Rejecting Pentagon claim, IRGC urges US to stop ‘unprofessional behavior’ in Persian Gulf, Hormuz Strait

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has rejected the Pentagon’s claims that speedboats belonging to the elite Iranian force sparked an encounter with the US vessels, warning the Americans not to endanger shipping security in the Persian Gulf through “provocative” and “unprofessional” behavior.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, the IRGC said the US navy’s account of the encounter in the strategic Hormuz Strait was “untrue” and part of an “escape-forward” strategy, calling on the American navy to refrain from “unprofessional behavior” and respect maritime regulations.

Palestinians: Our True Goal is to Destroy Israel

The Palestinians are upset because Jews are being permitted to tour the Temple Mount. The Palestinians do not want to see Jews visiting their holy site; they do not want to see Jews in Jerusalem, and they do not want to see any Jew at all in the land that stretches from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

No one is disputing the Palestinians’ right to protest Israeli policies. Yet when the protests turn into large pro-Hamas demonstrations, with calls for bombing Tel Aviv and killing Jews, they expose the true deadly intention of the protesters.

Unsafe and Unprofessional Interaction with IRGCN FIAC in Strait of Hormuz

On May 10, 2021, Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) fast in-shore attack craft (FIAC), a type of speedboat armed with machine guns, conducted unsafe and unprofessional maneuvers and failed to exercise due regard for the safety of U.S. forces as required under international law while operating in close proximity to U.S. naval vessels transiting the Strait of Hormuz.

Iran’s ‘Drug Terrorism’ Against Arabs

While Israel is seeking to dissuade the Biden administration from rejoining the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran… Tehran’s mullahs and their Lebanese Hezbollah terror proxy are busy drowning the Arab countries with drugs.

“Israel is far more honorable than the drug-dealers…. [The drug dealers’] ultimate goal is to destroy Saudi Arabia by every available means. They are smuggling weapons and drugs to the Gulf states, but when they are confronted, they accuse the governments of these states of siding with Israel, and they raise the slogan of liberating Jerusalem, while their missiles are only targeting Riyadh and Mecca.” — Turki Al-Hamad, Saudi academic, Rai Al-Youm, April 25, 2021.

On the Insidious Discourse of “Terrorism” in the US and How it Functions to Demonize Palestine Advocates and Muslims

Professor Heike Schotten — Still captured from We Will Not Be Silenced webinar at the University of Massachusetts Boston

After Heike Schotten, Associate Professor at the University of Massachusetts Boston (UMB), co-organized and moderated a webinar at the University of Massachusetts Boston entitled We Will not Be Silenced: The Repression of Academic Freedom and Resistance, from Leila Khaled to UMass Boston, UMB’s public records access office received a request from the Zionist Advocacy Center in New York “pursuant to the provisions of the Massachusetts Public Record Law” for emails from and to the webinar participants that use the terms “Israel,” “Palestine,” “Leila Khaled,” or “We Will Not Be Silenced” between June 1, 2020-October 25, 2020.

Des militaires ont-ils le droit de dire qu’ils s’inquiètent pour la France?

Des centaines de militaires, de tous grades, ont co-signé une lettre ouverte aux représentants de la Nation, texte relayé depuis dans Valeurs Actuelles.

Ils y font part de leurs inquiétudes, que toute personne de bonne foi au fait de la situation du pays ne peut que partager. Ils affirment qu’ils sont disposés à servir la France aux côtés de tous les politiques qui, contre l’islamisme, contre ceux qui sèment la haine raciale, et à l’écoute du peuple, auront à cœur « d’appliquer sans faiblesse des lois qui existent déjà » car « il ne peut et ne doit exister aucune ville, aucun quartier où les lois de la République ne s’appliquent pas. »

Les Turcs en France: un «isolat» séparatiste?

«L’assimilation est un crime contre l’humanité» affirmait le président turc Erdogan en Allemagne en 2008. En France, qu’il se rassure, les immigrés turcs ne se caractérisent pas franchement par leur assimilation. Chiffres.

Au mois d’octobre 2020, diverses villes de France ont été le théâtre des mêmes scènes stupéfiantes. À Dijon, Vienne ou Décines, plusieurs centaines d’individus brandissant des drapeaux turcs ont improvisé des défilés à la nuit tombée, scandant des slogans à la gloire du président Erdogan, des invocations religieuses (« Allah akbar ») ainsi que des menaces de mort envers la population d’origine arménienne.