Rustam Nugumanov
“Terrorism is when the US plant a dictatorial regime somewhere,
relying on bayonets and using terror against his own people.
Former CIA officer F. Agee.
Intervention in the internal affairs of foreign states became one of the primary directions of US foreign policy immediately after the end of World War II. The key tool in achieving these goals is becoming an agency with virtually unlimited powers, approved in accordance with the National Security Act of 1947, referred to as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Forms and methods of intervention in the affairs of foreign states were determined by various directives, which were adopted one after another during 1947-1955.
Thus, for example, Directive SNB-4/A defined the content of “psychological warfare” as “propaganda, including using anonymous, falsified or tacitly subsidized publications; political action involving stateless persons, traitors and support for political parties; quasi-military methods, including assistance to insurgents and sabotage; economic actions related to foreign exchange transactions” [1].
And Directive NSC-10/2 formulated the term “covert operations” as “all activities conducted or approved by the US government against hostile foreign states or groups. … These covert operations include: propaganda; economic war; preventive direct action, including sabotage, counter-sabotage, destruction and evacuation; subversive work against foreign states, including assistance to the underground resistance movement, guerrillas and emigrant liberation groups, support for anti-communist groups in threatened countries of the free world” [2].
The scale of CIA interference in the internal affairs of foreign states only in the second half of the 20th century is so impressive that it is unlikely that there will be a place on earth where one has not heard about the atrocities and crimes of the wards of the American department. It is impossible to erase from memory such acts of international terrorism as:
- A coup d’état in Iran and the overthrow of the government of M. Mossadegh (1953). In two decades, 360,000 political prisoners were executed and tortured in the gloomy dungeons of the SAVAK secret police, founded in 1957 with the direct participation of the CIA and the Israeli special service Mossad;
- a military coup in Guatemala and the overthrow of the government of X. Arbenz (1954). The “well-being” model imposed on Guatemalans was supported by terror and violence by terrorist organizations such as the Death Squadron and the Secret Anti-Communist Army, whose members were mostly army officers who had been trained in the United States by CIA instructors and completed special courses in Israel, Chile and other countries. Between August 1980 and May 1981 alone, 76 members of the Christian Democratic Party and ten activists of the centre-left social democratic United Front of the Revolution were killed. In rural areas of the country, using the tactics of “scorched earth”, entire villages were destroyed, civilians were tortured and killed, entire families were burned alive, sparing neither women nor children;
- The overthrow of the Popular Unity government in Chile and the assassination of President S. Allende (1973). The ultra-right organization “Patria and Libertad”, which acted in close cooperation with the CIA, only in July – August 1973 staged about 500 explosions and carried out several political assassinations;
plots against Cuban President Fidel Castro. Covert Action, an organization of Cuban exiles, not only carried out countless missions for the CIA and its affiliated intelligence agencies against Cuba, but also provided mercenaries in the Congo and Vietnam, provided professional “technicians” for the operation dubbed “Watergate”, as well as assassins. for the Chilean secret service DINA and other secret services that were once created by the CIA and are a tool in its hands;
- the policy of “appeasement” of South Vietnamese villages, carried out since 1966 under the leadership of CIA Deputy Director William Colby, involving groups called provincial intelligence branches and consisting of irregular South Vietnamese units, to carry out punitive raids on settlements. As a result, 20,587 “suspects” were killed. (According to the Saigon government, the number of people killed is 40,994 people) [3].
The list goes on, for countries in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, the Far East, Southeast Asia, and even Europe have been “targeted” by the CIA whenever conventional US diplomacy has failed.
Statistics say that “from 1945 to 2003, the United States tried to overthrow more than 40 foreign governments, suppress more than 30 popular patriotic movements that fought against dictatorial regimes. At the same time, the United States bombed 25 countries, as a result of which several million people died and millions more were doomed to live in agony and despair .
During the Cold War, in its strategy of interfering in the internal affairs of foreign states, the CIA was guided by a whole arsenal of tools, including “ economic sabotage, international isolation and blockade, the creation of socio-economic and political chaos in the country, the conduct of individual terrorist acts and sabotage, the use of sophisticated methods psychological and propaganda warfare. In the event that attempts to cause a “natural” fall of governments by such methods were unsuccessful, the CIA shifted the focus to unleashing terror, provoking armed incidents, sabotage on the country’s critical infrastructure, attempts on the life of leading figures, and consolidating and uniting counter-revolutionary forces” [5] .
Forty years of experience in subversive and sabotage activities have allowed the United States to improve approaches and methods of intervention, forming a multifaceted mechanism for the phased implementation of its agenda in the occupied territories, covering almost all spheres of society’s life and all factors that are somehow connected with its vital force of survival.
The central core of the enslavement of peoples is the promotion of Western-liberal values of democracy, which form the fundamental criterion for evaluating all subsequent reforms and changes in the socio-political and cultural-spiritual life of society on the way to “development and progress.” This task is entrusted to various international organizations and public funds (US Agency for International Development (USAID), National Endowment for Democracy, Freedom House, Soros Foundation and others), which allow creating thousands of NGOs and NPOs in the country – targets that actualize the topical problems of society not for the purpose of their constructive solution, but for the purpose of their politicization in order to form the necessary protest attitude towards the country’s leadership, which eventually develops into a protest movement to change the existing government[6].
To discredit opponents of the imposition of Western European values and practices, the United States encourages the creation and then supports pseudo-patriotic, pseudo-national and pseudo-religious movements and organizations with pronounced racist, Nazi and fascist slogans, imbued with outright xenophobia, in order not only to declare violations of human rights in this country, but also to discredit the sovereign path of the historical development of the target country and its inherent traditional values. “In particular, on July 2, 2018, the Russian delegation participating in the session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) in Geneva expressed concern about the growth of neo-Nazi movements in the EU countries and Ukraine. In the Baltic States, with the connivance of the authorities, processions of the legionnaires of the Nazi units of the Waffen SS were held [7]. “In the capital of Bulgaria, processions of the Lukov March were held, propagandizing xenophobia, discrimination and hatred” [8]. “The authorities of the Netherlands, which, following the example of the Federal Republic of Germany, decided to publish an annotated version of Mein Kampf” [9]. ” Extremely radical movements in Ukraine (“Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists” (OUN, banned in the Russian Federation), about 30 representatives of the nationalist organization C14 (“Sich”) and extremists from the “Right Sector” “
In addition, using the national and religious differences of the peoples of the target country, the United States stimulates conflicts on ethnic and confessional grounds, encouraging and supporting the separatist tendencies of nationalist and terrorist groups, leaving tens and hundreds of thousands of people hostage to political adventure. For example, the ultra-nationalist Kosovo Liberation Army, which received covert training and supplies from the Clinton administration in 1995, “was responsible for more deaths in Kosovo than the Yugoslav authorities” (statement by British Defense Secretary George Robertson in the spring of 1999), in while the Western public was fed stories about “Milosevic’s executioners” who went to commit genocide in Kosovo [11].
In an effort to achieve the fulfillment of geopolitical, economic and military-strategic tasks, the United States does not disdain to adopt the most sacred aspects of the mentality of peoples, allowing itself to distort not only the true meanings of the innermost, but also fill them with monstrous content, dooming entire generations to thoughtless sacrifices in the name of American interests.
Despite the obvious peaceful nature of traditional Islam, Muslims also became hostages of the bloodthirsty US policy of rebuilding the world, which adopted not only the sacred symbols of the religion of Muhammad (peace be upon him), but also curbed the destructively oriented narratives of non-traditional Islam.
The first serious attempt to use the bonds of Islamic doctrine for their own political interests was made by the British Empire in its colonial aspirations in the Middle East at the end of the 18th century. Inspiring their worshipers with the “captivating charms” of the Protestant doctrine, the English missionaries managed to sow the seeds of religious reformation in the hearts of the followers of the Mohammedan religion. Rejected and condemned not only by the scholars of traditional Islam, but also by his own father and brother, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703-1792) attracted the close attention of the English colonists with his reformist views and ideas for updating the religion of the faithful. Not missing a unique chance, he was given full support from a reliable partner of the English crown, emir of the village of ad-Dargiya Muhammad ibn Saud. As a result of the agreement concluded between the two namesakes, secular power ended up in the hands of the Saudi family, and spiritual power in the hands of the “sheikh”, which allowed the British to destabilize the internal political life in the Ottoman state, as a result of which thousands of faithful laid down their lives, protecting their cities and families from the invasion of the “black hordes, blessed by the English crown. And only thanks to the solid unity of adherents of traditional Islam, this newly minted chimera was pacified, leaving a black spot in the history of the blessed Ummah [12]. Rejecting the legitimacy of the judgments of all imams of traditional religious and legal schools (madhhabs) and the legitimacy of the Ottomans’ right to power, the naive reformer laid the foundations for a new ideology of Protestant Islam, the ideology of Wahhabism,
At the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century, the history of mankind is disturbed by wars, conflicts and revolutions, the locomotive of which for the most part was the ideas of National Socialism of various stripes and in various combinations, gradually replacing the religious mentality of peoples practiced for centuries. Such a massive impact on the mentality did not leave aside the Muslim peoples, plunging the talented minds of the faithful into an endless and chaotic search for the reasons for the decline of the once leading, both in science and in culture, the nation of Islam. Being in a senseless search for “keys” to “development and progress”, imposed by the Western model of modernism, Muslims were instilled with the idea of archaism and rigidity of the rules and regulations of traditional Islam. Already in the 1960s and 70s, a slow but purposeful propaganda of the ideas of Saudi Wahhabism began, as an advanced standard, modernist and the only correct understanding of “pure Islam”, the main mouthpieces of which are two official structures sponsored by Saudi Arabia, the World Muslim League and the World Assembly of Muslim Youth. In addition, developing a worldwide network for initiation to puritanical Islam, the Saudi authorities sponsored the opening of various Islamic centers in the leading cities of America and Europe [13], which played an important role in the formation of Euro-Islam, the phenomenon“which is based on the recognition by the Muslim communities of Europe that only the Western system of values, the Western political system can allegedly provide Muslims with a decent existence, progress and development” [14]. Later in 2019, the Prince of Saudi Arabia, Muhammad ibn Salman, revealing the true motive for such a sudden activity of the Saudi authorities to promote the ideology of Wahhabism around the world in the 1960-80s, admitted that this was one of the strategies of the West, in particular the United States, to counter Soviet influence in Muslim countries [15]. The practice of puritan Islam, the basis of which is based on the postulates of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, who allowed commenting on the Koran according to their understanding and desire, without even analyzing the verses from the point of view of language and logic [16], became a harbinger of a new ideology, the destructive potential of which the United States and its allies had already begun to use in the 80s of the XX century.
The United States is undertaking yet another adventure to “restore the former glory of Islam” in its confrontation with the USSR in the long-suffering lands of Afghanistan. In order to speed up the possible invasion of Soviet troops into Afghanistan and thus lure the USSR into the “Vietnamese abyss” (an idea formulated by US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski and CIA Director Robert Gates), in the summer of 1979, US President Jimmy Carter signed a decree that launched the beginning of the CIA Operation Cyclone in Afghanistan[17].Osama bin Laden (according to some experts was a CIA agent) [18], arrived in the country later that year, sent by the then head of Saudi intelligence, Prince Turki bin Faisal, where he created Maktab al-Khidamat (MAK), which helped finance, recruit and train mujahideen fighters. Bin Laden, the IAC and the Afghan mujahideen in total received about half a billion dollars a year from the CIA and about the same from the Saudis, who were sent through the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) [19]. The methods and approaches of conducting inhuman slaughter were exactly duplicated from the actions already carried out or still being carried out by the Americans in other countries of the world (Nicaragua, Angola, El Salvador, etc.). “Planting car bombs, launching rockets into residential areas of Kabul, destroying government-built schools and hospitals, killing teachers, and other symbols of the government’s social activities have been targeted by the “mujahideen”, just as it was done on the other side of the globe by US-backed Nicaraguan rebels, strictly following the instructions specified in the CIA training manual “Psychological Operations in Guerilla Warfare” [20].
Having achieved the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, the United States, contrary to the agreements reached with the USSR, did not stop supplying the region with weapons and money, strengthening the “jihad” military machine that had been formed over the years and replenishing it with new “fighters for the faith”.
As a result of the synthesis of the skills accumulated over a decade in conducting military-terrorist operations and the ideology of Wahhabism, a new military-political phenomenon was formed, transformed into a new ideology – the ideology of jihadism – the place of religion, in which it is purely nominal. The main ideas that allowed this monster to “legalize” are expressed in the trinity of such concepts as Salafism, Takfir and Jihad.
Salafism – a reformist movement of non-traditional Islam, is a prototype of Protestant fundamentalism for the followers of Islam, which arose at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries. The central category of “teaching” is the rejection of the entire heritage of the Islamic tradition after three generations of Muslims (as-salaf al-salihun) as a heretical innovation (bid’a) and a return to the practice of the first Muslims (salafs) as an indispensable condition for the purity of the dogma [21] . Thoughtlessly crossing out a whole layer of knowledge accumulated over the centuries, the Salafists have lost the only true methodology of traditional Islam in the interpretation of the texts of the Holy Scripture, the reliability of which has been tested for centuries. Having “purified” religion from “heretical” layers, the followers of Salafism found themselves in a situation of methodological vacuum and a cognitive trap, which forced them to interpret the texts of the Holy Scripture based on their own conjectures and conjectures, depending on the current situation – a method that is no different from the practice of “Muslim” liberal reformers. To give visible integrity to the project of “Muslim” Protestantism, its content is filled with ideas and views of various areas of non-traditional Islam (Mujassimites, Mushabbiha, Jabrits, etc. [22]), and even judgments of scientists such as Ibn -Taymiyyah, so that the built protest against traditional Islam has far-reaching consequences, up to its final dismantling, as was the case with Christianity in the West. In order to exclude any possibility of exposing the inconsistency of the design of puritanical “Islam”,
“Takfir is the declaration of all the enemies of Islam (within the Muslims themselves) as kafirs (infidels), i.e. tactics adopted by numerous right-wing extremist Islamist organizations that widely use terror”[23]. The practice of takfir originated at the dawn of Islam, during the lifetime of the fourth righteous caliph, Ali ibn Abu Talib. It was under him that after the Battle of Siffin in 657, during the struggle for power between Ali ibn Abu Talib and Muawiya, a political event took place, known in the history of Islam as the “Arbitration Court”. The agreement accepted by both parties (Abu ibn Abu Talib and Mu’awiya) provided for the resolution of the dispute by holding new elections, as a result of which the decision on the appointment of the Caliph was taken in favor of Mu’awiya. Those who disagreed with the procedure and results of choosing a new successor rebelled and declared all those who ” turned to the judge, and not to the Book of Allah”kafirs (unbelievers), separating themselves from the main part of Muslims into the first religious and political grouping in the history of Islam, the Kharijites (from the Arabic “khawarij” – speaking, leaving) [24] and starting an “endless” jihad against their fellow believers, turning two innovations of the first centuries (takfir-jihad) into inseparable twins, harm from which does not decrease, to this day.
Inspired by the success of the American “jihad” in Afghanistan, the United States continued to use the services of the “mujahideen” and sent them to perform various political and military-strategic tasks in the Balkans and the Caucasus, in the regions to which the national interests of the United States extended, immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Thus, “from 1992 to 1995, the Pentagon deployed thousands of al-Qaeda Mujahideen ( banned in the Russian Federation) from Central Asia to Europe to fight side by side with the Bosnian Muslims against the Serbs. According to intelligence sources, the mujahideen were “escorted by US special forces equipped with high-tech communications equipment.” Bin Laden’s mercenaries were used by the Pentagon as shock troops”[25] . Led by Mohammed al-Zawahiri (brother of al-Qaeda’s deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahiri), the Kosovo Liberation Army’s elite unit had direct radio contact with NATO leadership during the Kosovo conflict, while British SAS instructors and US Delta forces engaged directly their preparation. “ The CIA provided military assistance before and during the 1999 bombing campaign, including military training manuals and field consultations, under the guise of OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) observers [26] .
As for the Caucasus, the American strategy to destabilize the region was no different from other bloody adventures. “ US-sponsored mujahideen fighters with ties to Osama bin Laden were flown from Afghanistan to Azerbaijan via an airline set up on behalf of the CIA by former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense General Richard Secord. By 1993, another shell company, MEGA Oil, set up by the same employee, had recruited and armed 2,000 Mujahideen, turning Baku into a base for Mujahideen terrorist operations throughout the Caucasus [27]. Since the mid-1990s, bin Laden has financed militant leaders Shamil Basayev and Omar ibn al-Khattab in the amount of several million dollars a month. US intelligence remained deeply involved for the remainder of the decade. According to Yosef Bodanksy, then director of the US Congress Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, Washington was actively engaged in “another anti-Russian jihad” seeking to support and strengthen the most virulent anti-Western Islamist forces.[28]. Despite the ordeal that befell the Chechen people, they still managed to turn the tide and stand against the ideology of Wahhabism, relying on the age-old traditions and customs (adats) of the Vainakhs. It is thanks to the efforts of adherents of traditional Islam, in particular the First President of the Chechen Republic Akhmat-Khoja Kadyrov (1951-2004) and Sheikh Muhammad-Sodik Muhammad-Yusuf (1952-2015) (a theologian from the Republic of Uzbekistan, revealing the true meaning of jihad, and it was decided to clear the Chechen land of international extremism, terrorism and various gangs. The golden words of Sheikh Muhammad-Sodiq Muhammad-Yusuf that“… you Chechens need to realize one truth, that neither the Saudis need you, neither the Emirates need you, nor the Libyans need you, and others don’t need you either, only Russia needs you, and you need Russia, because you are a small people, … and only together with a big country you will be able to achieve success” [29], were of fundamental importance for the adoption of a fateful decision for the Chechen people – “to live, work, raise their children as part of Russia” [30].
Maddened by the possibility of not binding itself to the obligations of international law, the United States made no secret of its nefarious ambitions to conquer the Greater Middle East. Thus, in September 2000, The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) ( founded in 1997 by a number of leading neoconservative writers and scholars to promote aggressive US foreign policy and “mobilize support for American global leadership” [31 ]) , publishes a document outlining his foreign policy vision.It called for the United States to use overwhelming military force to control the Persian Gulf region and “to maintain US global supremacy … and shape an international security order consistent with American principles and interests. However, in order to achieve the intended goal , continued in this report, it was necessary for some kind of catastrophic event to happen, something similar to the new Pearl Harbor” [32]. And this event happened on September 11, 2001 (9/11) – an event that allowed the neoconservatives to take a leading position in foreign policy in the administration of President D. Bush.
The invasion of Afghanistan (in 2001) and Iraq (in 2003) were the leading catalysts for the radicalization of the population of Muslim countries, which made it possible to replenish the ranks of the already formed terrorist cells of Al-Qaeda (banned in the Russian Federation), as a necessary condition for destabilizing the region . The strategy of destabilizing the Middle East was openly postulated by neocons. Thus, in 2002, leading neoconservative Michael Ledeen (Michael Ledeen, a former consultant to the US National Security Council , the US State Department and the US Department of Defense ; chair of the Freedom Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute (American Enterprise Institute [33]) stated:“…We don’t need stability in Iran, or Iraq, or Syria, or Lebanon, or even Saudi Arabia…. The real question is not whether, but how to destabilize the situation. We must ensure the accomplishment of the democratic revolution ” [34]. This “how” resulted in the propaganda of the ideology of jihadism by various extremist and terrorist organizations and movements, including Al-Qaeda, which is fully consistent with the US tactics of spreading false values and erosion of the national and cultural foundations of the peoples of the countries of the Middle East, one of the elements of the technology of “controlled chaos” [35].
The traditional teaching of Islam has firmly established the norm of the prohibition of any turmoil that leads to bloodshed, regardless of the complexity of the political situation. This position is most deeply disclosed in the commentary of the prominent Muslim thinker, Sunni theologian and jurist (faqih) Imam al-Ghazali:2) either consider it necessary to deliver the country from the [power] of the ruler (imām) and the falling away of the provinces, and this is impossible and unthinkable for us. We decide in favor of having an unjust ruler, an oppressor, in power in the country, due to the extreme necessity for its inhabitants” [36].
Lacking any legal grounds for legalizing the “religion of jihad” within the canons of traditional Islam, the ideologists of jihadism had no choice but to resort to the patterns of destructive sects, the only way to “destroy the human personality and its ties with the outside world, using psychological control and technology reforming consciousness” [37]. The absolutization of the idea of jihad to the degree of a measure elevated to the rank of “permitted by God” made it possible to realize the possibility of manipulative influence on the masses in order to promote their own extreme ideological views and establish total control over the consciousness and behavior of adherents. Thus, the main ideologue of Islamist jihad, Abdullah Azzam, argued that“The obligation to fight continues until death and remains the responsibility of everyone until we liberate al-Andalus, until we reach Leningrad again, to the Finns, to the River Rul in France. The lands covered by the laws of Islam must be liberated” [38]. And in response to the demand of the former leader of the Egyptian branch of the Islamic Jihad ( banned in the Russian Federation), Sayed Imam al-Sharif, to stop the bloodshed, the theorist of Al-Qaeda ( banned in the Russian Federation) , Ayman al-Zawahiri, said that “this jihad is not for the sake of the good of mankind: it is in order to please Allah. The expression “fi sabil Allah”, “in the way of Allah”, is the criterion”[39]. Proclaiming “jihad” for the sake of “jihad” and following the example of the zealots of “pure Islam”, the mouthpieces of jihadism did not hesitate to turn to divine texts, selectively distorting the meanings of the innermost, so as not to ruin their “profitable enterprise”. As a result, thousands of fooled sons and sisters of the blessed ummah were subjected to humiliating and heartbreaking experiments for the “great cause of Islam”. Thus, the legalization of prostitution and infidelity to a spouse (zina) under the compromising name of “jihad al-nikah” (“sex jihad”) [40] exposed the insides of “Salafi” freedom, which is no different from the liberal agenda of destroying the institution of the family. Moreover, jihadists forced perverted “services” “at gunpoint”, cold-bloodedly sentencing “intractable prudes” to execution [41].
How many wives from complete families who were forced to leave with their husbands for the territory of “Islam” bitterly tried all the charms of “Sharia”, several times involuntarily changing “companions”, gradually realizing themselves locked in a psychological prison. Fanatically following the “great idea”, the jihadists did not spare even disabled children, allowing “the killing of newborn children with Down syndrome and with physical disabilities … 38 infants with Down syndrome were executed between the ages of one week and three months. They were killed by lethal injection or strangulation. Some of the killings took place in Syria and Mosul” [42] . In their concern for the “cleanliness” of the ranks, jihadists resemble the leader of the Third Reich, who“came to the conclusion that terminally ill and mentally handicapped people should be eliminated not only for the sake of preserving the purity of the Aryan race, but also for economic reasons” [43]. Cultivating inhuman practices, the “saviors of the Ummah” passionately competed in seizing homes, cars, chopping off heads, taking possession of “trophy” sex slaves, regarding these atrocities as “mercy from God”, and zealously praised these “gifts” before the potential public.
“Characteristic of destructive cults are such signs as a negative perception of dissidents and secular science, hostility to other religious denominations, an indifferent and contemptuous attitude towards the historical and cultural heritage, a rigid hierarchy with frequent veneration of the head of the cult, absolutization and intensive propaganda of one’s religious concept, eclecticism and heightened the eschatologism of the doctrine, the establishment of total control over the consciousness and behavior of the adept” [44], easily coexisted in the jihadist monster, whose adherents tend to act according to the following plan: “first, make a resettlement (hijra) from the territory of disbelief (dar-ul-kufr) to the territory of Islam (dar-ul-islam) (it can be a country, region, or places like mountains and forests), the creation of a jamaat there, i.e. Islamic community (or joining such a community), then waging military jihad (raids on the enemy from their military camp), first to liberate the territory that was in the hands of Muslims, then to spread Islam by military means in other countries, thus creating a single world Islamic state (caliphate)” [45].
Submitting to the military-political tasks in the political project outlined by the West, the ambitious jihadists rushed to carry out the “mission” assigned to them. For example, the Ansar al-Islam group, which has settled in northern Iraq ( banned in the Russian Federation), created by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi allowed on February 3, 2003, a few weeks before the start of the war in Iraq, Colin Powell, US Secretary of State, speaking at the UN, to declare Al-Qaeda’s connection with the Saddam regime [46]. After the invasion of American troops, Osama bin Laden, the famous jihadist slogan “to defeat the “distant enemy” must destroy the “near enemy”” changing to “to defeat the “distant enemy” must cooperate with the remnants of the “near enemy””, endorses the jihadist-Baathist alliance [47], the deadly consequences of which were not long in coming. Terrorist attacks by militants “Tawhid wal-Jihad”, “Al-Qaeda Iraq”, “Islamic State of Iraq” ( banned in the Russian Federation)and other al-Qaeda-linked groups began to overwhelm Iraq. Explosion at the Jordanian embassy in Baghdad (19 people killed, 60 injured), attack on the UN headquarters (23 people died, more than 200 injured), explosions of American companies’ offices, headquarters of Italian troops, terrorist attacks on the city of Karbala (14 dead, up to 170 wounded), explosions at the offices of the Democratic Party of Kurdistan and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in the city of Erbil (200 people were killed, 267 people were injured) sowed fear and hatred among the inhabitants of Iraq[48]. Suicide bombers carried out almost 42% of the bombings in Iraq, which led to the largest number of victims [49].
Unexpectedly for Washington, an uprising broke out on the southern Shiite front, led by the Shiite leader Muqtada al-Sadr, was met with a series of brutal terrorist attacks against the Shiites. An explosion near one of the main shrines of Shiites – the mausoleum of Imam Ali in An-Najaf (126 dead, 230 injured; among the dead – the leader of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution of Iraq, Ayatollah Muhammad Bakr al-Hakim), sabotage at Shiite shrines in Karbala and Baghdad (more than 170 people, about 500 Iraqis were injured; 49 Iranian pilgrims were among the dead) [50], and others demonstrated the provocative strategy of war against the Shiites, embodied by al-Zarqawi, in order to provoke them to retaliate, and bring the Sunnis under his wing, plunging the country into a relentless civil war. The “philotropic” actions of the terrorists only strengthened the US presence in Iraq,
Having completed the “democratization” of Iraq and the withdrawal of its troops in December 2011, the United States left the Iraqi people alone with economic and domestic political chaos, paving the way for the collapse of Iraq along ethno-religious lines.
Meanwhile, the “Arab Spring” raged across the Arab world, sacking Ben Ali in Tunisia and Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, brutally cracking down on the leader of the Libyan revolution, Muammar Gaddafi, and sowing a civil war in Syria, which opened up wide opportunities for jihadists to carry out their new “ jihad”.
Following al-Zarqawi’s strategy, al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) ( banned in the Russian Federation) , launched terrorist attacks and massacres against Iraqi Shiites, continuing to sow the seeds of sectarian hatred, which in the same way moved to Syria. Meanwhile, in Syria, the Ahrar ash-Sham and Jabhat al-Nusra ( banned in the Russian Federation) groups associated with Al-Qaeda thoughtlessly and cruelly put into practice their military-political “skills” and “skills” in building “caliphate”. And only the support of Russia and Iran in maintaining the integrity of the Syrian statehood did not allow the implementation of the insidious plans of the Western colonialists to divide Syria along ethno-religious lines.
Feeling undisguised annoyance at the unfulfilled dream of ruling the world, the United States continues the strategy of destabilizing the regions, sending its well-fed “jihad warriors” to various hot spots. In Afghanistan alone, the actions of the United States and Great Britain contribute to the strengthening of the regional wing of the ISIS terrorist group, whose number was already 3.5 thousand as of November 2022 [52]. As for Ukraine, dozens of militants associated with the al-Qaeda terrorist organization were transferred to its territory from the Syrian province of Idlib [53].
Wandering in the unrealizable illusions of an existential vacuum and rejecting the healthy parting words of the scientists of traditional Islam, the hard-hearted admirers of “jihad” are forced to fulfill the “mission” assigned to them by the West to eradicate the age-old traditions and beliefs of the peoples of the world in order to build a new society of transhumanism, devoid of lofty ideals, on the resulting wasteland. spirituality, morality and justice.
PS. The special military operation carried out by Russia in Ukraine is aimed not so much at eliminating the enemy’s military targets as at rescuing the Ukrainian people from the captivity of illusions and deceit, inhumanly and vilely introduced into the naive consciousness of Ukrainian brothers and sisters, just as it was done with the followers of Islam, in order to fill their hearts hatred and cruelty not only to their age-old culture and history, but also to their wonderful traditions of good neighborliness and friendliness, dooming them to the vile slavery of the ideology of hypocrisy and forcing them to die thoughtlessly in the name of the “jihad” of globalization, in which there is no place for the identity of the Ukrainian people, also as well as the identity of all other peoples of the planet.
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[2] https://finances.social/novogo-vremeni-istoriya/upravlenii-spetsialnyimi-operatsiyami-76527.html
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[4] Bloom W. Killing Democracy: CIA and Pentagon Operations during the Cold War / transl. from English. Under the arm A. Chernov and E. Loginova; translation editor V.Krasheninn.-M.: ANO “Institute for Foreign Policy Research and Initiatives”, Kuchkovo Pole, 2013.-713p. (Series “Real Politics”).
[5] Syrokomsky V.A. International terrorism and the CIA: Documents, evidence, facts. – M.: Progress, 1992.
[6] Killing Democracy: CIA and Pentagon Operations in the Post-Soviet Period. Collection of articles of the international group of authors / Translated from English. Andrey Verchenkov; per. from Spanish Tatyana Vladimirskaya. – M .: ANO “Institute for Foreign Policy Research and Initiatives”, Kuchkovo Pole, 2014. – 480 p. (Series “Real Politics”).
[7] https://tass.ru/politika/5341663
[8] https://tass.ru/obschestvo/4969524
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