The Molenbeek Effect: the Facts beyond the Myth

The story of this district in Brussels, hideout for some of the terrorists of the 2015 Paris attacks, demonstrates that in the fight against radicalism new socio-political configurations and a mature and courageous Islamic leadership are needed

Many of the terrorists involved in the Paris attacks occurring on 13 November 2015 came from Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, a neighbourhood in Brussels that has since become the butt of aggressive discourse in France, Italy, the United States and elsewhere. Linked to Belgian jihadists who left to fight amongst Islamic State’s ranks in Syria during the period 2013-2014, this network continued its works with the attacks on Brussels airport and the “Maalbeek” underground station in Brussels on 22 March 2016. In the light of these events, one can justifiably ask whether there exists a “Molenbeek effect” on Islamic radicalism and what lessons may be learned from this case.

Rising Tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean


The Eastern Mediterranean has always been an area of important political and cultural developments, dense migration, but also a hotspot of international tensions. The past decades have been no different: the region remains a bridge for trade between Europe and Asia, whereas geopolitics have divided the island of Cyprus, and more migrants crossed the waters to escape hardship.

US Deficit To Top $3 Trillion Again: Budget Office

Meanwhile, federal debt is projected to rise to $23 trillion — nearly 103 percent of GDP, the report said.

The US economy is recovering faster than previously predicted, but the government will see a deficit over $3 trillion again this year, the Congressional Budget Office said Thursday.

Communist Party of China Now has Over 95 Million Members

Approximately 2.31 million people joined the CPC in the first half of this year, the statement added.

The Communist Party of China (CPC) has 95.148 million members as of June 5, the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee announced on Wednesday.

Orban’s Anti-LGBTQ Law Crosses a Red Line for Europe

Violations of democratic norms by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban are nothing new, but the explosion of anger in Europe against the anti-LGBTQ law just approved by the Hungarian parliament, dominated by Orban’s Fidesz Party, suggests Orban has crossed a critical red line.

Echilibrul militar al Europei de Est se răstoarnă! O mică țară europeană devine primejdioasă pentru vecinii ortodocși

Pe vremea lui Ceaușescu, circula un banc despre armata albaneză. Se spune că puterea de foc a antiaeriei din această țară se rezuma la semne amenințătoare făcute cu degetul către piloții inamici. Astăzi, însă, lucrurile sunt pe cale să se schimbe spectaculos, iar țărilr vecine, de pildă Grecia sau Serbia, simt presiunea.

Germany’s Ban of the Hamas Flag: “A Superficial Measure”

German lawmakers said that banning the Hamas flag was aimed at sending “a clear signal” of support “to our Jewish citizens.” Others, however, dismissed the ban as an empty gesture aimed at silencing critics of the German government’s pro-Islamist foreign policy ahead of upcoming federal elections this September.

MONUSCO patrols top the 23 000 mark in four months

Now in its 11th year, the United Nations mission in the conflict riddled Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) continues its unabated efforts to protect civilians and work toward peace, engaging with any number of local stakeholders as well as regional and continental blocs and bodies.

One example of the commitment shown by MONUSCO, the French acronym for the UN Stabilisation Mission in the DRC, comes from a report prepared by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres’ staff.