(thesis to the New Science Program)
Exhaustion of modern science
The program of the new science is necessary, because the old science of the New time has exhausted itself, it is simply immoral and completely unfounded delusion, which has no relation at all to the truth and being of the world around us with all its contents. Modern scientific institutions have become purely economic corporations because even a hint of the search for the truth about the world in them is abolished.
Science directly depends on philosophy, without philosophy it simply does not happen. Having explined from philosophy, it quickly exhausted itself. And the experiments with quantum computers lead to the fact that reality, it turns out, is generally conditional, and – Wigner’s girlfriend is substantiated as proof of the superposition of the mutually exclusive alternative realities (vertical and horizontal polarization of the particles at the same time). And time, it turns out, reversible. And it does not occur to anyone that all these “sensations” could become such only as a result of the complete forgetting of the philosophy that has put these problems many times far in them.
The science got into the Elevinsian Topi and there will be rapidly decomposed – exactly as quantum processors improve, destroying the principle of dual digitalization of 0/1. The hollows and optimizers, as well as the modernizers, naturally do not care, and the older generation of more or less honest scientists either died or survived from the mind. But still…
There is always someone who, no matter what the truth is indifferent. This is the celestial component of the composition of a person, without it we have long had the heads of pigs (which, however, not to wait long).
In any situation, there are exits, but the more critical it is, the fewer these exits. In our hopeless situation, there is only one way out at all. It consists of consistent stages, in general requiring only one generation of the strenuous efforts of the intellectual elite.
Reverse: counter-progressive movement on Modern
It is necessary to begin to move in a direction strictly opposite to the formation of scientific thought. To do this, it is necessary to stop and, for example, to recognize the thesis of J. Horgan about the “end of science.” A stop. We start moving in the opposite direction. From the physics of superstrings and M-theory to the general field theory, the principles of quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity, further to the basics of classical physics – Newton, Descartes and Galilee.
But this way we go through this way, armed with the instruments of philosophical destruction – phenomenology, structuralism (and especially structural linguistics), the new – expanded – anthropology (from F. Boas and K. Levy-Sross to E.Con. How the forests think of the forests). That is, the moment of Postmodern is the point of return, the beginning of the scientific one.
The way to return does not imply forgetting the point from which we are based and where we are. We only remain confused by postmodernism in general (Fuko, Latour, postheideggedrian epistemologies – to which the OOO belongs, with all its deep ontological idiocy, a kind of punk philosophy), as well as some of its hermeneutic strategies (the least progressive). It is important, by the way, to go carefully: for example, from structuralism to post-structuralism, a step is not forward, but rather back and down, in the direction of meaningless shit, as well as from the early and quite sane Latour, to the late confused. Any “doubts” in the history of science, as we know, thanks to Kun and the same lathargatory, are the PR companies of predatory to the grants of institutions that cost little. Attention to the seams. Why? Why? Because if we are wrong, we will comprehend them not go back – where we need, but in some fractal vortex direction – themes drives the forest les. After all, what was chronologically does not mean a logical or semantic precedence.
Many will be able to fight here, and many will try to heat their hands. But the vector is important: we go strictly back, to the origins of the scientific picture of the world and the roots of the modern times. It will help A. Coyre and P. Feyerabend. But I would have noticed F. Yeats, M. Eliade, J.P.Kulianu and the Rozencrucian enlightenment in general.
A Absolute Aristotelianism and the Science of the Ada
We’ve reached… Revival and late medieval aristoteles a. That’s it. We have achieved what we are looking for. There is a mistake here — the rejection of Aristotle’s physics. It was impossible to do that. Aristotle could be developed, interpreted, combined with Plato (in the spirit of Neoplatonism), reread in the Greek original (extending from the Latin one-sided scrostalic version of the, for example, Aristotle does not use the term “Is,” and res, and res, from where the reality of the astrables sciversaries plays a crucial role in the case of Aristotle, but in the most. In no case can I change it to Democrit, Epicurus and Lucretia.
This is where the murder of the world took place, which led to the irreversibly and with the iron logic of de-Christianization and the death of God. We think, first was the death of God, and then (today) the death of man and posthumanism. At first there was the death of the world, and then God, and today man, but for real the results of this crime we are dealing only now.
So: Aristotle is the entrance to a more or less adequate idea of the world. His physicist is the physicist of man, all that came in its place in the New Age is the physics of hell, the triumph of the Titans, the science of the Antichrist.
Academy of Sciences Aristotelian
Next: immerse ourselves in Aristotle, first of all, with the help of phenomenologists from Brentano and Husserl, but above all a few volumes from Gesamtausgabe Heidegger, dedicated to Aristotle (there each line on the weight of gold). We create the Aristotelian Academy of Sciences. The current home for the elderly are closed or given to the military for defense purposes.
We rediscover and comprehend:
- anisotropy,
natural places,
the breeding of mathematics and physics, logic and rhetoric (only on the basis of rhetoric and poetics can be studied physics so as to get the exact conclusions – Novalis is absolutely right),
- no vacuum,
the presence of ether beyond the sphere of the Moon,
the Hierarchy of Heaven,
The theory of the four elements (in the subluna world) and the ether (in the supluonal),
levitation (compensating gravity),
the doctrine of the non-execation of place and time in isolation from the being, which is moving towards itself,
- the inseparability of the form (better than morphs) and matter (better (better – or wood – – by the way, the Romans sometimes translated – Aristotle – selva!)
teleology and
- holism in general.
Come to God as a real-moving engine. Florensky offered something like this. And I was right. No one heard him at all, but apparently the ears, eyes and consciousness are not given for this.
It’s important to stay here for a while. The Aristotelian Academy of Sciences should divide in Aristotle what connected the New Time – logic and physics. This is fundamental: mathematics is the science of ideas, it is the good that it deals with light-level objects – points, as segments of zero length, space of the zero area and the sphere of zero volume. These are not the objects around us. Those that are around – fractal (through Mandelbrot), that is, nematimatic. There are objects of mathematics, but differently than physicists.
Physical subjects are deviations from logic and mathematics. They’re declens, they’re rotting, they’re rotating from math. It is impossible to study the ontology of the fallen world with paradisiac measures. There is no physical point (line, volume), and what is in their place, is a complex ontological refraction, pathways, ironic metaphor. The physical point is the synecdoch (metonymy) of the point of mathematical. So the physical thing that always consists of two morphs and phabils, at the same time one and not one, contrary to the first law of logic (identity). The thing is always a methonymy or metaphor. Hence the primary importance of poetry – as the most accurate of the sciences. G. Bashlyar (academician!) I understood this very clearly and very clearly explained it. And how has Gilbert Duran advanced this fundamental intuition in the sociology of imagination…
Physical and mathematical science is by definition charlatanism and deknocence. Either physical and mathematical, or science. Physics and mathematics must be radically divorced. Physicists are the lyrics. And mathematicians on the opposite side – they are theologians and philosophers.
Return to the Present: Anatomy of Scientific Nigliism
Now, at the same time, in the context of the Aristotelian Academy of Sciences founded, we are making the way from Galileo to the theory of super-strings, armed with new knowledge and everywhere we note that the New time and enlightenment was lost and perverted by the New Time and enlightenment. Thus we get a reasonable and expanded anatomy of scientific nihileism.
When we reach the loops and quantum computers, we understand what the matter is, because the reality itself is aristotle, and this is what it is the one that makes us the hard-plate titanic insams of modern science. Quantum mechanics is much more adequate than non-quantum, and the only thing in it is the “inquantum” and hopelessly obsolete, which prevents itself from becoming quite adequate – this connection with the views of the pre-post-modernist ideology of progress. That is, aristotelysm, as it is described, reaching modern physics, will help it to take a step forward (not back).
This is the path on the trajectory of Modern, which we do for the third time, extremely important. It’s from a series of alternative history. If you use the terminology F. Yeyets, the profane Enlightenment, and the Sorencrucian Enlightenment have common roots. Heon spoke of the “Semiprofanism of Leibniz,” meaning something similar. This is an important bifurcation of the late Renaissance. At this point, everything went on one trajectory, and could be on the other. The second trajectory and is planned by the Rozencrucian Enlightenment, which resulted in the occultical marginalism and simply delusions. But… it was possible. We can reconstruct this alternative scenario by passing the third distance from the Renaissance to Postmodern. The first time was a well-known path, considered the only one (say, the only one else true!). The second is the path of philosophical destruction with the support of postmodernism and (which is often not taken into account) traditionalists. And here is the phenomenology and Heidegger – sine qua non. So we reached the total rehabilitation of Aristotle. But do we not do the same with the victims of political repression: which ideology will win, he determines who the executioner, who is the victim, who is right, who is guilty. Aristotle was the victim of the political repression of the ideology of the modern times. Argumentation in the spirit of the 1937 processes. Galia is Vyshinsky and Berry in one person. And this false gacade dala is still considered a victim. The victim was humanity.
And when Aristotle is rehabilitated, we are reconstructing the Dozencrucian Enlightenment — what it could have been able to do (and from our point of view should ! It would be).
All marginal – magical, romantic, platonic – let the Occult (but this is a purely propaganda paetorate such as accusation of “Esssentialism” or “Fascism”) it will be the mainthrian. However, in itself it was fremmetric marginals, since the epistemological axis – Aristotle – was embossed. Without it, everything really acquires a grotesque and even ridiculous character. But with her Beme, Agrippa, Paracelsus or Van Gellmont will look completely different. And all mainstream – Newton, Descartes, Spinoza and Encyclopedia – are peripheral extravagants (as they were in Antiquity or the Middle Ages).
This third passage is a completely priceless thing, because in its process we will get acquainted with how the Tradition reads Modern, which has never happened. We know how Modern considers the Tradition, and how Postmodern is ironic over Moderine. But there is a resurrection of the alternative subject, forgotten on the bifurcation fork of the history of science. John Dee meets Einstein and Bohr, Pauli and Heisenberg. This is where Tesla or Tsiolkovsky is. By the way, Evola, who reads Freud, is from this series. In each epoch there are echoes of this alternative subject – a part can be collected, part will be restored.
And so we will reach quantum computers, deciphering the genome and Artificial Intelligence. At this point, the audience includes Raymondus Lullius and Agrippa Netesgeimsky – in the hands of the catallip, an artificial lizel made of rotten eggs, killing the gaze…
The Physics of Angels
But that’s not all. Aristotle is excellent, but there is also a physics of angels. Further, Aristotle must be read in the light of Neoplatonism. Here we reopen Islamic philosophy, and in parallel – and we want through it – Proclus, Yamvlih and Plotinus.
Aristotelysm, integrated into Neoplatonism, can be continued further and up – I’c to the consciousness (N. Gumilev). There are the spirits of the elements, planets and the heavens, that is, the world of lust eternal ideas – “The Minds, that is, the real, as they say, are thearopagics.”
This is where the origins of thought and the origins of the presence , in a single light essence, not only explaining all, but also creating everything. The truth is the truth about what is and the very existence of what is. Only the truth is.
Here we will need the Isikhasm and Simeon the New Theologian, as well as the book of the Heavens of John Damascus. This is the beginning of the physics of the next century. In order not to be established magic in its applied and horizontal incarnation, we will need a Christian vertical.
The sky is really important to a person. For a pig, it is important, apparently, another, but she, a poor pig, trusts in man, because it can not think – it is necessary to look at the sky, and the pig who looks at the sky dies. It is waiting for us when we open the Aristotelian Academy of Sciences and close what we have.
Christianity is inextricably linked to a picture of the world that is compatible with its metaphysics and soteriologically oriented ontology. The blues of the beans of the revelation of the sons of God sews (Rom. 8: 18-19). Peace and its structure are indifferent to a Christian. We are eroded from the fallen spirits (their kingdom is Modern), who shit and distort the world, the body, the flesh, ourselves and all around us. The Orthodox Universe is not neutral. It is a struggle between the unfallen angels and fallen, and it determines the structure of the elements. In this struggle, man must determine his place, and this directly affects physics, science, and therefore the understanding of the world.
The Science of Good
What do we reveal through the physics of angels? First of all, science cannot be detached from ethics. Evil does not exist, so it is necessary to study only what is relevant to good, to Good. And the more it has, the more it needs to be studied. Only the fallen spirits – and these are the minds, and not substances and not bodily objects, these (in their own) thinking subjects – make us perceive evil as what is. This is an illusion. This is the battle of science to recognize being behind the light and the kind, and the dark illusions of rock to send – tactfully – to the zone of impermeable darkness, which we simply should not be interested. Any physical phenomenon is the action of some will, which means that it is essential moral. A physical phenomenon is an embodied action, always endowed with purpose and meaning. What has no purpose is according to Aristotle, accidens, that is, some nonsense, burrow, accidental error, irrelevance is irrelevant. This, by the way, is an individual – a detail deviating from the sample. You can see the sample in it and try to improve it – it’s ethical physics, and you can focus on burrs – this is what the fallen perfumes and perverts-liberals are in.
The object of true science is God, it reaches for it, and even in the candid world he studies the traces of his great art. In medieval Russia, the Greek (the Universe, Imir) was translated literally by the artist. But also artistic, beauty – is not only an aesthetic, but also an ethical concept. What is beautiful is good. The evil is not out of the inside. Ask yourself. Therefore, science should be kind – it is necessary to study all the beautiful and good, and all the terrible and disgusting just not to notice.
There’s not much that can happen. If two particles fly somewhere – you need to ask first why, for what purpose, then whether they do what it is necessary, whether we pay attention to. It’s just that no one’s going anywhere, it makes sense. And if there is no sense, then science must be abolished. Well, there’s no point in your science, and in ours, it’s got to be.
All that is meaningless does not exist. There is only what is understood, endowed with purpose and inscribed in the Book of Life and the plans of the Prosbow. And all this is beautiful and good. That’s what we need to learn.
You can ignore this program of new science. It’s easier, but it’s best not to do it.