Marxism and Anarchism
Recently Arun Kumar Sinha posted in Marx_Forum, Murray Bookchin’s pamphlet ‘Listen! Marxist!’ This was published in the ’50s in which he admonished and rebuked the ‘Marxists’ community.
Recently Arun Kumar Sinha posted in Marx_Forum, Murray Bookchin’s pamphlet ‘Listen! Marxist!’ This was published in the ’50s in which he admonished and rebuked the ‘Marxists’ community.
Disasters threaten human civilization
Among the greatest dangers to human civilization are nuclear war and catastrophic climate change, dangers which also threaten the biosphere. In addition to these two existential threats, humans also face the threat of an extremely large-scale famine, involving billions of people, rather than millions. The beginning of this famine, which could involve much of the world’s population by 2050, can already be seen.
Ziđin već godinama pokušava da zemlju koja im je potrebna za širenje njihovih rudnika plati manje nego što je to procenila Poreska uprava. Novi korak u toj borbi su tužbe koje je ova kompanija podnela, otkriva CINS.
U selu Krivelj kod Bora, na mestu gde se nekada nalazila šuma Pere Stanimirovića, sada je rudnik Novo Cerovo kineske kompanije Ziđin (Serbia Zijin Copper). Njemu su oduzeli imanje u procesu eksproprijacije, a da on za to nije ni znao.
Henri De Croÿ was accused of masterminding a scheme that hid hundreds of millions from tax authorities on behalf of rich clients in Europe. Reporters found him in Cartagena, busy investing money in a series of luxury properties.
He once walked the halls of global financial institutions and hobnobbed with Europe’s elite, but today the Belgian prince and disgraced banker Henri de Croÿ has reinvented himself as an affable Colombian hotelier.
Fondul Monetar Internaţional a avertizat guvernul că trebuie să ia măsuri fiscale, reforma impozitelor şi taxelor şi creştrea lor pentru a reface spaţiul fiscal sub 3% din PIB şi a preveni astfel deteriorarea finanţelor publice. Instituția estimează o creștere economică de 3,5 – 4,5% în 2022 și 2022
The Atlantic Council’s Transatlantic Security Initiative in the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security is delighted to invite you to a conversation on “Allied resolve: NATO perspectives on the Russian invasion of Ukraine” with four former NATO Secretaries General on Wednesday, June 15 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. EDT (16:00 to 17:00 CET) on Zoom. This edition of the Atlantic Council’s Front Page event series will feature Secretaries General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Lord George Robertson, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, and Javier Solana in a discussion on how to better address the crisis.
Net withdrawals of natural gas from U.S. storage totaled 2,264 billion cubic feet (Bcf) this winter (November through March). This amount is the most natural gas withdrawn from storage since the winter of 2017–18 and 10% more than the previous five-year (2016–17 to 2021–22) average, according to our recently released Natural Gas Monthly, which includes data through March 2022.
How Governments Will Transform Energy Markets
In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the world appears to be at an inflection point. Business leaders have declared the acceleration of deglobalization and sounded the alarm about a new period of stagflation. Academics have decried the return of conquest and hailed the renewal of transatlantic ties. And countries are rethinking almost every aspect of their foreign policies, including trade, defense spending, and military alliances.
Henry Kissinger nu a criticat nici modul în care Războiul din Ucraina este dus, nici lipsa de progrese pe câmpul de luptă. Ce a criticat Kissinger a fost chiar strategia, adică planul pentru care a fost declanșată pălălaia. A aruncat o căldare cu apă rece în capul celor care au avut această idee stupidă, spunându-le în față că „s-au înșelat”.
Henry Kissinger, George Soros și George Friedman sunt cu toții susținători ai ideii că omenirea are nevoie de o ordine globală care, pe deasupra frontierelor culturale, să stabilească și impună persoanelor fizice și vechilor entități politice create de ele, reguli de comportament apte a duce la evitarea războiului, într-un univers în care interdependențele obiective generează solidaritatea intereselor, lăsând în urmă independența și competiția între națiuni.