A Conversation with Pakistani National Security Advisor Moeed Yusuf
Since the country’s founding, Pakistan’s national security priorities have been largely defined by the realities of its geopolitical neighborhood. Now, with escalating violence in Afghanistan, intensifying competition between the United States and China, limited hopes for rapprochement with India, and the COVID-19 pandemic, Pakistan’s neighborhood is evolving — and Pakistan’s national security approach will have to evolve with it.
Join USIP for a conversation with Pakistan’s National Security Advisor Moeed Yusuf. The discussion will look at what these developments mean for Pakistan’s national security outlook towards its neighbors and its relationship with the United States, as well as how the pandemic impacts Pakistan’s security and economic policy.
Take part in the conversation on Twitter with #USIPPakistan.
Dr. Moeed Yusuf
National Security Advisor, Islamic Republic of Pakistan
The Honorable Stephen J. Hadley, moderator (to be confirmed)
Chair, Board of Directors, U.S. Institute of Peace