Norwegian police chief Benedicte Bjørnland is unable to rid from her mind the certainty that mistreating a copy of the Koran is wrong and that she and her fellow flatfoots should, under some statute or other, have the power to do something about it. In short, for the Norwegian police, the Koran is, in a way, as holy as it is for Muslims.
Can a plan to replicate the EU’s freedom of movement in the Balkans transform the region — or is it all about political posturing?
A week before the European Union dashed the EU hopes of Albania and North Macedonia back in October, the prime ministers of those countries met with Serbia’s president and unveiled a regional initiative that was quickly dubbed the “mini Schengen”.
The continuing debate over migration is, at its core, about European federalism and the degree to which the European Union will be allowed to usurp decision-making powers from its 28 member states.
Conditions in Sweden have deteriorated so drastically — with everything from child care to elder care being deprived of funds that are instead being used to feed, clothe and house refugees, faux refugees, and other foreign freeloaders — that many Norwegians worry, with good reason, about a massive spillover of social chaos, poverty and crime from a country with which it shares a thousand-mile-long border.
Editor of Jewish monthly calls on other countries in Europe to follow suit ‘so that fewer Palestinian children will be educated to hate — at least not with European money’.
“The industries have a very limited need for people without experience and education.” — Johanna Odö, municipal councilor; Aftonbladet, October 3, 2019.
Now, to save money, the Ystad municipality will no longer serve hot meals to the elderly and cleaning services will be limited to once every three weeks.
Motala municipality had said that it would lower the heat in buildings managed by the city, including old age homes, to save money. “We will take care of the elderly; they will not be freezing, they can have blankets,” the message went.
Meanwhile, in June, the Swedish parliament voted in favor of a law that is likely to increase immigration to Sweden based on family reunification.
Every fourth municipality and every third region in Sweden ran a budget deficit in 2018. Many municipalities are making budget cuts. The cities of Ystad and Motala will no longer serve hot meals to the elderly. Motala announced that it would lower the heat in buildings managed by the city, including old age homes, to save money. Pictured: An elderly homeless man in Stockholm, Sweden. (Image source: iStock)
The current image of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia continues to take a hit. Earlier this month was the one year anniversary of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey. The situation in Yemen continues to fester and earlier this summer a series of UAV strikes targeted the country including the Petroleum Industry.
We are roughly thirty days into Operation Peace Spring. The Turkish Intervention into Northeastern Syria which was launched days after President Trump made the controversial decision to shift the small US Troop presence in the Country.
CHRISTMAS is right around the corner and that means festive markets are popping up across Europe’s cities. A favourite of tourists over the season, unfortunately, recent years have meant they also carry a threat. The FCO has issued an updated warning on the risk of terrorism at Europe’s favourite Christmas markets.
Ceci n’a que la valeur d’un témoignage, et est vieux de dix ans de surcroît. Mais…
Le ton est tellement vite monté à propos du voile que je livre ce témoignage tel quel, même si je me doute bien que ce n’est pas nécessairement ce que veut entendre le lectorat de Causeur. Comme le malheur des temps m’y oblige –on se croirait dans les années 70-, je vais dire d’où je parle. Une double filiation communiste et chrétienne, mais si, ça existe tout comme en Italie d’ailleurs, quelque part entre le PCF et la JOC pour ceux qui se souviennent encore de ce que recouvre ces cycles.