Jetzt den Richtigen helfen – es drängt

Gezielt jene zu stützen, die bei den derzeitigen Preissteigerungen selbst nicht mehr stehen können, das ist auch für den Zusammenhalt unserer Gesellschaft entscheidend, kommentiert Ann-Kathrin Büüsker. Im Moment gebe es aber nur ein Flickwerk an Vorschlägen. Es werde Zeit, dass die Ampel das klärt.

Syrian foreign policy in the Caucasus and Ukraine: An unbalanced, Russia-centered approach

Prior to the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in early 2011, Damascus consciously sought to pursue a relatively balanced foreign policy toward most of its neighbors. Its challenges with Israel notwithstanding, Syria tried to maintain diversified and even-handed relations with Iran, Turkey, and the Arab world regionally and with Russia, the European Union, and the United States on the global level. However, when the Arab Spring uprisings brought political crisis home to Syria, the government’s sharp domestic crackdown gradually changed these conditions, resulting in Syria’s expulsion from the Arab League and the escalation of tensions with Turkey and the Western world. This threw Syrian foreign policy out of its traditional balance, compelling the country to rely overwhelmingly on support from Iran and Russia. The constricted room for maneuver on the regional and international stage has had numerous and varied consequences for Syria foreign policy over the past 11 years. But some of the most illustrative about-turns caused by the swing toward Russia could be observed in Syria’s relations with neighbors in the post-Soviet space: namely, Armenia, Georgia, and Ukraine.

The Assassination Of Al-Zawahiri May Not Have Been A Good Idea – Analysis

The recent assassination of Al-Qaeda’s Ayman Al-Zawahiri is likely to create a number of ramifications. Al-Zawahiri was assassinated by two Hellfire R9-X missiles from an MQ9 Reaper drone, that had flown over or originated in a third country, in the heart of Kabul, which the US evacuated from in August last year. Al-Zawahiri had a US $25 million bounty upon his head and had been the “invisible” leader of Al-Qaeda since 2011.

Erdogan’s New Offensive – OpEd

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has announced that he is planning a new military offensive in northern Syria directed against the Kurds.

If one authoritarian leader can defy world opinion, invade the territory of a sovereign state and incur only minor consequences, why not another? This may well have been the reasoning that first led Erdogan to send his armed forces into Kurdish occupied areas of northern Syria in August 2016. His precedent would have been the invasion of Crimea by Russia’s President Vladimir Putin two years earlier.

Status of Global War against Terrorism

Many of us have never been fans of the term “War on Terrorism” — it is difficult to articulate a war against a tactic.

The successful surgical strike that killed Zawahiri, the successor to al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden… and the drone strike and military operation that took out two ISIS leaders, demonstrated the resolve of the Biden Administration to keep a focus on terrorist groups…. These actions send a strong message to terrorist organizations, their supporters and our allies that the U.S. still considers fighting this threat a significant priority.

Операция «Пономарев»

Существует ли Национальная Республиканская армия, которая якобы убила Дарью Дугину?

Вчера вечером экс-депутат Госдумы РФ, а ныне киевлянин Илья Пономарев рассказал на своем канале «Утро февраля», что хорошие русские есть, даже «отличные русские есть», и «вчера они двинули собой». Что несколько месяцев назад он завел телеграм-бот «Роспартизан» для связи с внутрироссийским сопротивлением, и ему по этому боту написала некая Национальная Республиканская армия (НРА), которая под бело-сине-белым флагом будет убивать путинских чиновников, и он с ними переписывался, и они уже осуществляли акции «прямого действия», он даже кого-то вывез, а несколько человек было убито (!) в Волгоградской области. И вот они ему написали, что убьют Дугина и его дочку («они нам говорили, что это будут Дарья и Александр Дугин»), и выполнили обещание, а в машине людей было двое — а чью смерть вместо Дугина скрывают, он, Пономарев, представить не может.