L’islam est-il vraiment incompatible avec la France?
Eric Zemmour a déclaré sur CNews voir un problème « fondamental » entre l’islam et la France. Notre contributeur revient sur cet affrontement entre droit divin et droit positif.
Eric Zemmour a déclaré sur CNews voir un problème « fondamental » entre l’islam et la France. Notre contributeur revient sur cet affrontement entre droit divin et droit positif.
In Sweden, crucial societal issues, such as who is behind the current crime epidemic, are a public taboo.
The headscarf is, of course, just a symptom of a deeper problem: many perceive it as the symbol of an invasion by an outside culture into the public sphere.
The refusal of the French government to take back Islamic State fighters from Syria could fuel a new jihadist recruitment drive in France, threatening public safety, a leading anti-terrorism investigator has said.
While much of the discussion around disinformation focuses on the role of nation-states, violent non-state actors have also developed fairly sophisticated disinformation capabilities.
The contribution should provide a policy proposal regarding the future of EU migration and asylum policies, defined as precisely as possible and accompanied by an explanation about their added value;
The Tampere conclusions adopted by the European Council in October 1999 under the Finnish Presidency deeply influenced EU migration & asylum policies. This conference, more than celebrating their 20th anniversary, will explore upcoming developments: a new strategic agenda to be adopted by the European Council; a renewed Parliament and Commission with new policy priorities following the European elections; and a five-year programme (2020-2024) including migration and asylum policies that should also be adopted by the European Council.
EMN Finland, the Odysseus Academic Network and the European Policy Centre (EPC) organise this event to provide ideas and suggestions for the five-year programme mentioned above. A call for contributions has been launched to fuel the five preparatory workshops in charge of drafting papers to be discussed at the conference. A final document will be presented after the conference to the EU institutions, and to the Member States for discussion. The conference follows the structure of the Tampere conclusions as following:
Workshops will leave ample time for a discussion with participants. High-level speakers, policy makers, stakeholders and academics from all over Europe will figure among the speakers. High level speakers such as Director General of the IOM Antonio Vitorino, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi, Executive Director of EASO Nina Gregori and ICMPD Director General Michael Spindelegger have confirmed their participation. High level representatives of EU institutions and Agencies, Member States, NGOs as well as leading academics will participate.
As a consequence of taking in so many migrants within a relatively short time span, not only during the extraordinary migration crisis in 2015 but generally in the years 2012-2017, municipalities are fighting high unemployment, a rise in child poverty and rising social welfare expenditures, according to Jim Frölander.
Radicalization in prison has long been a critical issue in the West (and beyond), where prisons have sometimes been turned in recruitment and proselytization hubs by different kinds of extremists, including jihadists. As is well known, one of the main concerns is that radicalized subjects may indoctrinate other common detainees. Italy has also been affected by this phenomenon and jihadist radicalization in prison represents a concrete threat. This analysis presents an overview of the problem, based on the latest available data. As of late 2018, there were 66 detainees who were either awaiting trial or already sentenced for crimes related to “international Islamic terrorism”. These individuals were placed in a special section (the “High Security 2” – AS2 circuit) and were rigorously separated from other detainees. In addition, as of October 19, 2018, there were a total of 478 individuals flagged for radicalization in Italian prisons: 233 in the 1st level – High; 103 in the 2nd – Medium; 142 in the 3rd level – Low. Furthermore, in an attempt to counter violent extremism and radicalization, Italian authorities have been increasingly deporting foreign individuals for national security reasons. In 2018, no fewer than 79 individuals had been expelled upon release from prison. In the face of these new challenges, Italian authorities are strengthening their commitment to identify and counter the threat posed by jihadist radicalization in prison. These efforts include identification and monitoring activities also thorough indicators of violent radicalization, management of extremists after release from prison, training of staff, and rehabilitation initiatives.
Britain’s Parliament descended into angry shouting on September 25 as the country remains in turmoil over Brexit.