CHRISTMAS is right around the corner and that means festive markets are popping up across Europe’s cities. A favourite of tourists over the season, unfortunately, recent years have meant they also carry a threat. The FCO has issued an updated warning on the risk of terrorism at Europe’s favourite Christmas markets.
Christmas is fast approaching and with that comes a flood of themed markets popping up around Europe to welcome the festive season. A popular haunt to help tourists and European residents get into the spirit of the season, Christmas markets attack millions of visitors every year. Data from ABTA shows that 4.7 million Britons jetted off on holidays during the Christmas and New Year period alone last year. Unfortunately, devastating incidents in the last few years have meant that they also carry with them the risk of terrorism.
In order to keep everyone as safe as possible, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) has issued their latest travel updates for the year.
Markets are a main feature in most UK cities and across the wider continent.
However, while the UK has been safe from terrorist attacks at its festive offering, other countries in Europe have been targeted causing fatalities and serious injuries.
Today the FCO issued updates for hotspots including France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, Sweden, Netherlands, Norway, Czech Republic, Denmark, Belgium and Austria.
The same warning was quoted for each of the destinations, stating: “There is a general threat from terrorism.
“There may be increased security in place over the festive period, including at Christmas markets and other major events that might attract large crowds. You should remain vigilant and follow the advice of local authorities.”
The FCO terror threat scale
The FCO also maintain an up-to-date terror threat scale which works to gauge how safe your favourite holiday hotspot is.
The level is set by the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre and the Security Service (MI5) using national security information. They do not have an expiry date and can change at any time.
There are five levels of threat:
Low means an attack is highly unlikely.
Moderate means an attack is possible but not likely.
Substantial means an attack is likely.
Severe means an attack is highly likely.
Critical means an attack is highly likely in the near future.
Why is there a threat of terrorism at Christmas Markets?
While it is unfortunate, heartbreaking events in recent years have meant that there is a general threat of terrorism at most festive gatherings.
Last year France was forced to upgrade its security threat level after a gunman shot three people dead and injured a further 12 in an attack on Strasbourg’s Christmas Market.
However, the incident has not stopped France from running its celebrated markets, and travellers will be able to lap up the festivities this year. Police presence is highly likely at the market’s across the country to try and keep visitors safe.
In 2016, Berlin experienced a heartbreaking truck attack on its famous market. This has led to a heightened security presence over the years to try and combat similar incidents. Unfortunately, following a recent shooting in the city of Halle, eastern Germany, on 9 October, the FCO has increased the terrorist threat in the country.
While terrorist attacks are hugely unpredictable, an amped-up police presence in most market works to keep visitors safe.
Additionally, there are things tourists can do to prepare and stay safe, travel expert Frank Brehany told Express.co.uk.
He advised: “The first thing for consumers – for any holiday – is they should always research their destinations and understand what has happened there in the past, as that will indicate what their comfort level will be.
“How much risk are you prepared to accept? Deciding that is really important.
“Next, follow any advice – not just from the UK foreign office. Look across countries, so the UK, Ireland, France, Germany; do a mix and match and compare and contrast as you get a great set of information.
“It really is down to how people feel about risk – because of the deficit in what I see as travel industry/FCO advice to UK citizens, in recent years consumers have had to become their own risk assessors. I’m no different, I do this too.”