Usually, we would refrain from any racist notion, any attempt to accuse a large group on a religious basis, but in this case, we made very deep inquiries and made sure, that the statistics are sound. We had no alternative, but to publish the paper as it is.
Rape is rape and will be rape! Even if the motivation is supposedly of a fundamentalistic religious nature.
Rape is one more tool in the toolbox of Islamist terror to be used against the European population.
Over the last few years, there is a constant increase in rape cases in Western Europe. In more than 50% of these, an involvement of Muslim men is noted, although Muslims are less than 5% of the population. Moreover, there is a direct correlation between the number of granted citizenships to Muslims in Western European countries and the sharp rise in rape cases in these same countries.
This fact is not a mere coincidence but is rooted deeply in religion, culture, and ideology. This paper will observe the phenomenon and try to animate the people of Europe, before it’ll be too late for all European children.
Rape is one of the lowest, corrupt and vicious crimes on the face of the earth. Physical force, leading to ravaging of body and soul of the victim, but also seeding fear and anxiety in the hearts of everyone around.
To the regular human with common sense, this would be unthinkable, and in many European countries, punishable with many years imprisonment. Yet, in fundamentalistic Sunni Islam, this is quite different, to say the least.
In Christianity and Judaism, the ideological and narrative origin of Islam, cultural and social progress have erased over the years the phenomenon of sanctioned or commanded rape. In extremist Islam there has been no change, yet again. Sunni fundamentalism lives up to the prophets’ deeds and rules today, as if they were written only yesterday, defying the barbarism and in contradiction of the cultural and social evolution that humanity has undergone to date. The prophet Muhammad used to rape a lot of Jewish women, some of which he turned into his concubines (for instance Rayhana) and even married them (like Safiyya), all of which he did in presence of the battered bodies of their husbands, fathers and brothers, who’s death he ordered himself.
We can witness cases of rape in front of the victim’s family (men and women) in all sites of Sunni terror around the world, performed by terror organizations including ISIS, Al-Qaeda, HAMAS, Taliban, Al-Shabab, Boko Haram and others.
“The department of prisoners and women” of ISIS published about a decade ago an in-house document, meant for the members of the organization, defining the rules of “dos and don’ts”, including how to treat the thousands of sex-slaves held by ISIS in their prisons. The document explains in morbid detail, who can be turned into a sex-slave, when a woman can be struck and under what circumstance it is allowed to rape a young girl.
In the documents found after the massacre of October 7th, there were detailed directions to the Nukhba (Hamas terror commando) terrorists to rape the women still in enemy territory. There were also cases of rape of men and even of dogs – atrocities which were documented with the bodycam of the terrorists, some of which were uploaded to the internet. Several conversations between terrorists and their parents document them priding themselves to have raped and killed Jewish women, while the parents praise them for their deeds.
All Sunni terror organizations, without exception, are based, one way or another, on the doctrine of the “Muslim Brotherhood”, which have evolved into a considerable force in modern Europe. Their Moto is: “Quran is our law, Jihad is our way of life, dying in the name of Allah is our utmost goal”. The doctrine of all these organizations is rooted on Muhammad’s teachings, who has divided the world into “true believers” and “infidels” (non-believers). The latter have to be humiliated and eliminated. This, of cause, includes rape of the victims and taking women for sex slaves.
The real fundamental difference between the movement called “Muslim Brotherhood” and the known Sunni terror organizations is that the Brotherhood is well accepted in the West. Terror organizations like Al-Qaeda, ISIS etc. reject all form of progress, culture and modern civilization (although they do enjoy it) and will do anything to harm their enemies – “right here, right now”. The “Muslim Brotherhood” accepts the Western shell structure and will exploit its components, social, economic, political, covering their real needs until the day comes and they need to “push the button” that will then lead to physically conquering European cities.
The “Muslim Brotherhood” believes in yearlong patience, allowing them to infiltrate European countries and reaching top positions in society and economy. The clans then take over neighborhood after neighborhood, establishing mosques and traditional clothes, institute Sharia courts (as an alternative to the judicial system at hand), building illegal businesses (refusing to pay taxes), trading in arms and drugs. Very soon the police will not enter these neighborhoods and the turf becomes ideal for the activity of terror organizations. This is a win-win for the brotherhood, because of the damage to Western state symbols while the attention is drawn mainly to physical terrorism performed by others, neglecting completely the ideological (quiet) terrorism that penetrates slowly, an ideology that leads to the greater goal of conquering the whole of the old continent. The Qur’an allows the conqueror to rape.
“The Muslim Brotherhood” promotes a take-over from the bottom to the top of society. They provide the first step in accepting most of the Muslim immigrants into Europe and making them a part of the local society, either as citizens or as poor fugitives that “need your help”. While, in parallel, the fundamentalist terror Organizations attack top to bottom using physical terror.
The Western European countries, especially Scandinavia, are naive in their effort to help out the “miserable fugitives”, showing nothing but openness and good will. They welcomed them, accepted them into their midst, funded them, gave them freedom of religion and overlooked profound breaches of the public order, yet didn’t contribute in any way to the economy and have shown no commitment to their host country. Thus, they brought on themselves what is known as “Dar al Harb” – meaning the conquering of a non-Muslim land that has not been conquered before.
The Muslims saw that it was good and invited friends and family, returned to the high birth rate of five to six children per family, much higher than the common rate in Europe, one or two children per family. The fact is, that Europe is not capable admit such a large number of immigrants, without making a profound change in economy and government. This is the reason why many of the young immigrants, whether born abroad or already in Europe (second generation), are naturally drawn into the religious system that has already been established. Thus, they receive extremist education, to be used when needed. This was the case in Cologne sex attacks 2016 New Year’s Eve, and in Amsterdam in November 2024, for example.
Interestingly enough, countries like Spain and France, in which the rise of Islam is at least as evident, the definition is quite different. Islam refers to them as “Dar al Islam” – former Muslim territory to be reconquered.
In 2008 something happened in Egypt, that did not rattle the western world hard enough. It showed that there is literal permission of indecent behavior and rape of women in Islam: An Egyptian female lawyer, Nagla Al-Imam, represented a young woman, Noha Rushdie Saleh, in a highly publicized case, the first of its kind in Egypt. Rushi had suffered severe sexual harassment by a man called Sharif. G in a street in Cairo. She decided to be brave and take it to court. The lawyer represented Rushdi devotedly and the accused was sentenced to three years prison with forced labor and a fine. A real success story for women in Egypt. But the story doesn’t end here: a short time later the layer learned that Rushdie was the daughter of a Palestinian born in Israel and that she had an Israeli Passport.
The lawyer turned to the courts and asked to represent the same man she put into prison, as this was allowed according to Islam and the way of the resistance, as the accuser is an Israeli. As she put it, “They raped our lands, so we are allowed to rape them”.
In Egypt, the cradle of the “Muslim Brotherhood”, more than 90% of the women reported to have been sexually abused. Naturally, this is what it will look like in Europe, unless something really changes.
Professor Suad Saleh from the Al Zaher University in Egypt, claimed several years ago, that a Muslim who conquers his enemy is allowed to rape and take as a sex slave the women of his opponent.
Statistics show, that the rise of Islam in Europe has direct correlation to the rise in sexual harassment and rape:
- In 2021 Sweden has granted citizenship to 39,904 Muslim immigrants from Syria, Somalia and Afghanistan. France has given that same year 45K citizenships to immigrants more the previous year, of which 42,843 were Muslims from Marocco, Algeria and Tunisia.
- The rape statistics for 2022 shows compelling correlation. For every 100,000 people, the number of reported rapes in Sweden – 160, France – 100, Denmark -85, Norway – 70, Ireland – 40. These are only the cases reported to the EU and countries like the Netherlands and Belgium did not report for some odd reason.
- Another statistic shows that one in 2021, one in ten female students in the Netherlands was raped during her student years. One in hundred male students underwent the same. In parallel, that same year Holland granted 27,040 citizenships to Muslim immigrants from Syria. In 2022 the Dutch police handled 2,885 cases of rape, an all-time high (the year before the number was 2,400, which was all-time high either).
In Belgium, 64% of the population between 19 and 69 years were sexually harassed, 19% of the women and 5% of the men were raped. Belgium has granted 4,842 Moroccan and 3,615 Syrian immigrants a citizenship.
In both the Netherlands and Belgium more than 50% of the rape cases involve a Muslim attacker.
- In 2022 Germany granted 48,385 Syrian immigrants a German citizenship. In more than 50% of the rape cases in same Germany in 2023, a Muslim attacker was involved.
- In 2022-22 Spain granted more than 125,703 citizenships to Moroccan immigrants. In 2023 there was a 35% raise in rape cases in Spain compared to 2019.
- Another interesting statistic is, that the leading countries in women’s rights, especially in the rights of minors, are Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. Despite this fact, these countries are those with the most rape cases of female minors, where Muslim males are the attackers.
- Since 2010, European countries have granted five million Muslims a European citizenship. Millions more live on European soil without citizenship or visa.
- Muslims are now more than 5% of Europe’s population and should this trend remain, Muslim population should reach 10% (75 million) by 2050 at the latest. To put it into perspective, this number is larger than the population of large Western European countries such as France and the United Kingdom.
Sunni Islam has already begun conquering Europe, but there is still hope to rescue parts of it. Would you, as a British, German, Dutch, Belgian, Swedish, French, Spanish or Dane, want your children to be scared of walking the streets of the town you have grown up in, fearing to be raped? This is a tangible threat, present and evident to anyone living in Europe.
Educating to European standards and merits from an early age, changing legislation, assertive enforcement, long prison sentences, deportation and cancelation of citizenship should be the basics of the Western countries, before the Muslims become a majority, rape and terror become justified.