Recalibrating Coastal West Africa’s Response to Violent Extremism

Coastal West African countries can strengthen resiliency to the threat of violent extremism by enhancing a multilayered response addressing local, national, and regional priorities.


Extremist violence in the Sahel is spilling over into coastal West African countries.

Governments in coastal West African countries play the leading role in responding to this threat by proactively strengthening ties with local communities in vulnerable regions.

La France en Afrique : «Nouveau modèle de partenariat» et projets de revanche

Malgré l’instabilité politique bien connue de la Ve République, provoquée par les résultats des récentes élections législatives, la continuité du parcours militaro-politique de Paris en Afrique semble préservée. En outre, selon des responsables politiques africains, des preuves existent qui prouvent les liens entre la France et les terroristes.

The Wagner Group And Russian Foreign Policy Objectives in Sub-Saharan Africa

Abstract: France’s influence in its former Sub-Saharan African colonies has been slipping. Russia has been capitalising on popular anti-French sentiment, weak state security, and vulnerable infrastructure to advance its geopolitical goals on the continent. This is done through the use of the Wagner Group, a Russian-based Private Military Contractor (PMC), which has proved to be a veritable actor in international security. Per Neoclassical Realism, Wagner is the child of the Russian state’s view of global politics. Thus, Wagner has been created as a sustainable alternative to meet Russian foreign policy objectives without directly using Russian forces.

BRICS ‘Suspends’ Its Strategic Expansion: Implications And Challenges – Analysis

Russia has suspended BRICS expansion. It happened on the eve of the XVI summit under the motto “Strengthening Multilateralism for Equitable Global Development and Security” when a multitude of countries with interconnected interest are scheduled for converge in Kazan, capital city of the antonomous Republic of Tatarstan, Russia’s window to the lands of Islam and 2024 BRICS+ capital.


Established In: 1996-1997

Established By: Ibrahim Haji Jaama’ Al-Afghani

Also Known As: Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen, HSM, Al-Shabaab al-Islaam, Al-Shabaab al-Islamiya, Al-Shabaab al-Jihaad al Shabaab, As-Saḥab, Ash-Shabaab, Hezb al-Shabaab

Les voies des marchands juifs d’esclaves

«Alors que M. Yakub continuait à prêcher pour les convertis, il a dit à son peuple qu’il ferait travailler les autres pour eux. (Cette promesse s’est réalisée.) Naturellement, il y a toujours des gens autour qui aimeraient que d’autres fassent leur travail. Ce sont eux qui ont adhéré à 100% à l’enseignement de M. Yakub». – Le très honorable Elijah Muhammad, chapitre 55 du Message aux Noirs d’Amérique intitulé «La création du diable».