AI Capitalism
Despite the global Uber-hype about artificial intelligence (AI), there still is what only “we” have: natural intelligence (NI). NI allows us to deal with reality in terms of abstractions, predictions, data, information, and knowledge.
Despite the global Uber-hype about artificial intelligence (AI), there still is what only “we” have: natural intelligence (NI). NI allows us to deal with reality in terms of abstractions, predictions, data, information, and knowledge.
Famously, Jewish immigration to the Land of Israel, called aliyah, is centuries old and took on an organized form in 1882. Described as “the central goal of the State of Israel” (in the words of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon), it provides the demographic basis on which the entire Zionist enterprise rests. Both very public and highly controversial, it has inspired millions of Jews to move to territories now under Israeli control.
Au début des années 1930, Robert Aron (1898-1975) semble avoir compris le caractère malsain de l’influence qu’avaient les États-Unis sur la France et, plus généralement, dans le monde.
Écrivain français, auteur d’essais politiques et d’ouvrages historiques, il est également dramaturge. Il sera une figure importante du mouvement personnaliste dans les années 1930.
Alors que les fondations de l’ordre mondial vacillent, un vent de changement souffle sur la planète, annonçant la fin d’une hégémonie et le début d’une ère nouvelle : l’ère du multipolarisme. Un monde en mutation, où les anciennes certitudes s’effondrent et où de nouvelles voix s’élèvent pour réclamer leur place dans le concert des nations.
Pendant deux décennies, il suffisait qu’un mineur anglais se dise d’un genre différent de son sexe biologique pour que la clinique Tavistock lui prescrive des bloqueurs de puberté et/ou lui inflige des mutilations génitales, tandis que ceux qui trouvaient cette pratique dangereuse étaient poursuivis pour transphobie.2,3,4
Terror organization: Hezbollah
Status: Operative
Role: A plane of the company “Alas Chiricanas” had taken off from France Field Airport, in the province of Colón, and was heading to Panama’s international airport. Barely ten minutes after takeoff it exploded in the air and caused death of 21 people. The date was July 19th, 1994, just a day after the attack on the AMIA building in Buenos Aires.
The terrorist threat from jihadi groups was progressively degraded by counterterrorism measures after 9/11. The military defeat of the Islamic State ushered in a period from about 2017 of unusually low threat in non-conflict zones around the world, followed by some disinvestment from CT by Western governments. However, Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the Gaza war have seen a collapse of international unity of purpose on CT. Meanwhile, the underlying factors driving violent jihadi extremism are growing more acute, and the success of the Islamic State and al-Qa`ida in conflict zones is generating safe havens for them to revive their external operations capabilities. The global jihadi threat has already risen and is likely to increase further. Attacks should be expected in the West, and it would be a mistake for governments to disinvest further from CT.
Despite the decline in the number of references in the world press to the two most “publicised” brands – Al-Qaeda (AQ) and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) – the topic remains a relevant security concern in various regions of the world.
Understanding the actual processes involved in the use of terrorist methods in regions with Muslim populations requires an understanding of the nature and drivers of the groups associated with ISIL* and AQ*.
During the first Cold War, the geopolitical term “Domino Theory” came to be understood as a fear tool to disseminate the idea that Communism would spread like dominoes falling if left unchecked. Ironically, a domino effect is underway in the world.
The 21st-century version of the spread of ideas and ideologies is neither communism nor capitalism. Today, the dominoes are not rigid but represent a cry for multipolarism. One look at a map and Russia and China’s most recent geopolitical moves, and a 10th grader can reach the same conclusion.
The horrific attacks by Hamas on October 7, 2023, fundamentally shifted the security posture of the
Middle East, while also having severe humanitarian consequences and ripple effects in countries
throughout the globe, including many in the West. This TSC Special Report, generously sponsored by the
Airey Neave Trust, aims to explore how October 7 impacted several Western countries, including the
United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy. While the conflict remains ongoing – and
indeed will reverberate long after the fighting actually ends — this report attempts to take the pulse of
five Western countries just shy of the one-year anniversary marking the attack.