It’s Not Just The USA: The Economic Instability Is Global

The actions of the authorities in developed countries, essentially an extension of the Keynesian economic policy discourse, have brought the economies into disrepute. These actions consist of immense stimulus and virtually unfunded government indexation of voter income in the face of expected impoverishment amid COVID, lockdowns, and other global problems.

Making Peace with the Paris Agreement

Peace and conflict need to be considered in the climate change agenda.

The Paris Agreement was nothing less than a landmark agreement. Legally binding, adopted by 196 parties to the convention, it has inspired hope and ambition to get to net-zero emissions and limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. The Paris Agreement does not, however, mention conflict or fragility, neither peace nor security, even once – neither did the Kyoto Protocol before it, nor does the Sendai Framework directly address any of these issues either.

Ukraine: The Daily Intelligence Event

While Defence Intelligence’s daily briefings have garnered praise, the emphasis has been on publicity over analytical quality.

In the world of secret intelligence, at least in the UK, such is the mystique surrounding the various agencies that a rare public speech by ‘C’ or the head of GCHQ is treated as a ‘must watch’ event and the words of the intelligence chiefs are assumed to hold great significance. Traditionally, intelligence released into the public domain has tended to be infrequent, indirectly attributed or deliberately obscured.

A UK Joint Methodology for Assuring Theatre Access

This Whitehall Report outlines a joint methodology for the targeting of A2/AD systems.

The British military is expeditionary and seeks to confront adversaries abroad before they pose a threat at home. Theatre entry is therefore a precondition for the utility of the British military. Adversaries are fielding increasingly capable and integrated anti-air and anti-ship complexes that threaten the viability of theatre entry. These complexes differ from older systems in their level of integration, redundancy and consequent resilience. To assure the future relevance of the UK’s military instrument, it is necessary to have a methodology for breaking through these systems.

Truth Decay in Europe

Exploring the role of facts and analysis in European public life

The uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic have highlighted the need for accurate information to support sound decisions. However, having access to more information can make it harder for people to decide what to believe or not believe.

Πώς φτάσαμε στο «αμερικανικό ειδύλλιο»

Η σημειολογία της επίσκεψης του Κυριάκου Μητσοτάκη στην Ουάσινγκτον είναι η ισχυρότερη που έχουμε δει τα τελευταία χρόνια στις σχέσεις της Ελλάδας με τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες. Μπορείτε να φανταστείτε το αίσθημα στη χώρα μας αν ο Μπάιντεν φορούσε γραβάτα με την ημισέληνο δίπλα στον Ερντογάν και έλεγε, «για εσάς είμαι Μπαϊντένογλου»;

Es sind Helden

Die Deutschen haben ein Problem mit Helden. Das hat mit unserer Geschichte zu tun, weil beim Begriff des Heldentums stets ein martialischer Unterton mitschwingt. Vor allem aber erscheint es uns als archaisches Konzept, das wie ein Fremdkörper in unsere saturierte, an Mitte und Mittelmaß orientierte Gegenwart hineinragt.

«24 февраля поставило крест на финском и шведском нейтралитете»

США сохраняют уверенность в том, что НАТО достигнет консенсуса в вопросе вступления Финляндии и Швеции в блок, несмотря на возражения Турции, заявили в Белом доме. Когда это произойдет, пока планировать сложно, подчеркивают политологи. Как и последствия присоединения Хельсинки и Стокгольма к Североатлантическому альянсу. Обозреватель “Ъ” Максим Юсин считает, что их членство в организации станет неизбежной реальностью.