Jerzy Haszczyński: Unijny przekaz dla Kijowa

Zmniejszające się gwałtownie zainteresowanie wojną znajdzie prędzej czy później odzwierciedlenie w działaniach europejskich polityków. Niestety, raczej prędzej.

Gdy widzę w gazecie nazwisko kończące się na »ić«, to przewracam stronę” – tak po miesiącach wojny jugosłowiańskiej powiedział mój kolega, też dziennikarz, również interesujący się sprawami zagranicznymi. Nie jest cynikiem, to człowiek z ponadprzeciętną wrażliwością. A jednak opisy walk, niszczenia, mordowania i gwałtów go zmęczyły. Teraz mamy do czynienia z podobną sytuacją. Ukraina znika z czołówek portali i gazet. Teksty o okrucieństwie Rosjan już się tak dobrze nie klikają. Choć mordowanie i niszczenie idzie na całego.

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Дмитрий Дризе — о новых сценариях развития ситуации на Украине

Встреча президентов России и Украины Владимира Путина и Владимира Зеленского не отвергается, заявил помощник российского лидера Юрий Ушаков. Однако, по его словам, подобное мероприятие требует тщательной подготовки. Комментируя тему переговоров с Киевом, Ушаков отметил, что российские предложения от 15 апреля остались без ответа и подвижек никаких нет. Между тем 15 июня на авиабазе Рамштайн в Германии открывается международная встреча по поставкам оружия Украине. А днем позже, по данным СМИ, в Киеве ждут лидеров Германии, Франции и Италии. Политический обозреватель “Ъ FM” Дмитрий Дризе считает, что в мире нет единого мнения относительно Украины.

Știți de ce discursul lui Henry Kissinger la Forumul Economic Mondial a iscat un scandal atât de mare?

Henry Kissinger nu a criticat nici modul în care Războiul din Ucraina este dus, nici lipsa de progrese pe câmpul de luptă. Ce a criticat Kissinger a fost chiar strategia, adică planul pentru care a fost declanșată pălălaia. A aruncat o căldare cu apă rece în capul celor care au avut această idee stupidă, spunându-le în față că „s-au înșelat”.

What Is Stagflation And What Causes It? – Analysis

The occurrence of stagflation is associated with a situation of general strengthening in the momentum of prices while at the same time the pace of economic activity is declining. A famous stagflation episode occurred during the 1974û75 period, as year-on-year industrial production fell by nearly 13 percent in March 1975 while the yearly growth rate of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) jumped to around 12 percent. Likewise, a large fall in economic activity and galloping price inflation was observed during 1979. By December of that year, the yearly growth rate of industrial production stood close to nil while the yearly growth rate of the CPI closed at over 13 percent.

Merrily at Work: Clash of Civilizations

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In 1993 an essay appeared in a US journal: “Clash of Civilisations” by Samuel Huntington which later appeared as a book [The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order by Samuel P. Huntington]. In the very first chapter we find: “One grim Weltanschauung [“philosophy (of life)”] for this new era was well expressed by the Venetian nationalist demagogue in Michael Dibdin’s novel, Dead Lagoon: “There can be no true friends without true enemies. Unless we hate what we are not, we cannot love what we are. These are the old truths we are painfully rediscovering after a century and more of sentimental cant. Those who deny them deny their family, their heritage, their culture, their birth right, their very selves! They will not lightly be forgiven.” The unfortunate truth in these old truths cannot be ignored by statesmen and scholars. For peoples seeking identity and reinventing ethnicity, enemies are essential, and the potentially most dangerous enmities occur across the fault lines between the world’s major civilizations.” [Italics ours.]

Marxism and Anarchism

Recently Arun Kumar Sinha posted in Marx_Forum, Murray Bookchin’s pamphlet ‘Listen! Marxist!’ This was published in the ’50s in which he admonished and rebuked the ‘Marxists’ community.

The threat of large-scale famine

Disasters threaten human civilization

Among the greatest dangers to human civilization are nuclear war and catastrophic climate change, dangers which also threaten the biosphere. In addition to these two existential threats, humans also face the threat of an extremely large-scale famine, involving billions of people, rather than millions. The beginning of this famine, which could involve much of the world’s population by 2050, can already be seen.

Ziđin tuži zbog poreza kako bi jeftinije dolazio do zemljišta

Ziđin već godinama pokušava da zemlju koja im je potrebna za širenje njihovih rudnika plati manje nego što je to procenila Poreska uprava. Novi korak u toj borbi su tužbe koje je ova kompanija podnela, otkriva CINS.

U selu Krivelj kod Bora, na mestu gde se nekada nalazila šuma Pere Stanimirovića, sada je rudnik Novo Cerovo kineske kompanije Ziđin (Serbia Zijin Copper). Njemu su oduzeli imanje u procesu eksproprijacije, a da on za to nije ni znao.

How a Belgian Aristocrat Under Investigation for Money Laundering Moved Millions Into Colombia

Henri De Croÿ was accused of masterminding a scheme that hid hundreds of millions from tax authorities on behalf of rich clients in Europe. Reporters found him in Cartagena, busy investing money in a series of luxury properties.

He once walked the halls of global financial institutions and hobnobbed with Europe’s elite, but today the Belgian prince and disgraced banker Henri de Croÿ has reinvented himself as an affable Colombian hotelier.