However, the apparent victims of what is happening remain people of the Middle East and European countries themselves, which take hundreds of thousands of refugees and forced migrants. The bombings and military operations are in areas far from Brussels, Washington and Moscow. To clarify the situation we will try to answer the fundamental question – Quid prodest – who benefits?
Strategic project of the Greater Middle East (GME below) was presented at the summit of the Group of Eight, and later published in the newspaper Al-Ayat in February 2004. According to the US plans this project envisaged the establishment a democratic form of government in the Islamic world. To this end, a draft for public discussion paper entitled “The American Working Document for the Big Eight Conference” (US Working Paper For G-8) was prepared by the senior officials at the summit of the Group of Eight. Speaking about the problems of the “Greater Middle East” Robert Harkavi writes that “the region is mainly characterized by the absence of democracy, internal and endemic instability, etc.”. Defining a comprehensive reform program the document presented three main points:
- Promoting democracy and the principles of “good governance”
- Construction of a “knowledge society”
- Expansion of economic opportunities
Thus, this project proposes a set of measures aimed at disseminating its own model of development and establishing hegemony in the region by a large-scale reform of state administration, political freedom and civil society development. These processes of integration and revision of boundaries must build a new security architecture in the interest of the United States, as well as put under some control the production and sale of hydrocarbons. This process should also lead to the formation of pro-American institutions at three levels: the elite, civil society and the individual.
In the context of consideration of issues GME, it is important and interesting to study the geopolitical and geostrategic importance of GME, which cannot but puts the region at the center of international politics. So one of the richest deposits of energy resources in the world are concentrated here. In particular, three-quarters of all the oil reserves that are located in 13 countries of GME.
In June 2006, Armed Forces Journal published an article “Blood Borders” and a map of prospective borders of nation-states of the Middle East from retired lieutenant colonel , Peters Ralph, who worked in the United States Military Academy. Last Peters post was employee of deputy chief of staff for Intelligence in the Department of Defense. He is one of the most famous authors of the Pentagon. Peters Ralph has published numerous papers about strategy for military journals and US foreign policy.
Although this map doesn’t reflect the official views of the Pentagon but it was used in training programs for senior military officers of the NATO Defense College. It is like other cards could be used by the National Military Academy and military planners.
As it follows from the map, the aim of the American geostrategy is change of boundaries, which formed as a result of decolonization in this region. Experts note that the official US approach and the logic is present to facilitate access to the national wealth of the region, primarily to energy through the creation of non-viable dwarf – a kind of “Somaliazation” in the Middle East. Again, the card GME was published as an actual strategy of Washington in 2006.
In June 2009, American President Barack Obama spoke to Muslims all over the world with the famous Cairo speech. In it he assured the Muslims in America sincere democratic impulses and promised to promote and deepen democracy in the Greater Middle East in every possible way.
Since 2010 the process of democratization and liberalization which has been clearly defined in American plans began to flow in the form of the “Arab Spring” and has continued to this day. Later billionaire and currency speculator George Soros would employ the tactics sharpened in Eastern Europe to foment the Arab Spring in the Middle East and Africa. «The Soros center’s job in eastern Europe is nearly finished. Its main focus now is the Islamic world, Arab countries, Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc, »The Open Society Institute consultant Dr. Kian Tajbakhsh told Iranian officials following his arrest for trying to undermine the government.
In Egypt the color revolution turned blood red and managed to ultimately install a military dictatorship after a cobbled together plan to have a Muslim Brotherhood puppet rule the country failed. The Muslim Brotherhood has served for decades as an asset of US and British intelligence.
Thus, the West by the hands of the non -profit organizations and foundations aspire the way to establish and distribute their own influence “from below”, by forming positive image among civil society and bringing to power opposition leaders. At the same time, recent events in GME suggest that they are often the initiators of the change of power in those countries where local elites don’t support them, that leads (like in Syria, Iraq, Libya, and etc.) to heavy tragic consequences: civil war in Syria, that continues up to this day and is unlikely will not end in the foreseeable future. This has contributed to the development of political necrophilia on international scene, it marked the beginning of a public mockery of the dead body of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. The proclamation of the Islamic State (in the summer of 2014) over the vast territories of Syria and Iraq from Aleppo to Baghdad expanded necrophilia ( shooting of journalists in front of cameras by the children). In addition, as a result of asymmetric and latent developments emerged the neo-Ottoman ambitions of Turkey, which destroys Armenian areas by proxy wars (development in Kessab, Aleppo explosion Srbots Armenian church in Der Zor Naatakats etc.).
The chaotic political development, which has lasted more than ten years (has started during Iraq war in 2003 ) gives us the right to consider “Arab Spring” turned into a series bloody conflicts as a main tool for implementing the plan GME.
Yet another point in this scenario was the statement at the security services conference in Washington on September 10 when the head of the Intelligence Department of Defense, Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart again insisted that Iraq will break up into three regions – Kurdish, Sunni and Shiite. Iraq and Syria may have been permanently torn asunder by war and sectarian tensions, the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency said Thursday in a frank assessment that is at odds with Obama administration policy. “I’m having a tough time seeing it come back together,” Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart told an industry conference, speaking of Iraq and Syria, both of which have seen large chunks territory seized by the Islamic State. On Iraq, Stewart said he is “wrestling with the idea that the Kurds will come back to a central government of Iraq,” suggesting he believed it was unlikely. On Syria, he added: “I can see a time in the future where Syria is fractured into two or three parts.”
Around Mecca and Medina is expected to create some kind of holy Islamic state. And the Saudis should keep control only over the desert in the middle of the peninsula. Iran on the plan of GME loses Northwest and part of the coast in the south in favor of the neighbors. Baluchistan province gets independence. It gets a piece of Afghanistan near city of Herat. Pakistan shall be redrawing to. But why the US need this new repartition? The answer is obvious, the new states – are ready hearths of future conflicts. Instead of strong regional powers with their own interests – the small ethnic and religious communities. The relative security in the region can be guaranteed only by an external force. That is the role prepared for the United States.
This kind of planning is related to the same plans and boundaries of GME, announced nearly a decade ago. Washington, step by step, in spite of temporary setbacks and failures, is shaping up as the mosaic map of GME. As wage workers can serve Al Qaeda, Islamic state, the Kurds or Turks. As a result, it must be received geopolitical control over the sources of hydrocarbons and the region as a whole.