Seven Things To Know About Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s Likely New Catholic PM

Italy’s national elections on Sept. 25 ended with Giorgia Meloni, a Catholic mother, poised to become the country’s first female prime minister.

In the snap elections — called after former prime minister Mario Draghi’s unity government collapsed due to economic and military tensions — Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party captured the most votes at around 26%, skyrocketing from a roughly 4% share four years ago.

A Return To Austerity In Europe: Feasible Or Fictional? – Analysis

Inflationary pressure, rising levels of public debt and the fading post-pandemic recovery may suggest the premature adoption of policies for fiscal consolidation. However, the international economic outlook and the geopolitical situation created by the war in Ukraine rule out a return to the model of growth that emerged from the financial crisis in 2008-10.

Etiketiranje Giorgie Meloni s fašistko je pretiravanje, četudi je njena stranka zelo desna, nacionalistična in z močno socialno agendo.

Zmaga desne koalicije na italijanskih parlamentarnih volitvah, prejela je okoli 44 odstotkov glasov, ne prinaša sprememb le v Italiji, saj najbolj desne vlade po drugi svetovni vojni ne bo čutiti le doma, ampak verjetno tudi širše, v Evropski uniji in zvezi Nato. Največ zaslug za to ima vsekakor karizmatična Giorgina Meloni. Izkoristila je težnjo precejšnjega dela italijanskih volivcev po spremembah in novem obrazu. Slovencem se to zdi zelo znano, mar ne?

The New Energy Order

How Governments Will Transform Energy Markets

In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the world appears to be at an inflection point. Business leaders have declared the acceleration of deglobalization and sounded the alarm about a new period of stagflation.

Europe’s Unsolved Energy Puzzle

How the Quest for Resources Has Shaped the Continent

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine has laid bare some uncomfortable truths about Europe’s energy future. For one thing, it has demolished the presumption in Germany that Russia would be a reliable fossil fuel partner. The war has also blown apart Europe’s claim to moral leadership on climate change. At the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow in the fall of 2021, the European Union unsuccessfully demanded that China and India commit to a timetable for phasing out coal. Now that demand appears almost hypocritical, because countries such as Germany are keeping open coal-fired power stations that were due to close to deal with their present energy woes. In doing so, these leaders have demonstrated that coal is still the primary energy source of last resort for generating electricity.

Introducing Giorgia Meloni: How the US Opened the Door for Fascism’s Return to Italy

The Italian Parliamentary election has concluded and the neofascist, Giorgia Meloni, is ready to emerge as the new prime minister of a divided country with no clear mandate from around 60 percent of eligible voters, in one of the lower voter turnouts in history. The choices were quite grim and the system rigged along the lines of the anti-democratic US election model after years of CIA influence in working to create a bipolar schizophrenic and easily destabilised political system.

Defying Warning, Iranians’ Anti-hijab Protest Continues For 10th Night: 57 Deaths

Demonstrators burn a scarf at a protest against the Iranian government on Sunday. (David Bates/CBC)

Iranians took to the streets for a 10th consecutive night Sunday, in defiance of a warning from the judiciary, to protest the death of young Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini in morality police custody.

Images circulated by IHR showed protesters on the streets of Tehran, shouting “death to the dictator,” purportedly after nightfall on Sunday.

How Civilizations Will Be Decided

Fewer babies will be born in all of Europe than in Nigeria alone.

More than half the increase of the global population projected by 2050 will be concentrated in just eight countries, mostly in Africa, according to The Economist: Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines and Tanzania. Nigeria will have more inhabitants than Europe and the United States.

OPEC+: Neither with the West, nor with the East

The continued instability in the global oil market will not only strengthen the unity between the key OPEC+ players but also force them to focus primarily on ensuring their own interests, before taking those of their consumers into consideration.