‘Pegasus Project’ Uncovers a Privacy Nightmare

Pegasus, military-grade spyware designed by the Israeli surveillance firm NSO Group to track terrorists, was used to hack 37 smartphones of journalists, human rights activists and politicians, according to an investigation known as “The Pegasus Project” conducted by The Washington Post and 16 other news organizations led by the journalism nonprofit Forbidden Stories.

Mărturia lui Constantin Boștină

În ziua de 22 decembrie 1989, Constantin Boștină era la Botoșani, având funcția de secretar cu probleme economice al Consiliului Județean. În urmă cu câțiva ani, fusese secretar personal al lui Nicolae Ceaușescu, funcție creată anume pentru el. Ceaușeasca a pus ochi încruntați pe el la un moment dat și așa a fost „avansat” la Botoșani. Suspiciunile Biroului 2 veneau în cadrul superparanoic al fricii față de pacepiștii rămași nedevoalați.

The Convention on Refugees at 70: A Conversation with Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield

On July 28th, the world will mark the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations’ 1951 Refugee Convention, a historic multilateral agreement that clarified the rights of refugees under international law and the obligation of host countries to provide for their protection. The principles enshrined in the Refugee Convention set precedents for the rights, repatriation, and resettlement of refugees that still resonate to this day.

Uniunea Europeană are o problemă

Uniunea Europeană are o problemă.

Nu, nu alea la care vă gîndiți voi. Da, știu, UE are probleme multe. Însă, dincolo de acestea, începe să aibă din ce în ce mai mult și o problemă de legitimitate.

Jihadis expand control to new Burkina Faso fronts

Florent Coulibaly, a soldier in Burkina Faso’s army, says he hasn’t been sleeping well for the past few months as he is often roused at 3 a.m. to fight jihadi rebels.

Until recently life was peaceful in western Burkina Faso’s Comoe province, but an increase in attacks by extremist groups in the country’s west has put the military on edge.

The Globalization of Far-Right Extremism: An Investigative Report

Abstract: The fact that right-wing extremists are cooperating internationally more than ever today is a reality recognized by most researchers and government officials. This article describes some of the mechanisms that are fueling this development. The main finding is that right-wing extremists today, in many cases, no longer subscribe to the narrow concept of nationalism but instead imagine themselves as participants in a global struggle against a global enemy. Consequently, networking and cooperating across borders is seen as a necessity. This process is further supported by shared ideological writings, technological advancement, and the conflict in Ukraine, which has served as a powerful accelarator.

Une quinzaine de pays africains demandent 100 milliards à la Banque mondiale

Les chefs d’État et de gouvernement d’une quinzaine de pays africains ont assisté à la réunion de la 20ème reconstitution des ressources de l’Association internationale de développement, communément appelée IDA-20. Cette année, les États du continent réclament au moins 100 milliards de dollars pour relever leurs économies gravement affectées par la crise de Covid-19.

Din țara puțoilor întârziați. Arhetip cu Octavian Hoandră

Observ că nimeni, nici dintre politicieni, nici din ”opinia publică” nu și asumă eșecul pentru ”realizările” acestor puțoi obraznici, pluseriști, care delabrează țara. Asta demonstrează clar cum sunt pervertite si falsificate valorile cu care spunem intotdeauna in gura mare că ne place să trăim.

Biden, Merkel fail to resolve differences about Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Angela Merkel failed on Thursday to settle their dispute over Russia’s Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline.

“Good friends can disagree,” Biden told reporters after two meetings with Merkel at the White House.

Biden said he expressed his long-standing concerns to Merkel about the $11 billion pipeline, which would deliver gas from the Arctic to Germany via the Baltic Sea, bypassing Ukraine and depriving it of valuable transit fees.

The project is led by Russian state energy company Gazprom and its Western partners.

Le nombre de migrants morts en mer en tentant de rejoindre l’Europe a doublé en un an

L’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) appelle les États à prendre des mesures urgentes. Selon les statistiques publiées par l’OIM dans un nouveau rapport, au moins 1 146 personnes sont mortes en mer en tentant de rejoindre l’Europe au cours du premier semestre 2021. En 2020, 513 avaient péri au cours de la même période, et 674 en 2019.