How Countries Prepare for Population Growth and Decline

In early 2023, India surpassed China as the most populous country in the world with the latter having 850,000 fewer people by the end of 2022—marking the country’s first population decline since famine struck from 1959 to 1961. While this reduction may seem modest considering China’s 1.4 billion population currently, an ongoing decline is anticipated, with UN projections suggesting that China’s population could dwindle to below 800 million by 2100.

China’s Provocative Cartographic Moves: Unpacking Geopolitical Fallout Of Controversial New Map – Analysis

In a move that has reverberated across the international stage, China released a new map on August 29, 2023, following the BRICS meeting held in South Africa. This seemingly innocuous act of cartography has far-reaching geopolitical implications, as it asserts China’s territorial claims over several disputed areas, unsettling not only its neighbors but also the delicate balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region.

Triangulation Of Eurasia: The North-South Corridor Underreported But Pivotal For Common Future – Analysis


In the fluid global order, initiatives to articulate cooperation to its best mutual outcome, as for exchange of resources and synergies are relevant more than ever. The mighty Asian triangular format of RIC (Russia – India – China) is relatively well known although underreported in scholarly and popular writings.

Mobilisation stratégique étasunienne contre la Chine, la Russie et l’Iran

En dépit de ses quatre-vingts ans, de ses trébuchements continus et de ses gaffes à répétition, l’État profond a décidé de maintenir la candidature du président américain Joe Biden aux élections présidentielles de 2024. Ce qui amène tout observateur ou analyste politique à se poser la question fondamentale : quelles sont les raisons qui poussent les décideurs aux États-Unis à le choisir pour continuer à occuper une position aussi importante, sensible et dangereuse, alors qu’il risque de provoquer une guerre nucléaire mondiale pouvant conduire à l’anéantissement de l’humanité ?

What’s Behind China’s Strategic Partnership With Georgia?

With Western powers distracted by the war in Ukraine, China appears to be making cautious moves to cement its position in the wider Black Sea region.

The strategic partnership agreement released by Beijing and Tbilisi on July 31 surprised many in Georgia and in the West. While this diplomatic advance comes amid traditionally warm relations between China and Georgia, which signed a free trade agreement back in 2017, the reasons for and timing of the strategic cooperation document’s release highlight the fluid geopolitical situation in the South Caucasus; China’s attempts to advance its position in the unstable region; and, more importantly, Georgia’s efforts to maneuver between the collective West and the East, especially ahead of the crucial decision by the EU on whether to grant Tbilisi its long-coveted candidate status.

BRICS+ And The Future Of The US Dollar – Analysis

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and intensified United States (US)–China competition have had two important geostrategic consequences. They have blown new life into the European Union (EU) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and accelerated expansion of the Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa (BRICS) bloc’s role and membership, as confirmed at this week’s Johannesburg summit.

BRICS Expansion: A New World Order Or The Same Old Game? – OpEd

In a historic South Africa BRICS summit move, BRICS – the association of five major emerging economies, has extended invitations to six more nations: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, the UAE, and Argentina. While some laud this expansion as a step towards creating a multipolar world, others are concerned that it might merely perpetuate the old structures of power and dominance, albeit with new actors.