Im Krisenmodus

Spät, hoffentlich nicht zu spät kommt ein beherzter Schritt gegen die rasant steigenden Energiepreise. Es wird Staatskunst brauchen, das Geld zielgenau einzusetzen. Der Leitartikel.

Die bittere Wahrheit ist: Wir stehen erst am Beginn eines heftigen Krisenwinters, der vor allem von Energieknappheit und steigenden Preisen gekennzeichnet sein wird. Darüber wölbt sich eine nicht überschaubare Sicherheitskrise für Europa, von der die Sabotage an den Gaspipelines nur der Auftakt gewesen sein könnte.

Ďalšie zlyhanie Romana Mikulca

Na ministerstve vnútra tuho spali. Včera zazvonil budíček. Česko obnovuje pre stúpajúcu nelegálnu migráciu kontroly na 27 bývalých hraničných priechodoch. Polícia spolu s vojakmi bude kontrolovať aj zelenú hranicu.

Putin’s Roulette

Sacrificing His Core Supporters in a Race Against Defeat

At least since Soviet times, Russians have used dark humor to cope with dictatorship. Perhaps it is not surprising, then, that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s partial mobilization has already been colloquially dubbed the mogilizatsia, a wordplay on mobilizatsia, the Russian word for “mobilization,” and mogila, the word for “grave.” What is more, in practice, this move-to-the-graveyard is proving to be far from partial. Despite assurances by Putin and his defense minister that the draft would be limited to 300,000 people, primarily military reservists who had already served in the army and in conflict zones, Russians have already witnessed the forced conscription of men of all ages across the country. The mobilization has turned out to be almost general.

Which Giorgia Meloni will Washington get?

Long a controversial figure both at home and abroad over her party’s direct lineage from Italy’s neo-fascist movement, Giorgia Meloni is now expected to become the country’s newest prime minister after her party secured the most votes in Sunday’s election. Her controversial views on migration, erstwhile fascination with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Russia, anti-LGBTQ stance, and open criticism toward the European Union (EU) have all contributed to her image as an unsavory right-wing politician.

Seven Things To Know About Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s Likely New Catholic PM

Italy’s national elections on Sept. 25 ended with Giorgia Meloni, a Catholic mother, poised to become the country’s first female prime minister.

In the snap elections — called after former prime minister Mario Draghi’s unity government collapsed due to economic and military tensions — Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party captured the most votes at around 26%, skyrocketing from a roughly 4% share four years ago.

A Return To Austerity In Europe: Feasible Or Fictional? – Analysis

Inflationary pressure, rising levels of public debt and the fading post-pandemic recovery may suggest the premature adoption of policies for fiscal consolidation. However, the international economic outlook and the geopolitical situation created by the war in Ukraine rule out a return to the model of growth that emerged from the financial crisis in 2008-10.

Etiketiranje Giorgie Meloni s fašistko je pretiravanje, četudi je njena stranka zelo desna, nacionalistična in z močno socialno agendo.

Zmaga desne koalicije na italijanskih parlamentarnih volitvah, prejela je okoli 44 odstotkov glasov, ne prinaša sprememb le v Italiji, saj najbolj desne vlade po drugi svetovni vojni ne bo čutiti le doma, ampak verjetno tudi širše, v Evropski uniji in zvezi Nato. Največ zaslug za to ima vsekakor karizmatična Giorgina Meloni. Izkoristila je težnjo precejšnjega dela italijanskih volivcev po spremembah in novem obrazu. Slovencem se to zdi zelo znano, mar ne?

The New Energy Order

How Governments Will Transform Energy Markets

In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the world appears to be at an inflection point. Business leaders have declared the acceleration of deglobalization and sounded the alarm about a new period of stagflation.