UK: A Clash of Educations

While Britons are striving to promote British values, those increasingly appear not to be the values everyone here wants.

The No Outsiders curriculum… teaches acceptance of people different from oneself, which is what brings pupils into contact with mutual respect for Christians, Muslims and Jews, the disabled, gays and everyone who might be considered “other”. “It should make absolutely clear that no group should be left out….”

Turning the Tables on “Global Zero”

  • As it turns out, the modernization of America’s nuclear deterrent would require, at most, only around 3% of the annual defense budget.
  • “International arms control relies on adherence to reciprocal obligations and nations should not be required to subject themselves to unilateral observance of them. Arms control more generally is undermined by violations going unchallenged.” — Forces Network, UK, April 4, 2019.
  • “Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping continue to expand and modernize their nuclear arsenals. Future arms-control agreements must take into account both the Russian and Chinese threats, while ensuring we don’t place one-sided nuclear restrictions on ourselves.” — Senator Tom Cotton; May 13, 2019.
  • “We must… realize that America will not be able to achieve the necessary changes to New START unless it is negotiating from a position of strength. That means Congress must invest in the modernization of our nuclear triad and the additional low-yield capabilities called for in the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review. These investments are critical to America’s ability to rein in China and Russia.” — Representative Liz Cheney; May 13, 2019.

Mali : Migration irrégulière: 17 000 candidats à la migration morts en 5 ans sur la méditerranée

Les risques et les dangers liés à la migration clandestine ont fait l’objet d’une journée d’information et de sensibilisation, ce mercredi 22 mai 2019, à la maison de la femme, à Darsalam. Elle est organisée par les responsables du projet de sensibilisation et d’informer sur les risques et dangers de la migration irrégulière et la promotion de la libre circulation dans l’espace CEDEAO.

Authoritarian Spirits: Congress, the Espionage Act and Punishing WikiLeaks

The time was 1917, and for anyone keen to impress us about any liberal feelings on the part of President Woodrow Wilson, the following should be said. Having deemed the United States too proud to fight, he proceeded to commit the very same to the first global industrial conflict of its kind and overturn every reservation against backing the Franco-German alliance. Initial constipation and weary restraint gave way to a full-blooded commitment against Kaiserism.

Mali : Afrique : Un continent, un problème

Tous les pays africains sont de la même famille. Il suffit de voir apparaître une situation dramatique dans l’un pour la voir s’emparer de tout le continent en quelques jours. Le mimétisme démocratique est devenu un sobriquet de ce Vieux Continent.

Extremist Content Online: Atomwaffen Division Continues Uploads on YouTube

Violent Neo-Nazi Group Repeatedly Uploads Same Video Despite Initial Removal by Platform

The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) reports weekly on the methods used by extremists to exploit the Internet and social media platforms to recruit followers and incite violence. This week’s edition finds that several tech companies, including Google-owned YouTube, have failed to stop the reupload of content from the white supremacist group Atomwaffen Division. Additionally, a pro-ISIS group leverages Hostinger and Cloudflare to launch a new website.