Anarchists in Germany, Greece and Uruguay Claim Responsibility for a Series of Attacks on Municipal, Police and Security Vehicles.

This past week, TRAC Analyst, Kelsey Tamplin discovered on the Act for Free website (, several claims of responsibility for Anarchists’ attacks in Berlin, Germany; Montevideo, Uruguay; and Thessaloniki, Greece in early January and at the start of February. The methods of attacks ranged from throwing stones at police vehicles to setting vehicles on fire.

The United States: A “Destroyer Of Nations”

In the aftermath of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 – an invasion which many Iraqis believe left their country in the worst condition it has been since the Mongol invasion of 1258 — there was much discussion in the media about the Bush Administration’s goal for “nation-building” in that country. Of course, if there ever were such a goal, it was quickly abandoned, and one hardly ever hears the term “nation-building” discussed as a U.S. foreign policy objective anymore.

In Bosnia’s First ‘Deradicalised’ Syria Fighter, Limited Lessons

For 20 years, Misin Deliu constructed his own monologue in his mind about what he would tell the court on the day he would be called to testify.

Deliu was one of just two survivors of a massacre of Rezalle, a village in the north-western Kosovo municipality of Skenderaj/Srbica, where Serbian forces killed 98 Albanian civilians on April 5, 1999.

Reforme dictate și guverne controlate de companii

Aproape două milioane de români riscă să rămână fără pensii, generația celor născuți în anii 1970, ne avertizează guvernul PNL. ”Sistemul de pensii este ca un Caritas”, ne spune ministrul de Finante. „Se lucrează la un proiect. Dacă vă aduceţi aminte, există şi în Camera Deputaţilor un astfel de proiect prin care să poţi să optezi pentru a putea lucra până la 70 de ani. Dacă se va ajunge la concluzia că există o susţinere pentru această idee, este posibil să luăm această măsură”, spune vicepremierul Raluca Turcan. Tot ea spune că Pilonul II de pensii trebuie întărit, că pensia trebuie cât mai mult asigurată dintr-o sursă de finanțare alternativă.