Tradition is a transcendent superhuman wisdom of the superhuman, divine knowledge transmitted to humanity through revelation, messages, sacred texts, fixed in the historical traditions of different peoples, in languages, rituals, customs, rules of conduct and morality, rituals, mysteries, reflected in metaphysics, philosophy, social structure, politics, statehood, art, etc.


I noticed that the consciousness of many simply cannot cope with the events of June 24th. Therefore, the trend is rising: “it just didn’t happen”; “everything was not real”; “They are there on purpose.” Only in this way can the acute pain of what happened be dulled. When it comes to the defensive reaction of a wide society, not particularly immersed in the sphere of meanings – in this case, political science meanings, this is understandable and acceptable: people are looking for loopholes for the continuity of the routine flow of the life world, in which events are either microscopic or they do not exist at all. But when those who claim seriousness and depth of analysis begin to broadcast the same thing, it just looks pathetic. In fact, the acute phase of the events of June 24 has been resolved, but nothing is completely over yet: now some specific actions of the authorities must follow, which will clarify the picture, and only then comes the minimum clarity. In the meantime, it may be premature to comment on the meanings: since the whole process has not been completely completed, the resulting one may be different. After all, what began and continues, acquires meaning in its completion – and not before. You never know what can happen in the course of the deployment of such a critical chain of events. Full analytics ahead.


Stages of diurn: from logos to logistics
Let us trace the fate of the logos in Postmodernity. It is extremely important to always remember that the logos is one of the manifestations of the heroic myth , that is, the product of the diurna regime (according to J. Durand’s classification)). And not unique and not absolute. Logos includes the antithetical and pleonasmic sides of the heroic myth (heterogenizing homogenization) and brings them to the last limit. But at the same time, it leaves in the myth (in the unconscious) such aspects of diurn as a direct mad will to power, passionarity and hyperbolization. Of course, these aspects of the diurna – relatives of the logos – penetrate the logos, but not explicitly , but due to the inertia of the heroic myths’ attraction to each other (that is, not logically).

La rébellion de Evgueni Prigojine

Contrairement aux commentaires de la presse occidentale, Evgueni Prigojine n’a jamais tenté de coup d’État contre Vladimir Poutine. Il a voulu le faire chanter afin de conserver les privilèges exorbitants qu’il a accumulés depuis la création de sa société militaire privée. Puis il s’est rendu à la raison et a réintégré son poste.

Prigozhin’s Mutiny Is the Beginning of Putin’s End

Nobody in Russia understands what the war in Ukraine is about. And now, nobody knows if that war is coming to them.

When I saw the first images of armed men in ragtag uniforms taking over the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don on Saturday morning, I was immediately reminded of the “little green men” who began showing up in cities in Crimea and eastern Ukraine in 2014. Like the Russian troops and soldiers-of-fortune who began the Kremlin’s covert invasion of Ukraine, the fighters in Rostov displayed no insignia as they seized key buildings, including the headquarters of Russia’s Southern Military District. Just as in Ukraine nine years ago, there was no resistance from local law enforcement officers, who chose life over a fight with determined gunmen.

Moscow’s Mayhem Isn’t Over Yet

Top Russian officials rallied around President Vladimir Putin in a clear sign of support for the Kremlin on Monday, two days after paramilitary Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin seized the strategic city of Rostov-on-Don and began an advance toward the capital.

Conflit au Soudan: vers un nouveau front dans la région du Nil Bleu?

Au Soudan, des combats entre l’armée régulière et le Sudan People’s Liberation Movement–North (SPLM-Nord), un groupe armé local, ont été signalés le 25 juin 2023 dans la région du Nil Bleu, à la frontière avec l’Éthiopie. Un nouveau front dans le conflit soudanais qui a débuté le 15 avril 2023 entre les troupes du général al-Burhan et les Forces de soutien rapide du général Hemedti ?

Au Sahel, le trafic de drogue prospère grâce aux groupes armés

Les quantités de cocaïne, saisies notamment au Mali, au Burkina Faso et au Niger ont explosé en 2022 selon le rapport de l’Office des Nations unies contre la drogue et le crime.

Le trafic de drogues continue de prospérer au Sahel grâce aux groupes armés non étatiques qui y sont très actifs, indique l’Office des Nations unies contre la drogue et le crime (ONUDC), dans son rapport 2023 publié lundi 26 juin à Niamey.

Le groupe Wagner va continuer ses opérations au Mali et en Centrafrique, affirme la diplomatie russe

Le groupe paramilitaire Wagner va continuer d’opérer au Mali et en Centrafrique, a assuré le 26 juin 2023 le chef de la diplomatie russe, qui affirme en outre que la rébellion de cette organisation en Russie n’affectera pas la relation entre Moscou et ses amis. Les membres de Wagner travaillent au Mali et en République centrafricaine « comme instructeurs » vont « bien sûr continuer », a déclaré Sergueï Lavrov dans un entretien à la chaîne RT.

The Multifaceted Threat Of Afghanistan’s Instability: Implications For Neighbors And The Global Community – OpEd

The ongoing instability in Afghanistan has far-reaching implications not only for its neighboring countries but also for the global community. As the country grapples with political turmoil, security challenges, and social unrest, the repercussions of this instability reverberate across regional and international borders.

This article delves into the multifaceted nature of Afghanistan’s instability and explores the various ways it poses a threat to its neighbors and the wider global community. From the rise of extremist groups to the potential spillover of violence and the displacement of populations, the consequences of Afghanistan’s instability demand attention and concerted efforts to address the complex challenges it presents.