Communist Party of China Now has Over 95 Million Members

Approximately 2.31 million people joined the CPC in the first half of this year, the statement added.

The Communist Party of China (CPC) has 95.148 million members as of June 5, the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee announced on Wednesday.

Orban’s Anti-LGBTQ Law Crosses a Red Line for Europe

Violations of democratic norms by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban are nothing new, but the explosion of anger in Europe against the anti-LGBTQ law just approved by the Hungarian parliament, dominated by Orban’s Fidesz Party, suggests Orban has crossed a critical red line.

Echilibrul militar al Europei de Est se răstoarnă! O mică țară europeană devine primejdioasă pentru vecinii ortodocși

Pe vremea lui Ceaușescu, circula un banc despre armata albaneză. Se spune că puterea de foc a antiaeriei din această țară se rezuma la semne amenințătoare făcute cu degetul către piloții inamici. Astăzi, însă, lucrurile sunt pe cale să se schimbe spectaculos, iar țărilr vecine, de pildă Grecia sau Serbia, simt presiunea.

Germany’s Ban of the Hamas Flag: “A Superficial Measure”

German lawmakers said that banning the Hamas flag was aimed at sending “a clear signal” of support “to our Jewish citizens.” Others, however, dismissed the ban as an empty gesture aimed at silencing critics of the German government’s pro-Islamist foreign policy ahead of upcoming federal elections this September.

MONUSCO patrols top the 23 000 mark in four months

Now in its 11th year, the United Nations mission in the conflict riddled Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) continues its unabated efforts to protect civilians and work toward peace, engaging with any number of local stakeholders as well as regional and continental blocs and bodies.

One example of the commitment shown by MONUSCO, the French acronym for the UN Stabilisation Mission in the DRC, comes from a report prepared by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres’ staff.

Lapid inaugurates Israeli Consulate in Dubai: ‘We created the incredible’

“We are starting to get used to making history,” Lapid quipped, noting that he had inaugurated the Israeli Embassy in Abu Dhabi the day before.

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid inaugurated Israel’s Consulate in Dubai on Wednesday, on the second day of the first trip to the United Arab Emirates by an Israeli minister since the countries established diplomatic ties.

Поляки и прибалты разваливают Евросоюз: при чем тут Путин

На саммите Евросоюза в Брюсселе состоялась “самая острая дискуссия за последние несколько лет”. Двухчасовое обсуждение, “временами эмоциональное”, было посвящено — нет, не необходимости организовать в ближайшее время саммит с Путиным, который предложили провести Меркель и Макрон.
Обсуждали действия “европейского Путина”, давно уже вызывающего у евроинтеграторов изжогу. “Ты пересек красную линию! Это не та Европа, в которой я хочу жить!” — возмущался премьер-министр Люксембурга. “Я намерен поставить их на колени. На этот раз все зашло слишком далеко! Им больше нечего делать в ЕС”, — добавлял премьер Нидерландов. “Позор! Исключить!” — все это кричали премьер-министру Венгрии Виктору Орбану, требуя от него объяснений из-за принятого на днях в Венгрии закона о запрете пропаганды ЛГБТ (в том числе в школах и среди несовершеннолетних). Лидеры 17 из 27 стран подписали обращение к Орбану с призывом отменить закон — но венгерский премьер стоял на своем. Защищаем семьи — и все тут.

Fizz is gone from Biden-Putin summit

The morning after a Russian-American summit is most critical to know whether the previous day’s bonhomie was real, surreal or unreal. Surveying the Geneva Summit (June 16) between presidents Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin, I cautiously assessed the next day,

Games the Pentagon plays

Modern warfare is waged with high-tech weapons. Each battle fought eats up loads of ammunition and modern weapons systems need spare parts and fuel. All this meaning that no military action is possible without an advanced economy and supplies. Even terrorist organizations forced to go deep into the underground have to set up laboratories and workshops to produce homemade explosives and weapons. Incidentally, it is exactly this “underground industry” that makes them vulnerable to the intelligence services. Therefore, one might think that large and internationally outlawed groups of terrorists and separatists simply can’t exist for long because they will be left with virtually nothing to fight with.

Money money über alles

Follow the money. O expresie celebră din zona politicii, înfiptă în mintea oamenilor odată cu scandalul Watergate și cu filmul All The President’s Men.