L’assassinat de Kennedy était un coup d’État. Mais au profit de qui ?

Réagissant à une déclaration récente de Tucker Carlson, Robert Kennedy Jr. a commenté : « le meurtre de mon oncle par la CIA était un coup d’État réussi, dont notre démocratie ne s’est jamais remise ». Beaucoup de gens pensent de même. Comme l’a écrit en commentaire un lecteur de mon dernier article sur cette affaire, « the whole fucking world knows the CIA killed Kennedy ! » Ce qui est à peu près certain, c’est qu’il y a aux États-Unis plus de gens qui pensent que la CIA a assassiné Kennedy, que de gens qui pensent que Lee Harvey Oswald est le seul coupable.

The Growing Threat Of Lone-Wolf Terrorism – Analysis

Lone-wolf attacks have evolved as the new face of terrorism and bring unique challenges for counter-terrorism studies. Violent terror attacks by extremist individuals acting upon their radicalised beliefs are termed ‘Lone-wolf terrorism’. Their actions are either inspired or influenced by a specific terrorist organisation and ideology or operate within a particular social atmosphere. Lone-wolf terrorists might be ‘loner’ acting individually without a particular ideological influence and therefore without a leader, they’re free to move between groups. But upon arrest, they may associate themselves with specific terrorist organisations. On the other hand, some terrorist organisations may also claim responsibility to gain ‘free glory’ or publicity. Lone-wolf terrorists and their attacks have an element of unpredictability, because of which counter-terrorism agencies, police and intelligence organisations have found it challenging to tackle.

A Surplus Of Men Leads To A Deficit Of Peace – OpEd

Many of us who watched the parade of new politburo members walking onto the stage at the recent meeting of the Chinese Communist Party’s 20th Congress were struck by the total absence of women. Unlike the previous 25 years, not even one.

History Shows High Inflation Can Last Over Ten Years – Analysis

Investors are on the edge of their seats for any sign that Fed central planners will someday “pivot” to cutting interest rates, instead of raising them. They forget that recessions and major stock bear markets have occurred after the Fed started cutting rates and the yield curve spread shifted from negative to positive.

Toward 2023: Preparing For Tectonic Shifts In The World Economy – Analysis

Colossal structural shifts are taking place in the global economy, as evidenced by the huge challenges during the ongoing year. In 2023, China seeks recovery, but the West – the US, the Eurozone and the UK, and Japan – will cope with recession and the specter of a debt crisis.

In a recent Foreign Affairs commentary, Mohamed A. El-Erian warned that we are not facing just extraordinarily challenging business-cycle fluctuations, but structural and secular long-term pressures. As a result, “the global economy may never be the same.”

Global Prospects: A German View

What [German Chancellor Olaf Scholz] fails or decides not to mention is the need to acknowledge the return of the nation-state as the key force capable of correcting those mistakes.

Because a certain gang of Germans gave nationalism a bad name in the last century, one must not forget that in a world of diversity, the nation-state is the most workable model of socio-political and economic organization.

Neoliberalism and Its Discontents

All through the 1980s and 1990s, professorial mountebanks like James Q. Wilson and Charles Murray grew plump from best sellers about the criminal, probably innate, propensities of the “underclass,” about the pathology of poverty, the teen predators, the collapse of morals, the irresponsibility of teen moms.

Neoliberal Fascism, Cruel Violence, and the Politics of Disposability

The Politics and Culture of Cruelty

Cruelty has always had a special place in fascist politics. Not only did it embody a discourse of hate, bigotry, and censorship, it also initiated a practice of cruel power in order to eradicate those ideas, dissidents, and human beings considered unworthy. Legacies of fascism in Hitler’s Germany, Pinochet’s Chile, Franco’s Spain, and Mussolini’s Italy, among others, mixed a language of dread, fear, and contempt with wide-spread practices of suppression and the repressive power of the state in order to eliminate any just concept of politics and the structural conditions and ideological possibilities for developing civic and democratic communities.

Decolonization, Multipolarity, And The Demise Of The Monroe Doctrine – Analysis

It is no longer possible, in the case of America, to continue with the Monroe Doctrine nor with the slogan ‘America for the Americans.’” — Andrés Manuel López Obrador

December 3, 2023 marked the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine. It also marks its obsolescence in the face of popular resistance and the Pink Tide of progressive governments in Latin America that have been elected over the past two and a half decades. The prevailing ideology of these left and left of center movements rejects the “Washington Consensus” and opts for a new consensus based on the decolonization of the political, economic, social and cultural spheres. This consensus is accompanied by encounters and conferences that advance liberatory traditions developed since the 1960’s as well as those deeply rooted in indigenous cultures. It is Washington’s failure to respect and adjust to this political and ideological process of transformation that precludes, at this time, a constructive and cooperative U.S. foreign policy towards the region.