Historic Far-right Victory in Italy Reflects Broader Movements in European Politics

Giorgia Meloni, leader of the far-right Brothers of Italy party, is set to make history as Italy’s first female prime minister and as the leader of the most far-right government since the fascist era.

Against the backdrop of a surge in refugees and migrants arriving in Italy by sea, immigration policy has galvanized both the Brothers of Italy party and its electoral base.

Rioting Grips Iran After Woman Dies in Custody

The most serious unrest in Iran since 2019 continues to escalate, prompting an increasingly aggressive regime crackdown.

Rioters in some locations have successfully challenged local security forces, but the government has sufficient resources to retain its grip on power.

France : Barkhane force antiterroriste incontournable en Afrique

La force Barkhane est une armée formée d’élites militaires françaises pour combattre et lutter contre les groupes terroristes dans la région du Sahel et en Afrique, depuis 2014.

Plusieurs groupes terroristes jihadistes, liés à al Qaeda ou état islamique, s’activent dans ces régions, contrôlées par des groupes criminels et d’autres forces occultes supportées par des régimes étatiques.

Thirteen reported killed as Iran Revolutionary Guards target dissident sites in Iraq

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said on Wednesday they fired missiles and drones at militant targets in the Kurdish region of neighbouring northern Iraq, where authorities said 13 people were killed.

The strikes were reported after Iranian authorities accused armed Iranian Kurdish dissidents of involvement in unrest now shaking Iran, especially in the northwest where most of the country’s population of over 10 million Kurds live.

Im Krisenmodus

Spät, hoffentlich nicht zu spät kommt ein beherzter Schritt gegen die rasant steigenden Energiepreise. Es wird Staatskunst brauchen, das Geld zielgenau einzusetzen. Der Leitartikel.

Die bittere Wahrheit ist: Wir stehen erst am Beginn eines heftigen Krisenwinters, der vor allem von Energieknappheit und steigenden Preisen gekennzeichnet sein wird. Darüber wölbt sich eine nicht überschaubare Sicherheitskrise für Europa, von der die Sabotage an den Gaspipelines nur der Auftakt gewesen sein könnte.