The Convention on Refugees at 70: A Conversation with Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield

On July 28th, the world will mark the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations’ 1951 Refugee Convention, a historic multilateral agreement that clarified the rights of refugees under international law and the obligation of host countries to provide for their protection. The principles enshrined in the Refugee Convention set precedents for the rights, repatriation, and resettlement of refugees that still resonate to this day.

Cum arată Afganistanul după retragerea aliată. Talibanii preiau controlul țării, al-Qaida se întărește, iar viitorul este sumbru

România și-a încheiat misiunea în Afganistan, moment marcat de o ceremonie militară care a avut loc miercuri la București, iar SUA se pregătesc să își încheie la rândul lor retragerea până la finalul lunii august, asemenea tuturor aliaților. În urmă rămâne o țară cu instituții slabe și corupție generalizată, în care talibanii sunt la un pas de a prelua din nou controlul, iar organizațiile teroriste par să aibă iarăși un spațiu de refugiu, pentru a-și planifica atacurile, scriu CBC News și The Guardian.

La montée des eaux du lac Tanganyika provoque des besoins humanitaires urgents au Burundi

« Qu’allons-nous faire si l’eau ne cesse de monter ? » Cette question est dans tous les esprits des riverains du lac Tanganyika au Burundi : les propriétaires de maisons, les entrepreneurs et les ouvriers du bâtiment, les agriculteurs, les vendeurs du marché, les écoliers, les navetteurs et, bien sûr, les travailleurs humanitaires et les acteurs du développement.

Mali: BREAKING NEWS – Assassination Attempt on Transitional President Assimi Goïta

On Tuesday morning, the interim president of Mali escaped an attack outside the Great Mosque of Bamako, during the Muslim rite of Eid al-Adha, the feast of the Sacrifice.

“After the imam’s prayer and sermon, when the imam was about to sacrifice his sheep, a young man tried to stab Assimi (Goïta) from behind, but another person got injured,” Latus Tourè, manager of the Great Mosque, told AFP.

Uniunea Europeană are o problemă

Uniunea Europeană are o problemă.

Nu, nu alea la care vă gîndiți voi. Da, știu, UE are probleme multe. Însă, dincolo de acestea, începe să aibă din ce în ce mai mult și o problemă de legitimitate.

Jihadis expand control to new Burkina Faso fronts

Florent Coulibaly, a soldier in Burkina Faso’s army, says he hasn’t been sleeping well for the past few months as he is often roused at 3 a.m. to fight jihadi rebels.

Until recently life was peaceful in western Burkina Faso’s Comoe province, but an increase in attacks by extremist groups in the country’s west has put the military on edge.

Tunisia’s Evolving Counterterrorism Strategy

To build on its commendable counterterrorism progress, Tunisia needs to elevate its prevention efforts and strengthen oversight mechanisms to prevent abuses by its security forces.

Strategic enhancements in Tunisia’s security apparatus have yielded notable progress in dismantling terrorist cells, tightening control over the country’s porous borders, degrading the capabilities of violent extremist groups affiliated with al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and the Islamic State (ISIS), and countering terrorist financing. The latter improvement was rewarded in October 2019 when the Financial Action Task Force, an intergovernmental organization established by the G7 countries to protect against money laundering and terrorist financing, removed Tunisia from its blacklist. In addition to reducing the number of terrorist incidents, these reforms have contributed to a notable improvement in the overall security situation in Tunisia.

Syrian jihadi groups crack down on rivals in Idlib

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham is tightening the noose on the jihadi Jundallah group and asking it to join it or leave Idlib, in what observers described as an attempt on the part of HTS to get rid of non-Syrian fighters.

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which controls Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib, has recently worked to attract jihadi groups acting outside the limits of its authority by placing pressure on them and offering them as few as two options: either join the organization and act under its authority or dissolve themselves and leave Idlib.