Turkey says it killed 17 Kurdish militants in northern Iraq, Syria

Turkish forces have killed 17 militants of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) across various regions of northern Iraq and northern Syria, the defence ministry said on Friday.

In a post on social media platform X, the ministry said its forces had “neutralised” 10 PKK insurgents found in the Gara and Hakurk regions of northern Iraq, and in an area where the Turkish military frequently mounts cross-border raids under its “Claw-Lock Operation”.

Iran’s Military Strategy: Stick or Twist?

The recent outbreak of open conflict between Iran and Israel has upended the notional strategic stability of the ‘shadow war’ between the two, and it is possible that a return to the status quo will be harder to achieve than expected.

The nuclear fatwa that wasn’t—how Iran sold the world a false narrative

“The idea struck me to introduce the concept of a fatwa [during the 2004 nuclear] negotiations. There was no coordination [in advance],” Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator at the time recounted eight years after the incident. This was nothing short of a stroke of genius in shaping a false narrative about the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program, which was delivered by a cleric who eventually rose in the ranks and became a two-term president (2013–2021): Hassan Rouhani.

The Islamic State: Background, Current Status, And US Policy – Analysis

The Islamic State (IS) is a transnational Sunni Islamist insurgent and terrorist group. At its 2015 height, the group controlled large areas of Iraq and Syria from which it launched attacks in the region and beyond. While the group no longer controls territory outright in Syria and Iraq, U.S. military officials warn that it continues to operate and has worked to expand its global presence through affiliates in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.

À propos des «démocraties» britannique, allemande, française sionisées

Ghassan Abu Sitta est un chirurgien de guerre britanico-palestinien de 55 ans qui a été élu le 24 mars dernier avec 80% des suffrages exprimés par les étudiants, recteur de l’université de Glasgow, la 4ème plus ancienne du monde. En 2021, il est chargé de cours au Centre for Blast Injury Studies de l’Imperial College de Londres. Il est connu pour avoir apporté à plusieurs reprises une assistance médicale humanitaire en tant que chirurgien dans plusieurs zones de guerre : en Irak, au Liban, en Syrie, au Yémen et bien sûr dans les hôpitaux de la bande de Gaza après chaque bombardement meurtrier israélien consécutif aux révoltes palestiniennes de 1989 à nos jours.

L’Axe de la Résistance

Les commentateurs de la guerre et de la paix se demandent souvent pourquoi la Russie et la Chine tolèrent que les États-Unis mènent autant d’activités terroristes, de guerres hybrides ou de changements de régime dans les pays du monde qui ne se soumettent pas aux règles occidentales. En ce qui concerne l’Ukraine, les critiques accusent la Russie de se battre avec la proverbiale «main dans le dos» au lieu de riposter durement contre les puissances occidentales qui sont réellement à l’origine des activités terroristes menées sur le sol russe par des agents ukrainiens mandatés.

Iran’s Dangerous New Terror Proxy: Sudan

Iran’s Encirclement of Israel, Control of Red Sea, Almost Complete

  • “What makes the future in this case darker is Sudan’s history of hosting extremists and jihadists from the far right and far left. During the previous regime, Sudan hosted Osama bin Laden, leader of Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Carlos the Jackal. This warm embrace of violent extremists earned Sudan a spot on the list of state sponsors of terrorism.”— Areej Elhag, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, January 31, 2024.
  • The bottom line for America and Europe is that the strategy of engaging and appeasing Iran has failed miserably.
  • The U.S. and Europe must step up now to counter Iran’s efforts in the Middle East and Sudan.
  • We cannot allow new “proxies of terror” for Iran.

While the Biden administration is preoccupied trying to win re-election this November, as well as putting out a series of fires it helped start in Ukraine, the Middle East and the Indo-Pacific, a new area of urgent concern, largely flying under the public’s radar, has been brewing: Iran’s increasing penetration of Sudan.

Hamas and Hezbollah: How Iran Is Secretly Infiltrating Europe

“Hamas sees Western countries such as Germany as a refuge in which the organization can concentrate on collecting donations, recruiting new supporters, and spreading its propaganda.” — Germany’s domestic intelligence service, apnews.com, November 23, 2023.

In February, Belgium’s justice minister confirmed that Hamas operates in Brussels… through a network of front companies raising funds for the terrorist organization… Belgian authorities nevertheless continue to allow Hamas to operate there.

Qatar-Owned Al-Jazeera to Close Israel Bureau Pending Israeli Cabinet Vote

Latest Developments

Israel’s attorney general, Gali Baharav-Miara, greenlit the closure of Qatar-owned Al-Jazeera’s Israel-based news operations on May 2, allowing the Israeli cabinet to bring the measure to a vote. If passed, the measure will suspend Al-Jazeera broadcasts on Israeli platforms, block access to Al-Jazeera’s websites, and force Al-Jazeera to close its offices in Israel.