Goodbye G20, hello BRICS+

The redeeming quality of a tense G20 held in Bali – otherwise managed by laudable Indonesian graciousness – was to sharply define which way the geopolitical winds are blowing.

That was encapsulated in the Summit’s two highlights: the much anticipated China-US presidential meeting – representing the most important bilateral relationship of the 21st century – and the final G20 statement.

Is Multiculturalism Destroying Western National Identities?

Today, 90% of British demographic growth comes from immigration.

The same shift is taking place in Sweden. In 2015 alone, Sweden welcomed 163,000 immigrants, the equivalent of 1.65% of its total population. Combined with other years, it is a demographic revolution: As of 2015, approximately 17% of the population were foreign-born.

Can Emmanuel Macron relaunch France as a global security player?

Don’t let the war win is the mantra of members of Emmanuel Macron’s close circles. This means tackling a wide range of crisis situations that have been triggered by the conflict in Ukraine.

The French president went into this weekend with a significant foreign and defence policy agenda to both promote and defend, so that Paris can carve out a role as a significant player on the world stage as well as the leading force in Europe.

IntelBrief: United Arab Emirates Uses Vast Financial Resources to Influence U.S. Foreign Policy

According to the Washington Post, several U.S. officials discussed with journalists a classified assessment that portrays a vast, multifaceted effort by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to influence U.S. foreign policy.

The UAE funds various lobbying efforts, reports by influential U.S. think tanks, and recruitment of ex-U.S. officials to try to shift U.S. policy in ways favorable to it and allied Persian Gulf states.

From the History of Global Politics and International Relations: The Clausewitzian Viewpoint of War

The focal questions about war

In dealing from both theoretical and practical points of view about war, at least six fundamental questions arise: 1) What is war?; 2) What types of war exist?; 3) Why do wars occur?; 4) What is the connection between war and justice?; 5) The question of war crimes?; and 6) Is it possible to replace war with the so-called “perpetual peace”?

This is Where Bankrupt FTX’s Money Went

The executives running the bankrupt crypto exchange, FTX, may have broken speed records for how fast they could spend other people’s money. They just weren’t any good at managing it on behalf of their investors or safeguarding it for their crypto exchange customers.

Joe Biden insinuează ca Elon Musk e agent extern sub acoperire si un potential asasin economic al SUA!

Legăturile lui Elon Musk cu alte ţări ‘merită să fie examinate”, a declarat preşedintele american Joe Biden, care a fost foarte prudent în declaraţiile sale atunci când a fost întrebat, într-o conferinţă de presă, dacă preluarea platformei Twitter de către miliardar reprezintă o ameninţare la adresa securităţii naţionale a SUA, din moment ce este implicat şi un prinţ saudit.

A Cold Winter for Europe: Blame Strategic Blindness

In 2008, the “flawless democrat” Putin invaded Georgia. The West was shocked. Putin critics… were shocked that the West was shocked. In 2014, Putin invaded the Crimean Peninsula, sovereign Ukrainian territory. The West remained shocked. In February 2022, Putin invaded Ukraine and annexed parts of the sovereign state. Was the West still shocked? It should not have been.

Cryptocurrencies: The new age of terror financing

Technological advances have changed the way we combat terrorism in the modern world, but these developments have also allowed violent extremists and terrorists to exploit a rapidly changing landscape for their own nefarious gains.