoa, Malvinas, French Guiana.

He will not be able to manage; our work starts now

The nature and ideology of the chief, as well as the situation he is in, command hardening. Moreover, it will now be based on the most right-wing parliament in the history of the republic. It’s hard not to open the “Gates of Hell” all the way. One thing is certain: Our work begins now.

Romania yields to the blackmail of Jewish organisations

The press of the whole world has reverberated with the news: Romania, after persistently saying that it had incurred no personal responsibility in what is conventionally called “the extermination of the Jews” (or “the Holocaust” or “the Shoah”), has at last seen the error of its ways and is set to do penance. In France, Le Monde recently bore the headline, “Romania formally acknowledges its participation in the extermination of the Jews” (article by Mirel Bran, 17 November 2004, p. 7).

War And Friendship In A Time Of War – Book Review

Salman Rushdie once commented that those who are displaced by war are the shining shards that reflect the truth. With so many people fleeing wars and ecological collapse in our world today, and more to come, we need acute truth-telling to deepen our understanding and recognize the terrible faults of those who have caused so much suffering in our world today. In The Mercenary, Jeffrey Stern has accomplished a tremendous feat inasmuch as every paragraph aims to tell the truth.


Rustam Nugumanov

“Terrorism is when the US plant a dictatorial regime somewhere,

relying on bayonets and using terror against his own people.

Former CIA officer F. Agee.

Intervention in the internal affairs of foreign states became one of the primary directions of US foreign policy immediately after the end of World War II. The key tool in achieving these goals is becoming an agency with virtually unlimited powers, approved in accordance with the National Security Act of 1947, referred to as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Le Forum économique mondial nous promet l’esclavage par l’intelligence artificielle

La mission du Forum économique mondial (World Economic Forum, WEF) est remarquablement simple : le gouvernement mondial doit être confié aux meilleurs et aux plus intelligents. En langage WEF, un schéma de supervision totale et de modification du comportement créera un avenir «durable» pour l’humanité. Les humains sont perçus comme des «choses» à compter, mélanger, catégoriser, étiqueter, surveiller, manipuler et contrôler. Ils deviennent de simples rouages ​​de la grande machine technocratique transhumaniste du WEF.