Turkey has openly admitted that its secret service MIT is taking ISIS members out of the Hol Camp in northeast Syria.
A source within the security forces has told ANF News about the background to the abduction of female ISIS members from Hol Camp.
“We learned a while ago that a group within MIT is trying to take ISIS women from Hol and other camps. We have been investigating this and have arrested some middlemen and ISIS women. Our research has shown that this group from MIT has made contact with the relatives of foreign women and is kidnapping these women for a high price and selling them to their families”.
The security source also added that, “A large proportion of ISIS members who were not captured by the SDF are in Turkey and in areas occupied by the Turkish state such as al-Bab, Jarablus, Azaz, Afrin, Idlib, Serekaniye and Gire Spi in northern Syria. Turkey kidnaps women and takes them to their husbands, which makes them even more useful in the war of the Turkish state.”
The SDF arrested Syrian ISIS jihadist and human trafficker Shahab Ahmed al-Abdullatif in June 2018. In his phone, detailed information was found about conversations with ISIS members that MIT wanted to bring from Syria to Turkey.
The phone also contained a list of names of ISIS women who wanted to be liberated from the camps in Hol and Ain Issa.
According to ANF, Al-Abdullatif has confessed that he was contacted by MIT in Urfa and then arranged for the transfer of money to ISIS under the supervision of MIT and, at MIT’s request, smuggled mainly foreign ISIS jihadists into Turkey.
Further, al-Abdullatif testified that when he met with MIT agents, he asked them how to smuggle the ISIS members across the border.