O introducere în economia orwelliană: Sărăcia este Abundență, Datoria este Creștere, Consumul este Producție, Recesiunea este Depresie!

Definițiile cuvintelor sunt absolut esențiale, deoarece dacă nu înțelegem exact și precis ce înseamnă cuvintele, nu putem comunica între noi. Schimbarea subtilă și în timp a definițiilor nu poate duce decât la o lipsă de înțelegere și la confuzie. Acest lucru echivalează cu o putere, indiferent de unde provine, care încurajează idiocrația generalizată.

Με το φυσικό αέριο ποντάρουμε σε λάθος άλογο

Αυτή τη φορά έλειψαν οι ενθουσιασμοί και οι μεγαλόστομες ανακοινώσεις για τις ποσότητες φυσικού αερίου που περιέχει ο «Κρόνος». Ίσως γιατί έχουμε κουραστεί να ακούμε για φυσικό αέριο και φυσικό αέριο να μην βλέπουμε.

Are we sleepwalking into an energy crisis?

Most people are fully aware of the impact of inflation on their everyday shopping experience. Yet, few worry too much about the eerie normality at the fuel stations when they fill up their cars. Similarly, electricity bills are priced the same as before the pandemic and before the turmoil in the international gas and oil markets caused by the Ukraine war.

Facts about Monkeypox

Monkeypox is a contagious viral disease that can be especially serious for children, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems. Increased access to vaccines is critical to prevent its spread.

What the world has learned from Russia’s war in Ukraine

When it was first launched in the wee hours of February 24, the Kremlin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine was supposed to last just a few days and end with the quick capture of Kyiv.

Fast-forward six months: Those plans collapsed in spectacular fashion as Ukraine beat back Russian troops through a combination of sheer determination and plentiful Western arms. But despite Ukraine’s success, the conflict is far from over. On the contrary, it appears to be settling into a long, attritional battle that will test Ukrainian and Western resolve.

Jetzt den Richtigen helfen – es drängt

Gezielt jene zu stützen, die bei den derzeitigen Preissteigerungen selbst nicht mehr stehen können, das ist auch für den Zusammenhalt unserer Gesellschaft entscheidend, kommentiert Ann-Kathrin Büüsker. Im Moment gebe es aber nur ein Flickwerk an Vorschlägen. Es werde Zeit, dass die Ampel das klärt.

Status of Global War against Terrorism

Many of us have never been fans of the term “War on Terrorism” — it is difficult to articulate a war against a tactic.

The successful surgical strike that killed Zawahiri, the successor to al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden… and the drone strike and military operation that took out two ISIS leaders, demonstrated the resolve of the Biden Administration to keep a focus on terrorist groups…. These actions send a strong message to terrorist organizations, their supporters and our allies that the U.S. still considers fighting this threat a significant priority.