Crises of migrants and refugees–where should homeless millions go?

The history of humankind of the past hundred years have thrown up a gamut of emotions and heart-wrenching crises. An accentuating challenge is the displacement of millions upon millions of peoples throughout the planet. People are forced to flee or migrate from their homeland or places of birth for a variety of reasons. At the international level United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees holds annual consultations with Governments and Non-governmental Organizations to address the worsening crises.

The Worsening Refugee Crisis

World Refugee Day is commemorated every year on the 20th of June to honor the bravery, strength, and determination of women, men, and children who are compelled to flee their own countries under the peril of persecution, conflict, curbs on freedom, and violence. Many international organizations like Amnesty International and the International Rescue Committee (IRC) often get involved in various events for the day to make the international community acquainted with the miseries that these refugees face every day.

The Great Crash Of 2022

We are now well past the corona crisis of 2020, and most of the restrictions around the world have been repealed or loosened. However, the long-term consequences of arbitrary and destructive corona policies are still with us—in fact, we are now in the middle of the inevitable economic crisis.

Trăim epoca profețiilor satanice devenite realitate! (Viziunea extraordinară a regizorului de filme de groază Ari Aster)

Pentru că viața noastră de zi cu zi este în principal preocupată de chestiuni lumești într-o lume care pare relativ stabilă și prosperă – chiar și oamenii săraci nu mor de foame în Occident și dispun de facilități de bază – , cei mai mulți dintre noi nu conștientizează din ce perioadă extraordinară a istoriei facem parte. Este atât un blestem, cât și o binecuvântare, deoarece timpul nostru este atât epocal, cât și satanic.

Bitcoin drops below $20,000 as crypto selloff quickens

Bitcoin fell below the psychologically important threshold of $20,000 on Saturday for the first time since late 2020, in a fresh sign that the selloff in cryptocurrencies is deepening.

The price of the most popular cryptocurrency had plunged as much as 9.7% to less than $18,600 by late afternoon on the East Coast, according to the cryptocurrency news site CoinDesk. At some points during the day, it was below $18,000.

Ne-au făcut servitorii Europei!

Eram un stat. Ne-au transformat în populație. Cândva, aveam cea mai puternică și stabilă monedă din Estul Europei. Parlamentele țărilor vecine cereau lui Ferdinand să-și extindă coroana. Regina Maria și-a căsătorit fiicele cu junii familiilor domnitoare din regiune. Visa la un Commenwealth balcanic.

Macron Must Avoid the Immolation of French Influence

President Macron’s aspiration to mediate between Putin, who does not respect him, and Ukraine, which does not trust him, is damaging French influence at a time when European leadership is critical.

French President Emmanuel Macron has once again put himself forward as the leading voice for a negotiated end to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that does not ‘humiliate’ President Vladimir Putin. In this he echoes an increasingly regular drumbeat of articles in the New York Times and other broadsheets emphasising the risks of an open-ended conflict with Russia and the inevitability of eventual compromise.

How NATO can stick together and keep the pressure on Russia, according to four former Alliance chiefs

NATO should have a few objectives for its summit in Madrid later this month, said former NATO Secretary General George Robertson: “weapons, weapons, weapons—and a free, democratic Ukraine.”

Robertson joined three other former NATO chiefs—Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, and Javier Solana—at an Atlantic Council Front Page event on Wednesday where the group discussed NATO’s response to the war, enlargement, and the next plays in Alliance’s playbook.