Welcome To BRICS+: The Economic Power Of Multipolar World – Analysis

The developing world arrived in Kazan, the capital of Republic of Tatarstan, driving by economic transformation proposals backed by the numerical strength of participants to portray their collective weight of influence to boost de-dollarization and a new global financial payment system, design a new mechanism for a long-term economic integration and complex architecture. For much of its significant collective activities these past several years, BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) has been viewed and described from perspectives of supporting the economic development in the Global South, Southeast Asia and Africa.

Portugal’s Immigration Overhaul Hits South Asian Workers Hard

The possibility of a life-changing “raspberry passport” through agricultural work is fading for many South Asian workers, forcing already vulnerable people into even more precarious and often exploitative situations.

When Kamal Bhattarai first arrived in Portugal from Nepal on a tourist visa a decade ago, he hardly knew anyone. With limited Portuguese, for years he scraped by working odd jobs in restaurants and on farms hoping to build a new life for his family.

Théorie de l’arc de crise : géopolitique et géostratégie

Les deux guerres en cours ont des origines différentes et lointaines.

Les causes de la guerre russo-ukrainienne, si l’on se limite au contexte régional, remontent aux émeutes de l’Euromaïdan de novembre il y a dix ans, à l’annexion ultérieure de la Crimée par la Russie, aux politiques anti-russophones mises en œuvre dans le Donbass par Kiev et les républiques séparatistes autoproclamées de Donetsk et de Louhansk. En revanche, le conflit israélo-palestinien, si l’on ne considère que la portée régionale, remonte à la guerre civile de juin 2007, lorsque le Hamas est parvenu à prendre le contrôle total de la bande de Gaza.

Why UNRWA’s continued existence threatens Israel’s security post-October 7 – opinion

UNRWA poses a critical threat to Israel’s security, fueling conflict and empowering terror groups like Hamas.

UNRWA [The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East] poses an existential threat to the State of Israel. It was first created to undermine the legitimacy of Israel’s very existence and has since manufactured and continues to perpetuate the baseless and fictional “right of return” for people who had little to no connection to the region to begin with – and most of whom have been living elsewhere for 76 years.

Le monde est désormais multipolaire, n’en déplaise les nostalgiques de l’unipolarisme débridé

L’Occident impérialiste, ce colosse aux pieds d’argile, s’effondre sous le poids de ses propres contradictions. La domination est remplacée par la décadence, l’hégémonie par la déroute. Le roi est nu, et le Sud global rit de sa misère. Bienvenue dans le monde post-impérialiste, où les anciens maîtres deviennent les nouveaux sujets.

Germany sent back 570 migrants to Poland in 2024, below media forecasts

Some 570 migrants were sent back to Poland from Germany in 2024, according to the official data by the Polish border guard, far from the 40,000 cited in Polish media last week.

Under the readmission agreements and the EU’s Dublin rules, German officials sent the migrants between January and the end of September, compared with 1,922 according to the German government.

As World Powers Clash, ISIS Returns for Revenge

The Islamic State militant group is capitalizing on widespread unrest and flaring tensions over major conflicts, including those raging in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip, to pave the way for new, deadly attacks across the globe, analysts told Newsweek.

The once-sprawling caliphate declared over a decade ago by the Islamic State (referred to as ISIS or IS) was largely defeated in Iraq and Syria by 2019 at the hands of an array of campaigns waged by local forces and international powers, including the United States, Russia and Iran. But the jihadis have since regrouped within the region and beyond, becoming particularly active in parts of Africa and in Afghanistan, where ISIS’ so-called Khorasan province (referred to as ISIS-K or ISKP) has emerged as an especially capable force when it comes to carrying out operations worldwide.

The European Council Summit: Migration, Migration, Migration

As the October 17-18 meeting of EU leaders approaches, an axis of right-wing and populist governments and parties in Central Europe has been flexing its muscles on migration.

Immigration will be front and centre of the EU summit on October 17-18 after the European Commission buckled under pressure from member states to explore further steps to curb irregular migration.