French left and ecologists join forces on Labour Day

Thousands gathered across several French cities to participate in Labour Day demonstrations on 1 May, just a week after French President Emmanuel Macron was re-elected and as parties gear up for legislative elections in June. In a symbolic move, the same day Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s La France insoumise (LFI) reached a deal with Julien Bayou’s Europe-Ecologie-Les-Verts (EELV).

Germany U-turns to support oil embargo

Germany now favours an EU embargo on Russian oil, having previously opposed further energy sanctions against Russia, according to information obtained by several national media. Meanwhile, EURACTIV was informed that the EU is considering banning imports of oil transferred by tankers and allowing the ones through pipelines, at least for now.

Two Routes To Lower Inflation – Analysis

Inflation has stayed higher longer than I expected. I got that one wrong. I am happy to acknowledge my mistake, but I also want to know the reason why. This is not a question of finding excuses, I want to know why the economy is acting differently than I thought it would.

Macron Now Has to Put France Back Together Again

Unlike European Union directives, which must be published in the languages of all the bloc’s member states, the sighs of relief heard across much of Europe at the outcome of yesterday’s French presidential election needed no translation. The suspense had already receded in the two weeks since the first-round ballot, as polls showed French President Emmanuel Macron widening his lead over far-right candidate Marine Le Pen. But with Macron’s reelection now sealed, the sense of having dodged a bullet in Brussels, the capitals of Europe, Washington and of course Paris is no less palpable.

Communication and Capitalism

Many people would quite correctly argue that the conceptual pair of “communication and capitalism” are more about capitalism than communication and the media. While the imperatives of capitalism carry on, the requirements of corporate media become ever more determining.

Rouble Gains, Euro Falls As Russia Cuts Gas Supplies To Bulgaria and Poland

The euro plummeted to a five-year low against the US dollar during Wednesday’s trading, amid heightened fears of a possible energy crisis and an economic slowdown in Europe.

Media reports from Europe said:

As of 11:01am GMT, the euro/dollar exchange rate was down to $1.061 from the previous closing level of $1.0636. Earlier in the day’s trading, the index fell to $1.0586, dropping below $1.06 for the first time since April 2017.

How Germany Was Divided After World War II

A temporary solution to organize Germany into four occupation zones led to a divided nation under the Cold War.

When the Allies celebrated Victory in Europe (VE) Day on May 8, 1945, the British military commander Bernard Law Montgomery cautioned his troops, “We have won the German war. Let us now win the peace.”

Ο πόλεμος

Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα και ο πόλεμος συνεχίζεται. Ανάμεσα σε δύο κράτη «χριστιανικά» και «ορθόδοξα». Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα των παθών λοιπόν, αλλά η Ανάσταση αργεί πολύ. Ο πόλεμος συνεχίζεται, ο πόλεμος αλέθει στις μυλόπετρές του ανθρώπους και σκορπίζει δυστυχία παντού. Και απειλεί την ίδια τη ζωή του πλανήτη. «Καινούργιες τρέλες των ανθρώπων ή των θεών» που θα έλεγε ο ποιητής. Μέρες με το φως να λιγοστεύει, το σκοτάδι να απλώνεται βαθύ, τις καρδιές να στεγνώνουν, την ελπίδα να τρεμοσβήνει. Κι ύστερα να σκέφτεσαι τη ρήση του Ηράκλειτου, «πόλεμος πάντων μεν πατήρ έστι, πάντων δε βασιλεύς, και τους μεν θεούς έδειξε τους δε ανθρώπους, τους μεν δούλους εποίησε τους δε ελευθέρους». Και τις πολλαπλές, εν πολλοίς αντιθετικές ερμηνείες της ηρακλείτειας ρήσης. Αλλά και τη διαλεκτική της σημασία.

„Noua ordine americană” în „secolul Asiei”

Pax americana după pax americana?

Pe data de 24 martie 2022, la Bruxelles, Președintele SUA, Joe Biden, a descins, în calitate de lider global autoproclamat, pentru a avea întâlniri la nivel înalt cu reprezentanții statelor NATO, UE și G7, după ce cu o zi înainte anunțase nașterea unei noi ordini mondiale americane din cenușa vechii ordini… tot americană.