Mali : Migration irrégulière: l’AFPM outille des journalistes

L’association des femmes de la presse malienne (AFPM) a organisé, le vendredi 20 septembre, un atelier de formation à l’intention des journalistes sur les concepts de la migration et les enjeux actuels. C’était à la Maison de la presse en présence du représentant du ministère des Maliens de l’extérieur, le Dr Broulaye KEITA, et plusieurs femmes de la presse.

Le Niger se dote d’un pipeline pour exporter son pétrole via le Bénin

À l’horizon 2022, le Niger espère quintupler ses capacités d’exportations d’hydrocarbures, grâce à un nouveau pipeline via Cotonou. Avec cet ouvrage, dont les travaux doivent démarrer en janvier prochain, Niamey entend renforcer sa place dans le cercle des pays producteurs de pétrole sur le continent. Les travaux vont débuter en janvier prochain.


Specific Objectives of The Conference :

To help participants to develop an insight into and an understanding of the issues and ensuing debate around new trends and strategies in the provision of continuing education.

To help participant to understand and appreciate the evolution and relationships of society and technical means:

To provide participants with evidence from research findings and practice on the current state of the debates and discourses in new technology application to continuing education studies, that will redound to the promotion of positive attitudes and abilities in the proper use of these new tools, techniques and resources.


Research papers related to all areas of Social Science, Education, e-learning, Accounting, Banking, Finance, Economics, Management, Business Law, Business Ethics, and Business Education, e-business, Psychology, Sociology, political science, Computer Science, Anthropology, Philosophy, Journalism and Mass communication, Social work etc. are invited for the above international conference which is expected to be attended by the authors from various countries. People without papers can also participate in this conference.

If you are unable to attend the conference, you may still join the community and submit your article for peer review and possible publication, upload an online presentation, and enjoy subscriber access to the journal.