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Un bon moyen pour gagner 500 $ par jour

À mesure que le concept de crypto-monnaie devient progressivement courant, de nombreuses personnes ont commencé à se lancer dans l’industrie minière pour augmenter leurs revenus. L’avantage du minage est que vous pouvez le faire comme une activité secondaire tout en continuant à gérer vos tâches quotidiennes.

World War III Coming Soon, U.S. Military Woefully Unprepared

“The Commission finds that DoD’s business practices, byzantine research and development and procurement systems, reliance on decades-old military hardware, and culture of risk avoidance reflect an era of uncontested military dominance… Such methods are not suited to today’s strategic environment…. The U.S. public are largely unaware of the dangers the United States faces or the costs (financial and otherwise) required to adequately prepare,” — Commission on the National Defense Strategy, July 29, 2024.

America Isn’t Ready for the Wars of the Future

And They’re Already Here

On the battlefields of Ukraine, the future of war is quickly becoming its present. Thousands of drones fill the skies. These drones and their operators are using artificial intelligence systems to avoid obstacles and identify potential targets. AI models are also helping Ukraine predict where to strike. Thanks to these systems, Ukrainian soldiers are taking out tanks and downing planes with devastating effectiveness. Russian units find themselves under constant observation, and their communications lines are prone to enemy disruption—as are Ukraine’s. Both states are racing to develop even more advanced technologies that can counter relentless attacks and overcome their adversary’s defenses.

Europe’s Recipe for Disaster: The Von der Leyen Program

[T]his reduction [of greenhouse gas emissions] structures and determines the whole of the Commission’s program, because all human activity — industrial, commercial and private — emits greenhouse gases. In fact, in a program document published by the Commission in February 2024, already under the aegis of von der Leyen, are plans to invest 1.5 trillion euros per year in decarbonizing the European Union, and to this end take authoritarian measures in all areas of human activity. The amount is equivalent to 10% of Europe’s GDP — every year. Apparently this policy is the uncompromising model found in every party in Germany, but apart from a war effort, there is no objective of any kind that has ever required the diversion of 10% of a continent’s GDP by political decree.

The Global Backlash Against Globalization

A mushroom-shaped cloud and water column from the underwater Baker nuclear explosion off the Marshall Islands, July 25, 1946. (Pictures from History/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

They were all buddy-buddy for the cameras, going for a joy ride in a deluxe limo and toasting each other at a gala dinner. In June, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was determined to welcome Russian President Vladimir Putin in grand style on his first visit to Pyongyang in 24 years. A red carpet, flowers, and champagne: it was a veritable romance of rogues.

Un nationalisme ukrainien exacerbé et sans fondement historique ?

En 1982, dans son livre «La politique de la France à l’égard de l’Ukraine, mars 1917-1918», Wolodymyr Kosyk affirme :

«Que [le peuple ukrainien] ait porté différents noms au cours de son histoire ne change rien au fait qu’il s’agit toujours du même peuple, ayant gardé les mêmes caractéristiques ethniques, le même caractère, la même spécificité, assimilant facilement les éléments venus s’y ajouter et refusant de s’identifier aux corps étrangers du point de vue national».

J.O. 2024 : L’«inclusion» par l’exclusion et les blasphèmes

La tolérance à quoi

Tel est le monde que l’«élite» libérale, européiste et postmoderne préconise que vous acceptiez, au nom d’une «tolérance» qui s’autorise le plus grand mépris de tout ce qui est noble, saint, intelligent, édifiant et authentiquement grand : celui du spectacle démoniaque des Olympiades – wokiste – de Paris en 2024. Ah, qu’il est beau le «progrès» contemporain, n’est-il pas ? Des «élites» à l’avant-garde du «capitalisme éveillé» et qui signent leurs œuvres prônant la débauche et la fétidité contrenature, sans s’apercevoir qu’ils ne font que préparer et répéter les errements post-civilisationnels qui ont amené les effondrements des empires du passé…

Les bases civiles de l’OTAN

Pourquoi l’OTAN a-t-elle été si généralement acceptée en Europe par presque tous les grands partis politiques et, surtout, par les sociaux-démocrates ? Ses coûts économiques, ses guerres d’agression illégales, ses dommages environnementaux et les risques d’anéantissement nucléaire semblent en faire un élément de premier ordre. Il est peu probable que des militants politiques bien informés croient qu’une invasion de la Suisse ou du Danemark est imminente. Il existe d’importants mouvements anti-OTAN, tels que Non à la guerre, Non à l’OTAN, mais jusqu’à présent, ils n’ont pas été en mesure d’inverser la tendance.

‘Convivencia’, What Is It All About? – Analysis

Convivencia: Spanish noun, from convivir, to live with the other, used by historians in the 20th century to describe inter-religious coexistence in al-Andalus, between the 8th and 15th centuries. The roots of this word, and of its Occitan twin Convivéncia, lie in an ancient Pyrenean matrimonial alliance. (1) In the 8th century, Llívia, a small Pyrenean town in Cerdagne, welcomed an Amazigh/Berber-Occitan couple. He was killed, she was exiled, the marriage ended badly. But this union, later magnified by the romantics, continues to nourish the concept of Convivencia, a concept with strong political potential. A story of halted territorial expansion, a pact between dissidents, an “unnatural” marriage and, ultimately, the re-establishment of the warrior order.

The 700-Year-Old Polish-Hungarian Brotherhood Is Officially Dead At The State-To-State Level

There’s no restoring the trust that was just lost at that level, but the Polish-Hungarian Brotherhood still endures in the hearts of their patriots since they’ll never let politicians break the bonds between them.

Polish-Hungarian tensions have been boiling for the past two and a half years due to their polar opposite approaches towards the latest phase of the Ukrainian Conflict and finally spilled over this weekend. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban lambasted Poland in a speech where he accused it of seeking to replace the EU’s traditional Franco-German axis with a new one comprised of itself, the UK, Ukraine, the Baltic States, and Scandinavia, with the innuendo being that this is contributing to continental instability.