Renaud Girard: «La France doit réussir en Afrique!»

Pour le deuxième déplacement international de son deuxième mandat, du 25 au 28 juillet 2022, Emmanuel Macron a décidé de se rendre en Afrique (Cameroun, Bénin, Guinée-Bissau). Le président de la République estime, à juste titre, que les destins de la France et du continent africain sont étroitement liés.

Египетская сила

Политолог Александр Ведруссов — о роли африканского континента во внешнеполитических построениях России

Быть глобальной державой нелегко. Буквально каждый регион мира требует пристального и непрерывного внимания. Иначе не получится выстроить долгосрочные диалоговые механизмы и сбалансировать интересы самых разных международных акторов, особенно в текущей стрессовой геополитической обстановке.

The flaws in Europe’s deal to ration gas

WHEN THE energy ministers of the European Union’s member countries gathered for an emergency meeting on July 26th, the deal came swiftly. They agreed that each country should cut gas consumption by 15%, compared with their average over the past five years, between August 1st and March 31st 2023. It was a typical EU compromise, forged in long negotiations and riddled with exemptions and concessions. It will not really solve the problem at hand: how the EU should respond if Russia halts or radically reduces supplies—something that seems increasingly likely. The day before the meeting Gazprom, Russia’s state energy giant, announced that it would again reduce the volume of gas flowing through its Nord Stream 1 pipeline, to 20% of capacity.

The European inflation debate needs better wage data

While the US provides monthly updates on the development of wages, eurozone wage data is published quarterly, creating delays of up to six months. This negatively affects how inflation is discussed in Europe and could lead to bad economic policy.

Are Violent Populist Agitations A Panacea For Socio-Political Problems?

History shows that while they score successes in the short-run, in the long- run, they tend to create conditions for dictatorships to emerge

Disruptive and violent populist movements have undoubtedly registered successes, ending oppressive regimes and giving the dumb millions a voice to express dissent forcefully. But in the long run, these movements have delivered only partially and that too, briefly, literature on the subject shows.

Obligada solidaridad con el norte de Europa

Cuando se produjo la crisis financiera internacional de 2008, fueron los superávits presupuestarios de nuestros socios del norte de Europa quienes, principalmente, proporcionaron la financiación que necesitaban otras economías

Βασίλης Στεφανακίδης

Οι Βόρειοι θέλουν να επιβάλουν την ενεργειακή φτώχεια και στους Νότιους!

Όπως όλα δείχνουν, δεν θα έχουμε καλά ξεμπερδέματα στον ενεργειακό τομέα με αυτά τα αντικρουόμενα συμφέροντα που υπάρχουν στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ενωση, όπου ο καθένας προσπαθεί το δικό του πρόβλημα να το μοιράσει και στους άλλους εταίρους.

Threats, Instability and Disruption in Europe’s South

Russia’s intervention in Syria in September 2016 turned out to have much broader objectives. The development of air and naval bases provided Moscow with platforms for operations in the Mediterranean and in Sub-Saharan Africa. The delivery of S-400 missile systems to Turkey added another major strategic gain.

The European Union is faced by broad challenges on its South, with a sharp decline in rule of law, political instability, and a surge in authoritarianism. Wider phenomena such as climate change, demographic trends, and criminal activities of human trafficking networks add to the challenges. ISIL is still a threat too.

Turkey’s choice of disruptive policies has perplexed EU and NATO leaders in the recent past. Tensions with the EU have risen due to challenges to maritime boundaries and sovereignty of Cyprus and Greece.

Although largely a consequence of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the European Union’s major foreign policy initiatives in 2022 have marked a watershed moment and constitute a useful precedent for the Union’s policies with third countries.

In the near future, the EU will have to invent a new format, distinct from accession, for its relationship with the countries of ‘Wider Europe’ and to use its now diversified ‘foreign policy toolbox’ in a coherent and effective fashion.