Sommet Russie-Afrique : Mnangagwa et Museveni rencontrent Poutine

Le développement des liens avec les pays africains est l’une des priorités invariables de la Fédération de Russie, a déclaré jeudi le président russe Vladimir Poutine à son homologue ougandais Yoweri Museveni.

Ce dernier a invité la Russie à participer à l’exploration pétrolière en Afrique de l’Est.

Sénégal : des migrants enterrés sur les plages de Saint-Louis

Ces petits monticules de sable qui parsèment cette plage du nord du Sénégal sont en fait des tombes. Les habitants de la petite ville de pêcheurs de Saint-Louis arrivent à les distinguer grâce à quelques indices. Nombre de ces jeunes enterrés ici ont voulu rejoindre l’Europe par la mer.

Tunisie : il faut aider les réfugiés et migrants bloqués dans le désert (ONU)

Deux agences onusiennes ont exprimé leur préoccupation concernant la sécurité et le bien-être de centaines de migrants, réfugiés et demandeurs d’asile en Tunisie, qui restent bloqués dans des conditions désastreuses après leur éloignement vers des zones reculées et désolées près des frontières du pays avec la Libye et l’Algérie.

Police nab 16 Daesh/ISIS, al Qaeda terror suspects in Istanbul

Turkish anti-terror police raid 8 districts across the city to arrest suspects identified as ‘foreign terrorist fighters,’ say security sources

Turkish security forces arrested 16 foreign nationals for their alleged links to the Daesh/ISIS and al-Qaeda terrorist organizations, security sources said on Thursday.

The Death of Secret Intelligence? Think Again

While the Ukraine war has seen an explosion in the collection and distribution of open source intelligence, the work of secret intelligence agencies remains as important as ever.

You’d be forgiven for thinking that the world of secret intelligence is no more. Ever since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, there has been a stream of opinion pieces arguing that traditional state-based agencies are struggling to keep up in the face of open source intelligence (OSINT). The volume and speed at which we can access publicly available information is a revolution that large secret intelligence agencies are struggling to cope with, or so we’re told. Whether it’s commercially sourced satellite imagery or social media posts, the US and UK intelligence communities are operating in an increasingly complex environment – that much is true.

Indian Preeminence In South Asia – OpEd

It is generally recognized that any discussion on South Asia without reference to India would be putting the cart before the horse.

In the article Why France and India Are Natural Partners, Antonia Collabasanu (July 20 2034-Geopolitical Futures) has emphasized the importance of Franco-Indian collaboration as a preeminent feature of Indian politico-economic interest, despite India’s isolationist policy that it has been following since the adoption of non-alignment as the country’s foreign policy anchor ever since independence from British domination in 1948. Antonio Collabasanu writes in her article that France is a natural strategic ally to India. India’s relative isolation from the rest of the world – with no imposed borders, a large and dense population, and a central government having no choice but to deal with a broad subcontinent – has resulted in a country formed of shifting systems that continuously challenge central authority. This divided landscape has historically made it easier for foreign powers, most notably the British, to conquer it. India’s birth as a modern state in the early 1950s was New Delhi’s first lesson in how shifting economics may alter political realities. Traditionally, Indian security threats have come either from the Afghanistan-Pakistan border or from the sea.