Arabs: ‘US President Decided to Tamper with [Middle East] Security for No Reason…’

Arabs point out that one of Biden’s biggest mistakes was that he took America’s Arab allies for granted while embarking on a policy of appeasement towards Iran’s mullahs.

“The behavior of the Obama and Biden administrations regarding Iran and Afghanistan served as a wake-up call for the countries of the region.” — Ali Hamadeh, Lebanese Journalist, Annahar, July 20, 2022.

Algeria: Eni Announces Another Discovery In Berkine North Onshore Basin

Eni and SONATRACH announced Tuesday a further discovery in Sif Fatima II concession, located in the Berkine North Basin in the Algerian desert.

The Rhourde Oulad Djemaa Ouest-1 (RODW-1) exploration well, in the Sif Fatima II research perimeter, is the third well in the exploration drilling campaign. It led to a discovery of oil and associated gas in the Triassic sandstones of the Tagi reservoir. During the production test, the well produced 1,300 bbl/day of oil and about 2 mmscfd of associated gas.

Are Violent Populist Agitations A Panacea For Socio-Political Problems?

History shows that while they score successes in the short-run, in the long- run, they tend to create conditions for dictatorships to emerge

Disruptive and violent populist movements have undoubtedly registered successes, ending oppressive regimes and giving the dumb millions a voice to express dissent forcefully. But in the long run, these movements have delivered only partially and that too, briefly, literature on the subject shows.

Is The United States In A State Of Irretrievable Decline?

The United States (US) has entered into what can be termed as a new Cold War against Russia and China. While this is being put across as a contest between democracy and authoritarianism, people are not buying it. The obvious reason for the US move appears to be a desire to maintain its global primacy against the China challenge.

Obligada solidaridad con el norte de Europa

Cuando se produjo la crisis financiera internacional de 2008, fueron los superávits presupuestarios de nuestros socios del norte de Europa quienes, principalmente, proporcionaron la financiación que necesitaban otras economías

Βασίλης Στεφανακίδης

Οι Βόρειοι θέλουν να επιβάλουν την ενεργειακή φτώχεια και στους Νότιους!

Όπως όλα δείχνουν, δεν θα έχουμε καλά ξεμπερδέματα στον ενεργειακό τομέα με αυτά τα αντικρουόμενα συμφέροντα που υπάρχουν στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ενωση, όπου ο καθένας προσπαθεί το δικό του πρόβλημα να το μοιράσει και στους άλλους εταίρους.

Brouille diplomatique entre Paris et Ouagadougou

Qualifiant ces propos de “discourtois” et “inamicaux”, le Gouvernement burkinabè dit “protester vigoureusement”.

Ouagadougou —

Au Burkina Faso, des propos de l’ambassadeur de France, Luc Hallade, fâchent et créent la polémique à tel point que certaines organisations de la société civile et des acteurs politiques exigent son départ.