WWII & Holocaust Could Never Have Happened Without American Corporations Investing & Joint Venturing with Hitler’s Poor Nazi Germany – Chapter 7

Chapter Seven – Peculiarities of Fascism’s and Hitler’s Rise to Power – Hitler’s Mercurial Rise to Absolute Power in Germany and Its Press Coverage in the Colonial Powers

In April of 1921, the victorious European Allies of World War One, notably France and England, presented a bill to Germany demanding payment for damages caused in the war which Germany had started. This bill (33 billion dollars) for war reparations had the immediate effect of causing ruinous inflation in Germany.


Importance of Turkish Stream for the Turkish Fuel and Energy Complex

The decision of the Russian Federation to abandon the South Stream project and reorient itself to supplying natural gas to European consumers through Turkey (the so-called Turkish Stream) was truly epoch-making in terms of geopolitics and geostrategy and recognized by international experts as Ankara’s energy foreign policy breakthrough in 2014 [9]. Nevertheless, the international aspect of this issue has left in the shadow of the Turkish national interest itself, and not so much geostrategic and / or geostrategic, but economic: for all its independence, politics is a concentrated expression of the economy, moreover, national.


Rimland or “coastal zone” is the main point of collision of geopolitical forces. For the geopolitics of the Sea, the ability to deter the forces of the Land from their presence in the coastal zone of the Rimland is of primary importance. Since its founding in 1949, the NATO alliance has been systematically expanding and seeking to establish control over the sea areas in order to weaken the land, guided by the “anaconda” principle, which was formulated by the American admiral and classic of “maritime” geopolitics Alfred Mahan. Its essence is to block enemy territories from the sea and along coastlines, which provides strategic superiority over the enemy, leading him to gradual exhaustion.


The Pentagon is preparing for protracted conflicts.

On February 10, 2023, the United States Armed Forces Joint Competition Concept was released . The document was issued under the auspices of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and signed by its chairman, General Mark Milley. It belongs to the field of doctrines and the secrecy stamp has been removed from it, that is, the Pentagon command link has already familiarized itself with it, and now it is being released for familiarization to the masses.


All along the stretch from the Baltic to the Black Sea, the alliance deploys strike battle groups.

“Sea Shield-2023” against the backdrop of a provocation

It is noteworthy that the attack of sea drones on Sevastopol was carried out during the Sea Shield-2023 exercises, which are taking place off the Romanian coast. There are no such coincidences. It is clear that Romania’s Western allies are doing everything possible to drag the country into an active confrontation with Russia. Moreover, back in February last year, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced plans to deploy a NATO battle group in Romania, led by France, which itself expressed a desire to become a so-called framework national structure on the territory of this country.

Bitcoin And Geopolitical Rivalry – Analysis

Bitcoin, the flagship stateless cryptocurrency, is a double-edged sword that can either strengthen or harm national power. As financial warfare becomes increasingly complex, this decentralized cybercurrency is acting as a versatile strategic instrument of statecraft that can play various roles under confrontational geopolitical circumstances. This under-researched subject matter needs to be clarified because it entails meaningful implications for national security, strategic intelligence, foreign policy and grand strategy, but also for the domain of high finance.

Poland’s (Lack of) Vision for Europe

Warsaw’s resistance to deepening European integration cannot be ignored by other EU capitals. To bridge conflicting perspectives on the union’s future, Brussels must engage in dialogue with Poland while insisting on respect for the rule of law.

Is Hungary a Reliable EU and NATO Member?

At this point Hungary is the EU country that most closely resembles an autocracy. Anybody who has studied Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s rule will agree that Hungary has evolved into a political machine run by one man. The question should therefore be: who can rely on Mr. Orbán? The simple answer is: only Mr. Orban himself. He seems to be in politics for his own gain and it is fair to say that he is the loose cannon within NATO and EU.