À quoi ressemblera le mouvement de masse du futur proche ?
Cinq hypothèses, mais aucune d’elles n’est passionnante
L’idée d’une « fabrication de la politique » est une invention de l’époque contemporaine.
L’idée que le peuple en tant que tel est en charge du destin du monde est en effet l’enfant de l’avènement de la bourgeoisie, de l’urbanisation et, enfin, de la société de masse et/ou de consommation.
“Polycrisis” is a word that has recently come into use to characterize the way crises in many different spheres – ranging from geopolitics and economics to climate and pandemic – are aggravating each other and even converging. Trump and Trumpism, like similar leaders and movements around the world, took off in the era of polycrisis and reflect many of its themes. They are also likely to severely aggravate the dynamics of the polycrisis.
Clear Priorities, Military Readiness: In his first interview as Israel’s new defense minister, Israel Katz declared on November 21 that preventing a nuclear-armed Iran is Jerusalem’s top priority in the ongoing regional war. Katz emphasized that military action is now seen as essential, arguing that diplomatic measures, including sanctions, are insufficient to dismantle Tehran’s nuclear ambitions. Katz explained how the defense establishment’s stance has evolved, observing that “in the past, there was pushback against the military option, with claims it wasn’t necessary or possible. Today, all agencies agree it is necessary—and now, everyone is united in the view that it is possible.”
Iran’s Weakening Defenses: Katz asserted that Iran has never been more vulnerable, citing Israel’s October 26 strikes that crippled Tehran’s air defense network, including Russian-supplied S-300 systems. Additionally, Hezbollah’s ability to retaliate on Iran’s behalf has been significantly diminished. Katz stated that Israel is actively lobbying the United States and other allies to act decisively against Iran’s nuclear program before it is too late.
Netanyahu Reveals Major Achievements: On November 18, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a speech to the Knesset outlining unprecedented military successes against Iran. He revealed that Israel had destroyed all four of Iran’s S-300 air defense batteries, along with an undisclosed component of its nuclear program. Analysts at FDD suggest the October 26 strike may have targeted a nuclear weaponization facility at Parchin. FDD Expert Response
Clinton’s Two Tracks Collide – NATO Enlargement and Russia Engagement
Washington, D.C., November 24, 2021 – The biggest train wreck on the track to NATO expansion in the 1990s – Boris Yeltsin’s “cold peace” blow up at Bill Clinton in Budapest in December 1994 – was the result of “combustible” domestic politics in both the U.S. and Russia, and contradictions in the Clinton attempt to have his cake both ways, expanding NATO and partnering with Russia at the same time, according to newly declassified U.S. documents published today by the National Security Archive.
Throughout 2024, as the world was shaken by ongoing violent conflicts and other crises, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams continued to provide essential medical services and humanitarian aid—because when our patients need us, we are there.
The country’s former foreign minister explains the powderkeg that is three leaders in a cannot-lose standoff
BETWEEN 2016 AND 2022, Western diplomats and journalists frequently asked Ukrainian officials what Ukraine was prepared to concede to Russia for peace. This was more than mere curiosity. It was the tip of a policy iceberg submersed in the belief that peace could be achieved by sacrificing Ukrainian interests to Russia. Look at the headlines since February 2022 to see where this approach has led.
For most of its history, Western philosophy tried to use pure reason to know reality. But, argues Robert Pippin, Heidegger showed that this entire philosophical tradition was doomed, due to its mistaken assumption that what it is to be a feature of reality is to be available to rational thought. This assumption, which culminated in Hegel, led philosophy to forget the meaningfulness of reality for humans, and so left us lost. Only by recognising that we encounter reality not primarily through reason, but through the ways in which it matters for us, can philosophy recover the world as something meaningful for humans.
Une des formes d’attaque de l’esprit humain a été développée cette dernière décennie et a été ouvertement transformée en arme en 2020 sous le vocable de «guerre cognitive». Mon argument, exprimé dans le chapitre 5 de mon livre ««Covid-19», Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy», est que les capacités cognitives publiques furent délibérément attaquées en 2020-21. J’explique ici les origines et le développement de la doctrine de «guerre cognitive» de l’OTAN et comment elle peut être utilisée à des fins de gestion de la perception.
Honestly, what would George Orwell have written about this planet of ours, four decades after that ominous year 1984 passed from his fiction into history?
And yes, in case you think that, as in his novel 1984, published in 1949, a year before his death and just as the Cold War (a term he was the first to use in an essay in October 1945) was getting underway, our world, too, seems to be heading for a nightmarish future, I suspect that — were he capable of returning to this planet of ours — he wouldn’t disagree with you for a moment. Phew! Sorry for such a long, complicated sentence, but little wonder given the way our world is now tying itself in knots. Yes, just last week, with the election of climate-change denier and (to steal from Orwell) our very own Big Brother Donald Trump as president of the United States (again!), we just paved the way for an instant all-American nightmare. Still, even without him, the world was anything but peachy keen.
Il existe des idées fausses qui ne se laissent pas démonter. Elles vont des légendes urbaines aux mythes politiques, des histoires scabreuses sur des individus qui devraient être vraies mais ne le sont pas, aux événements historiques qui ne devraient pas être vrais mais qui le sont. Souvent, ce ne sont que des nuisances, mais parfois, elles sont bien pires que cela. L’exemple le plus grave actuellement, et le sujet de cette semaine, sont les rêves et les cauchemars de guerre totale. J’ai consacré un essai entier à ce sujet il y a quelques semaines, et j’espérais ne pas avoir à y revenir, mais les tambours de guerre continuent de résonner dans toutes les parties du spectre politique, donc je suppose que cela vaut la peine d’y revenir.