Din țara puțoilor întârziați. Arhetip cu Octavian Hoandră

Observ că nimeni, nici dintre politicieni, nici din ”opinia publică” nu și asumă eșecul pentru ”realizările” acestor puțoi obraznici, pluseriști, care delabrează țara. Asta demonstrează clar cum sunt pervertite si falsificate valorile cu care spunem intotdeauna in gura mare că ne place să trăim.

Biden, Merkel fail to resolve differences about Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Angela Merkel failed on Thursday to settle their dispute over Russia’s Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline.

“Good friends can disagree,” Biden told reporters after two meetings with Merkel at the White House.

Biden said he expressed his long-standing concerns to Merkel about the $11 billion pipeline, which would deliver gas from the Arctic to Germany via the Baltic Sea, bypassing Ukraine and depriving it of valuable transit fees.

The project is led by Russian state energy company Gazprom and its Western partners.

Le nombre de migrants morts en mer en tentant de rejoindre l’Europe a doublé en un an

L’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) appelle les États à prendre des mesures urgentes. Selon les statistiques publiées par l’OIM dans un nouveau rapport, au moins 1 146 personnes sont mortes en mer en tentant de rejoindre l’Europe au cours du premier semestre 2021. En 2020, 513 avaient péri au cours de la même période, et 674 en 2019.

To hære dur ikke

Hvis Afghanistan og Libanon skal undgå at eksplodere i nye borgerkrige, er Pakistan og Iran nødt til at indstille deres spekulation i Taleban-bevægelsen og Hizbollah-militsen.

Afganlar’ın çilesi bitmiyor!

ABD’nin kurulu düzenleri yıkabilecek askerî güce sahip olmasına rağmen yeni bir düzen inşâ etme gücünden yoksun bulunduğunun son göstergelerinden birisi, Afganistan. ABD 20 yıllık işgâlin ardından Afganistan’dan çekiliyor. ABD, Taliban rejimini yıkıp sözde ‘yeni ulus inşâsı’ iddiasıyla Afganistan’ı işgal etmişti. Irak’ta da görüldüğü üzere ABD sadece “kaos” inşâ edebiliyor. Orta halli Amerikan vergi mükelleflerinin cebinden çıkan paralarla oluşturulan kaostan istifa edenlerse “Askeri Endüstriyel-Kongre-Akademi-Medya Kompleksi’ oluyor.

France to Its Citizens in Afghanistan: Happy Bastille Day, Leave the Country

The French ambassador in Afghanistan, David Martinon, in a Bastille Day speech in Kabul, urged all French citizens to immediately leave the country due to the precarious security situation. He did not mince his words: “The Taliban loot, burn, destroy buildings and energy and communication networks. They indiscriminately detain and kill civilians and attack prisons. All of this demonstrates the Taliban’s utter contempt for the rule of law,” the ambassador said. The embassy, he said, was arranging a special evacuation flight that would depart on Saturday morning, “to allow the entire French community to return to France.” The flight will be free of charge. Martinon warned those who decide to stay in Afghanistan after July 17 that the embassy would “no longer be able to provide security for your departure.” The announcement comes as most US and allied NATO troops have already left the country and the rest are due to pull out in the coming days.

Bombast in the Black Sea: the Latest British Provocation

Post-World War II British foreign policy has included a number of provocative steps that have weakened British standing; created complications in the international arena; and raised the possibility of serious confrontation. In the 1950s, the British were the ringleaders in the last gasp of European colonialism: a British-French-Israeli conspiracy to topple Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser and occupy the Suez Canal. In the 1980s, the British ended up in a war with Argentina over the Falkland Islands, projecting power over thousands of miles to save British sheepherders. In the 1990s, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher goaded President George H.W. Bush to pursue war in Iraq (“don’t go wobbly on me, George) at a time when Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev was trying to arrange for an Iraqi troop withdrawal from Kuwait to prevent war. In the 2000s, Prime Minister Tony Blair was the only West European leader to enthusiastically support the U.S. invasion of Iraq, supplementing the lies and chicanery of the Bush administration to justify war. This month, the British send a destroyer into the Black Sea to challenge the Russian occupation of Crimea, which complicates Western relations with Russia at a time when Presidents Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin are moving awkwardly to end the free fall in their bilateral relations and to institutionalize a diplomatic dialogue on central issues such as arms control and cybersecurity.

Former US informants arrested as suspects in Haitian President’s assassination; media

Two men tied to the Haitian President’s Murder plot worked for US law enforcement as informants; one was said to work for the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

Following the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse, the suspect reached out to his contacts at the DEA. A DEA official assigned to Haiti urged the suspect to surrender to local authorities and, along with a US State Department official, provided information to the Haitian government that assisted in the surrender and arrest of the suspect and one other individual,” the DEA said, some media reported.

A înnebunit Frans Timmermans?

Comisia Europeană vrea să ajungă la ”zero net” emisii de carbon până în 2050. Asta înseamnă că în acel an ar trebui ca țările UE să nu emită mai multe gaze cu efect de seră decât pot reține în mod natural și prin noile tehnologii. Primul pas este reducerea emisiilor cu 55% până în 2030. Nu este doar planul Comisiei Europene, prin Pactul Verde European. Este și obiectivul administrației Biden și devine și obiectivul bancherilor centrali.