En entrant à Gaza, Tsahal fera face non seulement au Hamas, mais aussi à «l’Axe de la Résistance» iranien

Aucun pays n’a sans doute autant bénéficié de l’invasion américaine de l’Irak que la République islamique d’Iran. Au cours d’une guerre qui a duré plus d’une décennie, Washington a dépensé plus de 2000 milliards de dollars de ses propres fonds pour éliminer l’un des adversaires régionaux les plus puissants de l’Iran. Ce faisant, l’invasion a facilité la montée du mouvement militant chiite irakien, qui constitue aujourd’hui le noyau des Forces de mobilisation populaire (FMP) irakiennes. Bien qu’il s’agisse techniquement d’une branche auxiliaire des forces de sécurité irakiennes, les FMP se tournent régulièrement vers Téhéran pour obtenir des conseils.

Hamas and the Ruse That May Be Its Last

Hamas worked out a scheme to make Israelis focus on the West Bank and Lebanon as the two most immediate sources of threat while portraying Gaza as relatively calm.

Iran may have helped sell that narrative in a number of ways.

Au cœur des réseaux «anti-impérialistes» français: qui couvre le Hamas?

Toute une partie de l’extrême gauche française ne veut pas voir du terrorisme dans les actions du Hamas, mais un groupe armé résistant à une occupation.

Les langues se délient. Interrogée par Jean-Jacques Bourdin sur l’antenne de Sud Radio, la députée France Insoumise Danièle Obono a dévoilé le fond de sa pensée. Elle a ainsi refusé de déclarer que le Hamas était un groupe terroriste, préférant le définir comme un « groupe politique islamiste » qui « résiste à une occupation » et qui œuvre à la « libération de la Palestine ».

The US-Backed Color Revolution In Israel Just Reached Crisis Proportions

At all costs, America believes that it must do whatever’s necessary to prevent the Israeli state from exercising its sovereign right under Bibi’s restored leadership to balance between the US-led West’s Golden Billion and the Sino-Russo Entente in the New Cold War instead of decisively take the former’s side against the latter. Most immediately, its “deep state” wants Israel to arm Kiev, which Bibi himself warned earlier this month could abruptly catalyze a crisis with Russia in Syria, thus opening a “second front” in the US’ Eurasian-wide “containment” campaign.

It’s Time To Talk About The S-300s, “Status Symbols”, And The “Savior Complex”

Russia’s dispatch of S-300s to Syria was meant to distract from last September’s tragedy and wasn’t intended to be a “game-changing” military development by any means, but the systems have since taken on a cult-like following all across Alt-Media because there are plenty of people afflicted with a “savior complex” who project their political fantasies onto these “status symbols”.

Global Sanctions Dashboard: How Iran evades sanctions and finances terrorist organizations like Hamas

Tehran has been militarily and financially propping up Hamas for years, which ultimately advanced the terrorist group’s ability to launch the attack against Israel on October 7.

The UAE has become a haven for Iranian and Russian sanctions evasion and circumvention. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an international coordinating body combating money laundering, has gray-listed the UAE.

Company Says it “Donated” New Building to Sderot Police. In Fact, they Will Receive Monthly Rent of 230,000 Shekels

The Mivne Group claimed on its Facebook page that it ‘donated’ an alternative building for the Israel Police in Sderot, after the station there was destroyed in fighting with Hamas. Last week, the police were granted emergency funding of 8.4 million shekels ($2.1 million) to rent the building for three years – which appears to be higher than the average rent in the area. The Finance Ministry insists that it’s a reasonable price. A Shomrim exposé