“What we’re doing when investigating human trafficking is investigating crime,” according to the Guardian’s Annie Kelly, editor of a reporting series on modern slavery, trafficking, and labor exploitation. “You are dealing with a criminal industry, which presents risks to yourself and your local sources, or anyone you partner with.”
Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has highlighted the Black Sea region as a linchpin in Moscow’s broader aggression against the West. U.S. diplomacy and its investments in the region are now being focused and reshaped into a strategic policy to strengthen the West and its Black Sea allies and partners. But success will depend on addressing significant regional vulnerabilities that have become all the more apparent since February.
Остановка «Северного потока» на неопределенный срок заставляет переосмыслить всю текущую ситуацию в газовых отношениях России и ЕС. До сих пор РФ, пользуясь высокой зависимостью Европы от своих энергоресурсов, могла успешно добиваться одностороннего изменения газовых контрактов (переход на рубли) и одновременно поэтапно снижать объем поставок, взвинчивая цены на газ в ЕС. Очевидно, основной целью было оказать давление на власти ключевых государств, что должно было способствовать урегулированию текущих масштабных разногласий в сфере безопасности.
The United Nations is preparing a “Transforming Education Summit” to be held in New York 17,18,19 September 2022 during the General Assembly. This is an opportunity for those involved in peacebuilding efforts to provide information and suggestions, especially as a major theme of the Summit is “Learning and Skills for Life, Work, and Sustainable Development.” As the preparatory text for the Summit states “Transforming education means empowering learners with knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to be resilient, adaptable and prepared for the uncertain future while contributing to human and planetary well-being and sustainable development.”
In mid-May 2022, eighteen-year-old Payton Gendron approached a grocery store in a predominantly African-American neighborhood in Buffalo, NY. He opened fire with a Bushmaster XM-15 semi-automatic rifle, killing ten people. The attack was one of the deadliest racist massacres in recent American history.
Citing a leaked national strategy paper the Sunday Times reports: UK police fear a sharp rise in certain categories of crime and a risk of civil unrest this winter amid a cost of living and energy crisis.
The document compiled by police chiefs warns that “economic turmoil and financial instability” may lead to an increase in offenses such as shoplifting, burglary, vehicle theft, online fraud and blackmail. More children are likely to join drug gangs and more women may become subject to sexual exploitation.
Late in the afternoon of Sunday, February 27, Russian President Vladimir Putin convened a group of senior Kremlin officials to witness an extraordinary public statement. Putin announced that he had taken the “unprecedented” step of ordering Russia’s nuclear warheads to be prepared for “special combat readiness.” Between Putin’s nuclear saber rattling and growing anxiety over the prospect of a military conflict with China over Taiwan, once arcane questions of nuclear strategy and deterrence have returned to the center of world politics.
Pe 23 august 2022, românul Eugen Marin Sabău, 46 de ani, a devenit primul deținut din Spania care a primit dreptul de a fi eutanasiat în spitalul penitenciar din Spania în care se afla. Libertatea a discutat cu dr. Erika Preisig din Elveția, care de mai bine de 15 ani asistă medical oameni care vor să moară.
W sprawie reparacji rządzący zachowują się tak, jakby był to temat, którym od czasu do czasu można okładać Niemcy. Politycy PO z kolei zachowują się często raczej jak adwokaci interesu Niemiec. Nie pozostawiają wątpliwości, że jeśli do władzy dojdzie ekipa Donalda Tuska, to temat zostanie zakopany na wieki. Logiczni są tylko Niemcy. Unikają trudnego dla nich tematu jak ognia i wspierają tych w Polsce, którzy reparacji nie chcą.