Recently a new wave of deadly acts of terrorism in Afghanistan, and from Afghanistan into Pakistan, has erupted again. To understand its raison d’être in general and the focus of its violence on Pakistan and Afghanistan a critical review of the major political upheaval in Pakistan continuing since about a year now is essential.
Critical Review
It was in the beginning of last year (2022) that, after quite a long period of comparative internal security calm, a new wave of acts of deadly terrorism by terrorist groups launched from Afghanistan had again gripped Pakistan. Much evidence and credible reports did not take long in bringing to public knowledge that those terrorist groups mostly were TTP and ISIS (Daesh) and their affiliates. About these terrorist groups it was also well–known that:-
TTP was supported and operated by the premier intelligence agencies of India (RAW) and of Afghanistan (NDS), as confirmed by TTP’s own spokesman. (1). Additionally, India’s Raw also has operational connection with other local terrorist groups in Pakistan. One such group is Bloch Liberation Army (BLA). In that context even India’s own newspaper The Hindu mentioned that BLA is declared terrorist group by US; and that “It is established that BLA commanders, in the past, had sought medical treatment in India’s hospitals, often under disguise or with fake identity”. (2) – obviously BLA commanders’ visits to India under fake identities unveil the reality of BLA–RAW connection!
Remnants of ISIS, after their defeat in Syria were secretly brought to Afghanistan by US’ premier intelligence agency (CIA) and deployed in unmarked helicopters in Tora Bora caves complex close to Pakistan’s border. That was reported by Afghanistan media.Hamid Karzai the former President (from July 2002 to September 2014) of ‘US–planted’ Afghanistan government too raised this issue publicly in an interview to Aljazeera, in which he asserted that US government had allowed ISIL, also known as ISIS, to flourish inside Afghanistan; “In my view under the full presence, surveillance, military, political, intelligence, Daesh [ISIL] has emerged,” he said. (3) Even Michael Kugelman – who is the senior associate for South and Southeast Asia at the Woodrow Wilson Center (Washington–US) and specialises in research relating to the region including Pakistan, India, and Afghanistan – raised the question: “How has the Islamic State–Khorasan (ISK), the group’s affiliate in Afghanistan, managed to stay active and potent despite getting hit so hard and facing so many other obstacles for so long?” (4)
Factually, there were other terrorist militias too, other than ISS/Daesh; elements of which were controlled and operated by US’ CIA for operations in Afghanistan as also in Pakistan. One such deadly militia basically located in Afghanistan was/is Unit Zero, mention of which is made later in this article.
Available evidence and credible reports showed that in that renewed upsurge of terrorists’ attacks: (a) actions of TTP and ISIS (Daesh) and their affiliates were controlled and coordinated by CIA and Raw, as evidenced from the fact that during terrorists’ attack “intelligence agencies have intercepted communications between terrorists and their handlers in Afghanistan and India”. (5); and (b) from the weapons and equipment used by the terrorists it was revealed that “The attackers used state of the art weapons and equipment like M–16s, 7D rifles (foreign origin), foreign manufactured night vision devices (NVDs)” (6).Obviously these state of the art weapons and equipment were the same which were used by US’ military in Afghanistan, and these terrorist were not only equipped with these but also were well–trained by CIA to use such state of the art weapons and equipment.
In that context it is also worth noting that simultaneous to that upsurge of terrorist acts. Aimed at destabilising Pakistan, opposition parties had also raised the impetus of their efforts to remove the then current government of Prime Minister Imran Khan whose government was trying to follow sovereign national policies irrespective of US’ dictates to the contrary. The fact had therefore become obvious that US’ was applying its ‘Regime Change’ conspiracy in collaboration with its trusted corruption and money–laundering mafias in Pakistan and their supporters in the ‘corridors of power’ to overthrow Imran Khan’s government through a vote of no–confidence in national assembly; and ‘plant’ a ‘US’–subservient’ government in Pakistan. For that purpose loyalties of members of national assembly were purchased through payments of US–provided billions in public knowledge even in close vicinity of Pakistan’s Supreme Court; and in some cases through reported coercion by the ‘powerful’ organ of the Establishment. That US’ conspiracy was then made to succeed when, in an unprecedented manner, suddenly during night 9/10 April the Supreme Court and Islamabad High Court opened up, rangers and police with prisoner vans were deployed around national assembly, which was in session, without any such orders from the interior minister. All these moves by these courts and the elements of the Establishment paved the way for the success of the ‘conspired’ vote of no–confidence against Imran Khan’s government.Pakistani masses, literate and illiterate alike, therefore developed a strong perception that those midnight moves were made by the ‘handlers’ of the US’ conspiracy.
Thus the ‘US–subservient’ conspirators and abettors in Pakistan did succeed in executing US’ ‘Regime Change’ conspiracy and installing a ‘US–preferred’ coalition government of 13 parties led by those most of whom were known to be the corruption and money–laundering mafias with ill–gotten wealth worth billions placed in US and Europe, etc. Obviously they could be the most ‘subservient’ to implement any US’ policy dictates to the government of Pakistan, rather than Prime Minister Imran Khan who did not have any such weakness and hence could not be blackmailed by US.
Raison d’être in general, and focus on Pakistan and Afghanistan
It is already known that, after its fall from its once the ‘sole–super power’ status in its created ‘unipolar world order’, US has been repeatedly trying to somehow at least regain its most dominant world power status; but in all such efforts US met failure (brief details of those failures in succeeding paragraphs). On the other hand, US’ arch rivals i.e. China and Russia have been continuously succeeding in expanding their politico–economic influence in the world. Latest efforts by China and Russia to increase their geo–economic influence in Afghanistan have further rattled US.
It is therefore evident that in its thus heightened frustration US has launched its frenzied ‘last–ditch effort’ in the form of ‘Regime Change’ in Pakistan and this new upsurge of violently destabilising acts of terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan to coerce Pakistan to submit to US’ geopolitical dictates; and thus regain its strategic foothold in in this region of high strategic importance, preventing the efforts of China and Russia from expanding their economic/strategic influence in this region.
Failure of US to Retain Political Dominance over Western Europe
It is already known that after World War 2 US’ had attained such a domineering position at least in Western Europe that the Western European countries besides NATO had to follow US’ foreign policy dictates in international affairs. That was US’ most important power potential besides its military might and economic strength – that domineering political power was at its peak when US invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. However, by the beginning of this century European countries had attained enough strength of their own national power potential to begin making their own decisions irrespective of US’ dictates. In most cases such differences related to the matters of trade and defence of Europe. Even as early as September 2000, US’ well–known Research Centre BROOKINGS in its publication by former US’ ambassador to NATO I. H. Daalder recommended that “A decade after the Cold War’s end, the time has come to move away from American dominance and European dependence toward a genuine strategic partnership” (7). Details are already known as to how one European country after the other took decisions contrary to US’ directive. Even European Union (EU) as an Organisation in the document of its Diplomatic Service, of August 2020, declared that EU “must look at the world from its own point of view and act to defend its values and interests, which do not always coincide with those of the US.”;——– and “that Europe must increase its strategic autonomy or its sovereignty, —-.” (8)
Failure of US to Attain Political Dominance over South-East Asia and Asia-Pacific
It was because of this continuing loss of political dominance over European countries that US turned its attention to implant its dominance on Asia, particularly South–East Asia and Asia–Pacific.For that purpose in 2007 it formulated a Quadrilateral Security Dialogue called QSD, or Quad, comprising US, Australia, Japan and India – obviously to checkmate China in the Indo–Pacific region including South China Sea. However not much later Australia withdrew from Quad; though subsequently brought back in Quad by US. The reason for that ‘reluctance’ of Australia to cooperate with US – obviously against China – can easily be understood from the following extract of Australian government’s own 2017 Foreign Policy White Paper:-
“By some measures China’s economy is already the largest in the world. China is the most important trading partner for most of the region’s economies and a major investor, including in infrastructure. China’s military modernisation is rapidly improving the capability of its armed forces. It has the largest navy and air force in Asia and the largest coast guard in the world. It is a large aid donor and lender to the region” (9). These facts highlighted by Australian government’s official paper clearly show that the Asian partners of Quad are unable to challenge China both, economically and militarily.
Keeping in view the high significance of geo–economics in world affairs, it is also noteworthy that China is the highest trading partner of all the three Quad partners of US – Australia’s trade volume with China is worth US$115.7 billion (33.5% of total Australian exports), as compared to $12.1 billion (3.5%) with US (10); Japan’s trade volume with China is US$163.6 billion (21.6% of total Japanese exports), as compared to $135.7 billion (18%) with US (11); and China re–emerged as the largest trading partner of India with China’s volume of trade with India in July 2022 reaching the worth of $11.49 billion, i.e. 11. 49% as compared to US’ 11. 08% (12).
Additionally, the Quad members’ strategic interests also differ from one another. It was in that context that Gregory Poling, Director of the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative at the US–based Center for Strategic and International Studies, asserted that “the grouping was unlikely to become a formal security alliance”; and “The way that the four different Quad members view their interests in the Indo-Pacific leads them to prioritise different areas”. (13)
Thus US’ desire to attain dominance over South–East Asia and Asia–Pacific has already shown the signs of its impracticability.
Failure of US to Retain Political Dominance over West Asia and Middle-East
Details are already known, and do not need repetition, as to how in August 2021 US’ world power stature fell to rock bottom when after suffering the most humiliating defeat at the hands of the otherwise ragtag militia of Afghanistan Taliban, US’ military forces had to leave Afghanistan in a rather hurried manner.
And, not much later i.e. towards the end of last year (2022) US suffered another humiliation, this time in Syria. In that context former Indian ambassador M. K. Bhadrakumar in his article titled “Russia, Turkey come together in Syria to Uncle Sam’s chagrin”, published last month has commented in detail. His article highlights that under immense pressure of US President Obama’ government Turkey was brought into the conflict in Syria, which was initiated by US to implement its ‘Regime Change’ conspiracy to overthrow President Assad’s government in Syria (which was not likely to oppose Russia). However, due to various policy betrayals of US, including US’ act of aligning with the terrorist group (YPG) which threatened Turkey’s sovereignty and integrity, Turkey had to reconsider its Syria policy; and ultimately, with Russian President Putin’s help, reached proper reconciliation with President Assad’s government. (14) This development finalised recently in the last week of December 2022, is certain to tilt the ‘geopolitical power’ balance against US in the Middle–East.
Loss of US’ Diplomatic Prestige in UN
After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, in the beginning of April last year (2022) US–initiated motion ‘Grave concern at the ongoing human rights and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine’ was put up for vote in the General Assembly (UNGA) to suspend Russia from UN Human Rights Council. According to UN’s document, from the 193 member countries of UNGA, 93 voted in favour, 24 voted against, and 58 abstained.
Though the motion was adopted with the support of 93 votes, the significant aspects to be noted arethat: (a) 24 + 58 = 84 countries did not support US’ motion against Russia; and (b) US’ much trumpeted strategic ally India had also abstained from supporting that US motion in UNGA. (15)
Loss of US’ Diplomatic Domination of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCCC)
GCC comprises of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, and Qatar. Since recently, US had been acting as the guarantor of GCC’s security against the ‘US’–projected’ threat from Iran. However, the whole picture certainly started changing, with GCC now turning to China for stronger relations. In that context an article of Dr. Emilie Rutledge, educated in UK universities, is Assistant Professor of Economics at the United Arab Emirates National University, dated 30 December 2022, is worth reading. She has asserted that: (a) In early December Chinese President met with GCC“to discuss trade and investment. Also on the agenda were talks on forging closer political ties and a deeper security relationship”; (b) “The Gulf’s increased reliance on trade with China has been accompanied by a reduction in its appetite to follow the West’s political and cultural lead”; (c) GCC was supportive of US’ military action in Iraq and fight against Islamic State. “But more recently, the Gulf notably refused to support the West in condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine”; (d) and “Currently, the US has military bases (or stations) in all six Arab Gulf countries, but it is well documented that the GCC is seeking ways to diversify its self-perceived over-reliance on the US as its primary guarantor of security”. (16)
Another important aspect highlighted by international media was that the reception of Chinese President on his visit to Saudi Arabia in December was much grandiose as compared to the rather ‘mute’ reception of US’ President in July. In that context, CAN (Singapore News Channel) of 8 December 2022 highlighted that “Four royal air force fighter jets escorted Mr Xi’s plane as it entered Saudi airspace, while six aerobatic jets dragged smoke trails in the colours of the Chinese national flag. Mr Xi was received by Riyadh Governor Prince Faisal bin Bandar and Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, and greeted with a 21–gun salute. The extravagant spectacle was in stark contrast to the muted reception for US President Joe Biden in July, Associate Professor Nader Hashemi told CNA’s Asia Now on Thursday”. (17)
US’ Terrorist Militia Unit Zero
Detail mention has already been made earlier in this paper about US’ connection with the terrorist organisation ISIS/Daesh/ISK in Afghanistan, which have been engaged in terrorist activities in Pakistan and Afghanistan. However, in the current timeframe i.e. beginning of this year, role of the remnants of CIA’s Unit Zero in the deadly terrorist acts in Pakistan is clearly evident, in addition to terrorist acts by TTP and ISIS/Daesh.
Much has been published about CIA’s Unit Zero and other linked militias. Andrew Quilty and Mathew Cole in their article have highlighted that (italics added for highlighting) “U.S.–backed Afghan commandos known as Zero units were the ghosts of the Afghan battlefield. Along with their CIA advisers, they were feared and, in recent years, virtually invisible”. And that, Unit Zero and other linked militias were known collectively as National Strike Units, or NSUs. (18) Lynzy Billing, a journalist based between Afghanistan and Iraq, has also published detailed reports about the horrifying war crimes of Unit Zero.
The report by the editorial team of VOI (autonomous division of Indonesia’s Radio Republic Indonesia) gave much noteworthy information about that otherwise ‘ghost’ militia of CIA. Some extracts of that report are (italics added for highlighting):-
“Unit Zero, a shadowy Afghan paramilitary force sponsored and controlled by the CIA”.
“Collectively known as the ‘National Assault Unit’, the commando unit Zero, ———“.
“In their operations, often alongside CIA agents or US special forces, Zero Unit forces have earned a reputation for extreme brutality against non–combatants, with Human Rights Watch and other rights groups accusing them of a range of abuses and outright war crimes. Including the execution of civilian adults and children during night raids”.
“Created as a guerrilla–style paramilitary force, Unit Zero was originally envisioned by the CIA in part as a means of countering Taliban fighters traveling back and forth between the porous Afghanistan–Pakistan border”.
“The force allowed the US to send units on cross-border strikes, something US personnel could not risk due to Washington’s official good relations with Islamabad”.
“The command is also used to carry out missions that might tarnish the reputation of the US, with the use of the Zero fighter unit which Washington says allows reasonable denial of the fighters engaging in illegal activities or war crimes. The force was incorporated into a joint program between the CIA and the Afghan National Directorate of Security in 2010, with the US funding the unit’s operations”. (19)
These extracts of this VOI report clearly indicate the ‘footprint’ of that otherwise ‘ghost’ and ‘virtually invisible’ (in the words of Andrew Quilty and Mathew Cole) Unit Zero in the recent guerilla pattern terrorists’ attacks, with state of the art US–made weapons and equipment, on the security forces of Pakistan from across Afghanistan–Pakistan border, and in the provinces of Balochistan and KPK.
Factors Triggering Frenzy in US’ Terrorism Acts in Afghanistan and Pakistan
As mentioned briefly earlier in this article, the very latest successes of China and Russia in establishing major economic interactions with the current Afghanistan Taliban government have caused US to panic to this state of frenzy.
In that context it is also noteworthy that both these events of successful ‘geo–economic’ entries in Afghanistan, of China and Russia, have occurred as latest as the last month (January 2023).
According to US’ CNN report of 6 January 2023, “The ruling Taliban has signed a deal with a Chinese company to extract oil from northern Afghanistan’s Amu Darya basin ———-”.
And, “According to the contract, the Chinese firm will invest up to $150 million a year, which will increase to $540 million in three years. “The project directly provides job opportunities for 3,000 Afghans, ——–.” (20)
About this China–Afghanistan agreement UK’s Reuters report of 5 January 2023 has also asserted (italics added for highlighting) that China “has significant interests in a country at the centre of a region important for its Belt and Road infrastructure initiative.”
This Reuters report has also mentioned (italics added for highlighting) that “Afghanistan is estimated to be sitting on untapped resources of more than $1 trillion, ———-. A Chinese state–owned company is also in talks with the Taliban–led administration over the operation of a copper mine in eastern Logar province, ——.” (21)
In the case of Russia, Afghanistan’s PAJHWOK Afghan News report of 22 January 2023 has Highlighted, quoting Zamir Kabulov who is President Vladimir Putin’s special representative for Afghanistan, that Russia wants to participate in the TAPI project if receives a proposal from partner countries. TAPI project is the project of Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India gas pipeline which will transport up to 33 billion cubic meters of gas per year through a steel pipeline to South Asian nations. And that ““This is an integral part of the Russian strategy of turning towards Asia, and this is its economic part, so we are ready to join this [project] with interest,” Kabulov explained”. Russian Energy Minister Nikolai Shulginov also gave similar statement in an interview with Pakistani PTV channel.
Regarding issues concerning the security of this TAPI pipeline passing] through Afghanistan, “Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Office said the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan was ready to launch practical work on the project and if needed, a special security force would be established in this regard”. (22)
US’ Objectives in This Current Upsurge of Terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan
In the case of Afghanistan
The new upsurge of terrorist attacks is obviously for destabilising the country to intimidate the current Afghanistan government to submit to US’ ‘political subjugation’.
Additionally, the embassies in Kabul of Russia and China were also subjected to terrorist attacks to threateningly deter Russia and China from expanding their geo–economic influence in Afghanistan.
Brief detail of those attacks:–
Russian embassy was subjected to suicide bombing attack in September 2022, killing two Russian embassy staff, four others and wounding 10 persons. “The attack was claimed by Islamic State militant group on its channel on Telegram”. (23); and,
In a Chinese–related terrorist attack in December 2022, “A loud blast followed by gunfire was heard in downtown Kabul on Monday afternoon as assailants attacked a guesthouse used predominantly by Chinese nationals, according to the Kabul police. An Italian–run emergency hospital less than a mile away in the Afghan capital said it had received 21 patients from the attack, three of whom were dead on arrival”. (24)
Besides these, acts of terrorism in Afghanistan were also launched to create serious rift between Pakistan and Afghanistan’s current government.
Brief detail of those terrorist acts:-
For that purpose, Pakistan’s embassy in Kabul was attacked in December 2022 by ISIS; in that, according to UK’s REUTERS report (italics added for highlighting), “Islamic State claimed responsibility for an attack on Pakistan’s embassy in the Afghan capital Kabul on Friday, via a statement carried by one of the militant group’s affiliated channels on Telegram on Sunday. The embassy came under attack on Friday and a Pakistani security guard was wounded by gunfire in what Islamabad called an attempt to assassinate its head of mission, who was unhurt. Islamic State claimed the attack was carried out by two of its members armed with “medium and sniper weapons” and was targeting the ambassador and his guards who were present in the courtyard of the embassy”. (25)
Attacks on Pakistani check posts were launched from Afghanistan, killing and wounding Pakistani security forces personnel. And, in December 2022, unprovoked bombing and gunfire attack was launched from Afghanistan territory on Pakistani border town Chaman, killing and wounding Pakistani civilians; effort was also made by those attackers to cut the border fence erected by Pakistan. (26)
In the case of Pakistan
Following aspects of this new upsurge of terrorists’ attacks in Pakistan are especially noteworthy to identify the objective US wants to achieve by launching these terrorist attacks:-
It was after eight years in December 2022 that “A suicide bomber and his accomplice detonated explosives in Pakistan’s capital when police tried to check their vehicle, killing themselves, one policeman and injuring five people”. (27)
That properly planned and determined suicide bombing clearly matched the pattern of terrorist acts of India (RAW)–affiliated TTP, and US (CIA)–affiliated ISIS.
The mosque which was subjected to the deadly suicide bombing attack, killing more than hundred and injuring many others, is located in a tightly guarded area of Peshawar; and, (italics added for highlighting) “While Tehreek–e–Taliban Pakistan (TTP) group, also known as the Pakistani Taliban, distanced themselves from the Jan. 31 attack, one of its hardline factions, Jamaat–ul–Ahrar, claimed responsibility for it, calling it revenge for the killing of its leader, Omar Khalid Khorasani, who died in a roadside bomb last year in Afghanistan. (28)
It is obvious that this smaller TPP faction Jamaat–ul–Ahrar neither has the organisational capacity to violate the stated policy of TPP – not “to target mosques” (29), neither could it be expected to have the operational capability to carry out successful recce and planning for suicide bombing attack in such a highly guarded area. It is therefore evident that Jamaat–ul–Ahrar was utilized for this attack by either India (RAW), or US (ISIS), or a combination of both.
It is already known that the terrorists this time are focusing more on attacks on security forces, and police stations, etc. The pattern of these attacks is much revealing. As an example about such an attack on a police station, UK’s Guardianreport of 31 January 2023 has mentioned (italics added for highlighting), “Only two weeks previously, a police station on the outskirts of Peshawar was targeted in a coordinated onslaught by well–equipped Taliban fighters. “The terrorists were armed with modern weapons and night vision glasses,” said Irshad Malik, an assistant sub–inspector who was in the police station during the attack. “They targeted officers with snipers and hurled hand–grenades at the police station.” Three officers were killed. Raza Khan, another officer present, said security agencies were “under attack across the province”. “It is a scary situation,” he added. “The terrorists seem to be everywhere.” (30)
This pattern clearly shows that the remnant of the earlier–mentioned US’ Afghan terrorist militia ‘Unit Zero’ is conducting these terrorist attacks.
Focal Point of US’ Objective
The unmistakable clue of the focal point of US’ objective in launching this new upsurge of terrorist acts is easily found when it is carefully taken into account that after about four months of continuing deadly terrorist attacks particularly in Pakistan, and after the most ghastly suicide bombing in Peshawar mosque, US’ government has offered Pakistan to ‘join’ Pakistan in fighting this terrorism. In his statement “US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken assured Islamabad that we support the Pakistan government’s efforts to combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestation” (31). Very obviously, that “support” entails US’ “re–entry”in Pakistan for a “replay”of US’ ‘War on Terror’, includes such facilities like provision of military bases to US in Pakistan.
Obviously such an act of US’ “re–entry”in Pakistan for a “replay”of US’ ‘War on Terror’ is bound to be totally unacceptable to Pakistani masses because: (a) they still remember result of Pakistan’s previous participation in US’ ‘War on Terror’ in whichabove 80,000 Pakistanis lost their lives, besides widespread damage to infra–structure and property; and, (b) now they are already ‘smouldering’ with extreme anti–US sentiments due to the US’ Regime Change conspiracy in Pakistan.
However, on the other hand it appears evident that having spread such demoralising effect by continuing terrorism attacks of high intensity particularly against Pakistan’s security forces and police, US has provided a “helping hand” to its own “planted” government in Pakistan for presenting to Pakistani masses such US’ “re–entry” in Pakistan for US’ ‘War on Terror’ as an unavoidable necessity.
Current and Projected Scenarios
Since this “US–planted” government was conspiratorially designed to serve US’ interests, it has promptly accepted this US’ offer, as announced by Pakistan’s foreign minister Bilawal . According to media report of 4th of this month, “Pakistan and the United States will hold talks next month to explore possibilities of coordinating their efforts to combat terrorism, Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari told DAWN on Friday”. (32) And, a very high level official Pakistani delegation is already in Pentagon (US). According to media report of 13th of this month, (italics added for highlighting), “The second round of US–Pakistan mid–level defence dialogue begins on Monday (today) to consider various options for strengthening ties between the two establishments”. Pakistan’s delegation is led by Pakistan Army’s Chief of General Staff (CGS), two Major Generals, two Brigadiers, and the Additional Secretary from Foreign Affairs Ministry. (33)
Obviously the current “US–planted” government in Pakistan is least expected to take people of Pakistan into confidence about this “shadowy deal” being done with US; but in the current environment of unstoppable free flow of information it is not expected to take long time for the masses to know about the details and implications of it.
So far this “US–planted” government, with the help of its “conspiracy abettors”, has succeeded in suppressing masses’ voice of dissent by criminal application of most inhuman force, obliterating even the fundamentals of the Constitution and rule of law.
At present this conspiratorially planted government and its abettors are using extreme fascism to retain their illegal governmental power.
However, on the other hand, the burning hatred in the masses against the actions of this government and its “conspiracy abettors” is distinctly a “ticking bomb”.
Two aspects in that regard indicate the power of that “ticking bomb”: (a) according to latest data, total population of Pakistan (as on 17 February 2023) is 233,463,755; and out of that total,population between 15 and 64 years of age is 140,528,836 i.e. 64.4% of the total population (34); and, (b)this 60.4% population of Pakistan is now not only so highly informed about the current “political realities” as never before, but also is highly vibrant against this government – people in the streets, educated and uneducated alike, openly express their disgust against this government and its abettors.
If and when this “ticking bomb” bursts that spate of masses’ anger is most likely to sweep away all the current “cardinals” of ruling power from all the “corridors of power”. That situation will undoubtedly be chaotic in its form, but unfortunately at least so far that appears to be the ultimate; unless some remedy to get rid of this conspiratorially planted government and its abettors is provide by the Supreme Court without further delay.