In recent years, Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba (HaN) has grown from a small Iraqi-Syrian militia into one of the main symbols of the IRGC’s revolutionary politics. At first, the revival of the Iraqi revolutionaries was conceived with the goal of eliminating the American presence in Syria and Iraq, but later it turned out that the plans of the neo-Sadridists are quite grandiose and are not limited to purely military activity.
For a more detailed understanding of HaN, you can ask a number of questions. For example, why can the Iraqi al-Nujaba be referred to as the Syrian militia? Because despite its Iraqi past, the organization was revived inSyria. Why were the Iraqi revolutionaries “reborn”? The fact is that Sheikh Akram al-Kaabi is a veteran of the fight against the American occupation; he previously led the Sadridist militant groups under the leadership of Muqtada Sadr. Why “neo-Sadridists”? Because Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba positions itself as a supporter of the legendary Ayatollah Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr, but this does not prevent them from being followers of Imam Khomeini and ideology Velayat al-Faqih, since both grandiose figuresmadean invaluable contribution to improving the political system of Fakih’s government.
Thus it can be stated that thanks to the efforts of the IRGC in Iraq, not only an analogue of the Basij was created, but also a semblance of special organizations like the “Quds Force.” ;. In my opinion, Harakat Hizaballah al-Nujaba is precisely the Iraqi successor to the “special unit” Guardians of the Revolution. It is important to be specific here, since attributing to al-Nujab the legacy of all the Islamic Revolutionary forces of Iran will not work*. Let me remind you of the words of the head of the HaN political council, Hujat al-Islam Ali al-Asadi, when he pointed out that “the realfounder Harakat al-Nujabi is Qassem Soleimani.”. The legendary general was for a long time the head of the Quds Force.
If we trace the foreign policy of HaN, we will witness the implementation in practice of the fundamentals of the IRGC strategy. Here I mean, first of all, attacks on the main enemies of the Islamic Revolution. For example, in Syria and Iraq, Iraqi revolutionaries took a large-scale part in the defeat of the main part of various insurgencies, plusblocking ambitionsNATO Turkey in both Arabrepublics. But that’s it for the “neo-Sadridists” did not stop and directly sent (and continues)signals to the Zionists and Americans. In a short time, Iraqi supporters of Velayat al-Faqih literally took the Zionist colony, the Golan Brigade, located on the territory of Syria and branch of al-Nujab in the Gaza Strip are ready at any moment to open a new*1 page in the history of the Palestinian struggle.
HaN periodically makes itself felt to the Big Satan by resuming2 guerrilla actions, which promise to turn into major operations if the Yankees do not withdraw troops from Iraq and Syria. And again the question must be asked, why “renewals”? Indeed, according to the official position of Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba adheres to a “truce” with the occupiers. The fact is that there is one important nuance reflecting the strength of influence of the IRGC3 and its successors in Iraq.
After the killing of Soleimani and Muhandis, a group called “People of the Cave – Islamic Resistance” resumed its activities throughout Iraqi territory. (Ashab al-Kahf). The purpose of the organization is revenge on the States for the murder of famous leaders. According to reports, “Cave People” have already become active in 2019, after Zionism carried out a series of attacks on the bases of Hashad al-Shaabi. The reason is preparation for the resumption of the fight against the Americans, as a form of response of the Iraqi Resistance to the provocations of Zionism. Published posts on Twitter before the page was blocked clearly showed how the “People of the Cave” indicate that the States and Zionism are synonymous. In an interview with the American portal Flashpoint, representatives of the Islamic Resistance indicated that they had killed *4 Americans since 2017. On the blocked site of the “People of the Cave” there was information that the group had been operating since 2003 as the Islamic Resistance to the Occupiers. So what does Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba have to do with this story?
As stated above, during the period of invasion and occupation, Sheikh Akram al-Kaabi was the commander of the brigades of Muqtada Sadr’s loyalists (Mahdi Army). So one of the organizations under the command of the sheikh bore the namesimilar to “People of the Cave”. As they say on the TV channel “Russia 1″ – “Coincidence?” I don’t think so.” It is important to note that so far there is no direct evidence of a connection between Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba and the “People of the Cave.” no, but if any details become clear over time, this will become further proof of HaN’s great capabilities and the answer to the question of al-Nujaba’s role in the ongoing attacks on NATO military logistics. But today it is already clear that the emergence of the “neo-Sadridists” as one of the main revolutionary forces in Iraq is a matter of time. One can even safely assume that the future of Iraq is predetermined within the framework of Islamic civilization, and not Western imperialism.
- – For example, there is evidence that the Vanguard of Khorasan is also in some way a “successor” Moreover, the IRGC should not be written off as veterans of the revolutionary struggle in the person of BADR, who has been closely associated with the Guardians of the Revolution since the time of Saddam’s aggression. Conclusion – each organization of the Islamic Resistance of Iraq, which is part of the People’s Militia, has its own task at a certain stage of time.
*1 – Never before have the Islamic organizations of Palestine and Iraq fought side by side against the Zionist enemy.
*2 – The term “resumption” concerns only Iraq, since in Syria Harakat al-Nujaba has opened a front against the imperialists and maintains a state of “activestruggle.”
*3 – Why IRGC? Because the Revolutionary Guards have a colossal number of allies in the Iraqi parliament who are like “playing” according to American rules of “democracy”, and at the same time Tehran supports independent Islamic organizations with their own policies, which do not pay attention to the opinion of “official political bodies”. Association of “antagonists” occurred through the creation of Hashad al-Shaabi.
*4 – The interview can be found by typing the title of the material Profile and Exclusive Interview with Iraqi Shiite Insurgents Ashab al-Kahf into a search engine. The Flashpoint website opens through a VPN, since the administrator has blocked viewing the site for Russia.