Idlib province: SOHR activists have reported on Sunday that a new reinforcement affiliated to the Turkish forces has entered Putin-Erdoghan area, where above 100 trucks and vehicles that carried soldiers, logistics and military equipment have entered via the crossing of Kafr Louseen at border with Liwaa Eskanroon in north Idlib. The reinforcement has moved to the Turkish military points in the southern part of Idlib countryside.
Oct. 8, SOHR activists have reported the entry of a Turkish convoy via Kafr Lucien crossing in north Idlib countryside, which comprised 35 vehicles, including ten personnel carriers, fuel trucks and trucks carrying logistic supplies and cement blocks. The convoy headed towards southern and eastern of Jabal al-Zawiyah in Idlib countryside.
The Turkish forces’ new reinforcement brings the number of vehicles and military trucks carrying heavy weaponry, including tanks and artillery pieces, which entered “Putin-Erdogan” area after the statements between Russia and Turkey in late September 2021, regarding Idlib province and Turkey’s fears of a surprise military operation by Russian and regime forces on Idlib to 125.
On September 29, SOHR activists reported that the Turkish forces fostering it posts at the frontlines with 37 tanks and armored vehicles, starting from Jabal al-Zawiyah in south Idlib countryside until reaching the frontline of west Aleppo countryside.
The moves coincided with visit of the high-level Turkish delegation visit two days ago to the frontlines and their visit is expected to end in the coming two days after monitoring all the posts along the frontline and make sure of its full readiness of soldiers and equipment.
According to SOHR, the Turkish forces documented in the past few days entry of the regime military enforcement over five batches to the east frontline of Idlib province.
While on Sept. 27, SOHR activists reported seeing Turkish forces being put on high alert in Turkish posts in the “de-escalation zone”, including all posts in Idlib province, in light of a visit by a delegation of Turkish forces, headed by a high-ranking officer, to the military posts on the frontlines of Jabal al-Zawiyah and east of Idlib city with the aim to check the military readiness of these posts to repel any surprise attacks.