Det måste vara lagligt att bränna Koranen

Efter påskhelgens kravaller i Sverige höjs röster för att förbjuda koranbränning.

Måtte svenska politiker hålla emot.

Under påskhelgen 2019 satte tre polska aktivister i staden Płock upp bilder av Jungfru Maria försedd med en regnbågs-gloria. Syftet var att protestera mot den katolska kyrkans behandling av HBTQ-personer.

Pääkirjoitus: Ruotsin mellakoiden juuret syvällä maahanmuutto­politiikassa

Levottomuuksien käynnistäjä oli tanskalainen oikeistopoliitikko, mutta poliisin mielestä mellakoinnin päätarkoitus oli aiheuttaa levottomuutta yhteiskuntaan ja hyökätä poliisia vastaan. Levottomuuksien taustalla näkyvät myös Ruotsin virheet maahanmuuttajien sopeuttamisessa.

Pääsiäisenpyhät sujuivat Ruotsissa levottomasti. Maassa puhkesi useita väkivaltaisia mellakoita, joita poliisi parhaansa mukaan yritti pitää aisoissa – huonolla menestyksellä.

Jędrzej Bielecki: Dobra wiadomość dla Polski

Jeśli Emmanuel Macron wyjdzie obronną ręką ze środowej debaty telewizyjnej, chyba może być spokojny o drugą kadencję.

Trudno pogodzić się z myślą, że Mateusz Morawiecki czytał program Marine Le Pen, zanim przyjął ją w grudniu w Warszawie z honorami głowy państwa i zanim tuż przed pierwszą turą wyborów prezydenckich zaatakował jej oponenta, Emmanuela Macrona. To prowadziłoby do wniosku, że na czele rządu stoi polityk, który nie w pełni rozumie, gdzie leżą fundamentalne interesy naszego kraju.

Riots erupt in Sweden’s Orebro ahead of right-wing extremist demonstration

Violent riots erupted in the central Swedish city of Orebro on Friday as counter-protesters attacked police ahead of a planned right-wing extremist demonstration.

Police said on its website that four police cars had been set on fire and at least four police officers and one private individual had been injured as protesters threw stones and large groups attacked police cordons and tore down riot fences.

France’s Election Shouldn’t Have Been This Close

How Macron Lost the Left

Not so long ago, the war in Ukraine appeared to have made French President Emmanuel Macron a shoo-in for a second term. Polls showed that a majority of French voters trusted him to handle the crisis, and two weeks after Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine, Macron garnered support from 31 percent of voters surveyed compared with just 18 percent for Marine Le Pen, the far-right candidate who was in second place. The last time a French candidate enjoyed such a big lead in the run-up to a presidential election was more than three decades ago.

A França de Le Pen: da “onda azul” ao tsunami

Le Pen tem dialogado com os franceses que se abstêm por estarem insatisfeitos com a oferta política dos partidos tradicionais (agora pulverizados), afirmando-se como a candidata que consegue não só ouvir o cansaço coletivo pós-pandémico, mas, também, o desespero social dos perdedores da mundialização.

‘Towards a Multipolar World Order’: Is This the End of US Hegemony?

The meeting between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, in the Chinese eastern city of Huangshan on March 30, is likely to go down in history as a decisive meeting in the relations between the two Asian giants.

The meeting was not only important due to its timing or the fact that it reaffirmed the growing ties between Moscow and Beijing, but because of the resolute political discourse articulated by the two top diplomats.

NATO: Whose Security?

Insanity has often been defined as trying the same thing over and over and getting the same result.

Case in point, Ukraine was seeking NATO membership to bolster its security. This membership would have come at the expense of Russian security, as Russian president Vladimir Putin made clear. To thwart NATO’s (i.e., the US’s) hegemonic ambitions and preserve its own security, Russia felt compelled to address its security concerns. When these Russian security concerns were treated with contempt by the US and Ukraine, Russia took action to protect itself.