West Africa: France Losing Its Grip on Former African Strongholds?

France seems to be losing the grip it once had on its former colonies, and the rift is growing every day.

“Sixty years on, francophone countries in Africa still do not have true independence and freedom from France,” Nathalie Yamb, adviser to Ivory Coast’s Freedom and Democracy Party (LIDER), told Deutche Welle in 2020. Even the content of school textbooks was often still determined by France, Yamb said, and the political systems in many of the countries were introduced by France.

Sahara occidental : Staffan de Mistura, mission impossible 2

Entré en fonction il y a tout juste un an, l’envoyé personnel du secrétaire général de l’ONU pour le Sahara occidental a hérité d’un dossier complexe sur lequel il a peu de prise.

Des encouragements. C’est ce dont a dû se contenter Staffan de Mistura, le 27 octobre, lorsque 13 des 15 pays membres du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU ont approuvé une résolution prolongeant d’un an le mandat de la Mission des Nations unies pour l’organisation d’un référendum au Sahara occidental (Minurso) jusqu’au 31 octobre 2023.

Options For Reviving Security Cooperation In The Sahel – Analysis

The Sahel is experiencing increasing political and security upheavals. A series of unconstitutional changes in government have occurred in Mali, Chad and Burkina Faso, with persistent insecurity and violent extremism spreading to West Africa’s coastal states.

The G5 Sahel Joint Force was set up in 2017 to fight terrorism and the trafficking of drugs and people in the region. Its objective was to foster regional cooperation and address security threats in its member countries – Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger.

Germany to Pull Troops From Mali by End 2023: Govt Source

Germany will end its participation in a UN peacekeeping mission in Mali by the end of next year, a government source told AFP on Wednesday after months of operational snags.

“By the end of 2023 at the latest, German soldiers are to end their involvement in the UN blue helmet mission MINUSMA,” the source said.

IntelBrief: French Withdrawal from Mali Leaves UN Peace Operation Vulnerable

Last Wednesday, November 9, French President Emmanuel Macron announced the end of Operation Barkhane, the counterterrorism operation established to address the jihadist threat in Mali.

The departure of French counterterrorism forces will leave the UN peace operation in Mali – the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) – increasingly vulnerable to terrorist attacks.