Urban Warfare: What’s Next for the American Military?

The U.S. military has been fighting the Global War on Terror (GWOT) for more than two decades now. This means that for the first time in American history a servicemember can have both enlisted and retired during an active war. Further, at no time in its history has the U.S. sustained urban combat for this length of time.

Shia Clerics: Taliban Must Ensure Equal Role for All

The Shia Ulema Council at a press conference on Tuesday urged the Taliban to ensure that they will treat all faiths and ethnicities with equality and justice.

They said the next government should ensure the participation of all religions and ethnicities.

The Collapse of Afghanistan: Blame the Suits, Not the Boots

The lightning-quick advance by the Taliban rapidly overran Afghanistan and led to the absolute collapse of the Afghan army and security forces.

As the Taliban were posing for pictures inside the presidential palace, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani was fleeing the country to Uzbekistan even before the United States could withdraw its own diplomats. Crowds were rushing to the tarmac of Kabul airport trying to get out before the Taliban take over.

Are the Taliban on a Path to Victory?

With the Taliban sweeping through provincial capitals, and massing near Kabul, the Afghan government is thus far vowing to resist. In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts Laurel Miller and Andrew Watkins explain that outside powers’ priority should now be to minimise further human suffering.

Guest Post: The Uyghur Jihadist Scoundrels Occupying Homes in Qalb Lawze

Introduction by the editor and translator: To preface, I am well aware that the opinion line taken in this guest post will come across as very controversial. That said, I would urge those who claim they want to listen to local Syrian voices about the situation in Idlib to take seriously this guest post, written by a friend from the village of Qalb Lawze in the Jabal al-Summaq area of north Idlib province. The current status quo in Idlib may well be better than the alternatives, but one should also recognise the costs at which it has come. Among other things, Uyghurs who have no business being in Syria have seized and occupied homes of many of the original inhabitants of Qalb Lawze. The original Druze inhabitants of Qalb Lawze who have remained were long ago forced to declare conversion to Sunni Islam, and even so the Uyghurs, who belong to a jihadist faction called Katibat al-Ghuraba’ al-Turkistan, have treated them with disdain and hostility, and their abuses have not been held to account.

Philosophers of Capitalism: How Hume Civilized Money

This essay is taken from the foreword of George Caffentzis’s Civilizing Money: Hume, his Monetary Project and the Scottish Enlightenment.


George Caffentzis writes that his project of the philosophy of money began in August 1971 when President Nixon severed the link between the dollar and gold. He further developed the project through SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) and URPE (Union of Radical Political Economics). It began to take form in his writing with Zerowork (when our paths crossed). Did the end of gold mean the end of work and did the end of work mean the end of capitalism? It achieved a major breakthrough with the Wages for Housework campaign. Owing to the crisis of the oil market and then the dangers of nuclear energy he formulated an approach to the philosophy of money in which class analysis was combined with philosophical epistemology and the specifics of historical conjuncture. The first volume of what was to become a trilogy was completed in Calabar, Nigeria, at the time of structural adjustment under the IMF (International Monetary Fund).[1] Political presentism and autobiographical reflection enliven the philosophic pages. He has venerable examples of such combination from Clarendon’s The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England (1702-1704) to Gibbon’s The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776-1789).

Cine a pierdut cel mai lung război al Americii?

Dacă talibanii vor ocupa Kabulul până pe 11 septembrie, la 20 de ani de la atentatele de la 11 septembrie de la New York, ar putea celebra eșecul usturător al SUA în acest război citând la nesfârșit un titlu din ediția din 8 august 2021 a The New York Times: ”SUA cer talibanilor să cruțe ambasada americană în lupta pentru Kabul”.

Project Pegasus: Unauthorized Snooping Or Threat To National Security? – OpEd

‘Pegasus’, the mythical winged horse has been the center of the universe of discourse for the last few days. Only this time, this is not a horse, but a spy software developed by Israel’s NSO group that exploits the weaknesses of someone’s phone that even the manufacturers don’t know about. Using ‘Pegasus’, a cell phone can be hacked and it will start transmitting data to the attacker through the apps, microphone or camera. It’s like having a spy in one’s pocket; turning the phone, one paid for, a weapon, used by others.

Juris Lorencs: Viņi ir klāt! Kā rīkosies Latgales iedzīvotāji, ja migranti atradīs ceļu uz Eiropu caur Baltkrievijas robežu ar Latviju? 40

Juris Lorencs, “Latvijas Avīze”, AS “Latvijas Mediji”

Lai saprastu pašreiz Lietuvā notiekošās humānās katastrofas apmērus, pietiek ieskatīties jaunāko ziņu virsrakstos: “Nelegālie migranti no Baltkrievijas ierodas milzīgā skaitā”, “Viņi plūst nepārtraukti”, “Robežsargi strādā bez atpūtas”, “Drīz nebūs vietas, kur izmitināt migrantus”, “Rūdninku poligonā plānots izvietot 800 migrantus”, “Nav jaunu vietu, izņemot Rūdninkus”, “Uz Rūdninkiem nogādātas bruņumašīnas un ūdensmetēji”, “Rūdninkos nemieri, migrantus izdzenā ar ūdeni un asaru gāzi”.